# UI Functions: Start Up Panel ##
# The below are AquaFlux ui commands
# only UI commands are found here
# GUIdir
.test.GuiDir = function(a, lab){
# get the file path
b = unlist(a[1])
b0 = paste0(b, collapse = "/")
b1 = b0
unix.start = "~/"
windows.start = "~/"
if ( .Platform$OS.type=="unix"){ b1= paste0(unix.start,b0)}
if ( .Platform$OS.type=="windows"){ stop("PROGRAM THIS FOR WINDOWS"); b1= paste0(windows.start,b0) } #lilo
# test if it's a good path
good.path = file.exists(b1)
# if it's a good path, use it
if (good.path==T & b1!=unix.start & b1!=windows.start){ #lilo-- add start for windows
if (lab=="GuiDirSave"){
v$setup.SiteType = paste( "Save directory accepted:", b1)
v$AquaFlux.work.dir = b1
if (lab=="GuiDirMet"){
v$setup.SiteType = paste( "Met directory accepted:", b1)
v$accepted.met.dir = T
v$met.dir = b1
if (lab=="GuiDirDT"){
v$setup.SiteType = paste( "dT directory accepted:", b1)
v$accepted.dt.dir = T
v$dt.dir = b1
} #else
# export
# Start Up Panel: First questions
###### Background
########### .dir.declare.save
.dir.declare.save.man = shiny::textInput('AquaFlux.work.dir', "Where do you want AquaFlux to save stuff?", value = "<Copy & Paste file path>")
.dir.declare.save.nav = shinyFiles::shinyDirButton("GuiDirSave", "Or navigate to directory", "Upload")
.dir.declare.save = shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.save.man, style="display:inline-block"),
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.save.nav, style="display:inline-block")
# tags$div(.dir.declare.save.man, style="display:inline-block"),
# tags$div(.dir.declare.save.nav, style="display:inline-block")
###### Actual UI
# Start Up Panel: New Site, basic questions (formally .ui.setup.1)
###### Background
.delim.options = c("Comma" = ",",
"Tab" = "/t",
"Semicolon " = ";",
"Space" = " ")
########### .dir.declare.met
.dir.declare.met.man = shiny::textInput('met.dir', "Where is your meteorological data?", value = "<Copy & Paste file path>")
.dir.declare.met.nav = shinyFiles::shinyDirButton("GuiDirMet", "Or navigate to directory", "Upload")
.dir.declare.met = shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.met.man, style="display:inline-block"),
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.met.nav, style="display:inline-block")
########### .dir.declare.met
.dir.declare.dt.man = shiny::textInput('dt.dir', "Raw dT Directory", value = "<Copy & Paste file path>")
.dir.declare.dt.nav = shinyFiles::shinyDirButton("GuiDirDT", "Or navigate to directory", "Upload")
.dir.declare.dt = shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.dt.man, style="display:inline-block"),
shiny::tags$div(.dir.declare.dt.nav, style="display:inline-block")
###### Actual UI
# Start Up Panel: New Site, 2nd questions about units and labels (formally .ui.setup.2)
###### Background
########### menu options for units
.air.temp.units.options = c("C" = "C",
"F" = "F",
"K" = "K",
"<NA>" = "NA")
.dT.units.options = c("mV" = "mV",
"C" = "C",
"F" = "F",
"K" = "K")
.RH.units.options = c("%" = "%",
"Decimal", "Decimal",
"<NA>" = "NA")
.timestamp.options = c("<select>" = "none",
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'= '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
'%Y-%d-%m %H:%M'= '%Y-%d-%m %H:%M',
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'= '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M',
'%m/%d/%y %H:%M'= '%m/%d/%y %H:%M',
'%d/%m/%y %H:%M'= '%d/%m/%y %H:%M',
"<manually add>" = "manual")
.start.up.ui.questions = shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::actionButton(inputId="launch.load", label="Load Exisiting Site (takes a minute)"),
shiny::actionButton(inputId="launch.new", label="Start New Site")
# Start Up Panel: MASTER
.ui.setup.site = shiny::fluidPage(
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.