
Defines functions cbind.mimids cbind

Documented in cbind cbind.mimids

#' @title Combine `mimids` and `wimids` Objects by Columns
#' @name cbind
#' @rdname cbind
#' @aliases cbind cbind.mimids cbind.wimids
#' @param ... Objects to combine columnwise. The first argument should be a `mimids` or `wimids` object. Additional `data.frame`s, `matrix`es, `factor`s, or `vector`s can be supplied. These can be given as named arguments.
#' @param deparse.level Ignored.
#' @description This function combines a [`mimids`] or [`wimids`] object columnwise with additional datasets or variables. Typically these would be variables not included in the original multiple imputation and therefore absent in the `mimids` or `wimids` object. `with()` can then be used on the output to run models with the added variables.
#' @return An object with the same class as the first input object with the additional datasets or variables added to the components.
#' @seealso [cbind()]
#' @author Farhad Pishgar and Noah Greifer
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{#Loading libraries
#' library(survey)
#' #Loading the dataset
#' data(osteoarthritis)
#' #Multiply imputing the missing values
#' imputed.datasets <- mice::mice(osteoarthritis, m = 5)
#' #Weighting the multiply imputed datasets
#' weighted.datasets <- weightthem(OSP ~ AGE + SEX + BMI + RAC + SMK,
#'                                 imputed.datasets,
#'                                 approach = 'within')
#' #Adding additional variables
#' weighted.datasets <- cbind(weighted.datasets,
#'                            logAGE = log(osteoarthritis$AGE))
#' #Using the additional variables in an analysis
#' models <- with(weighted.datasets,
#'                svyglm(KOA ~ OSP + logAGE, family = quasibinomial))
#' #Pooling results obtained from analyzing the datasets
#' results <- pool(models)
#' summary(results)}

cbind <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {

  #External function
  #S3 method


#' @rdname cbind
#' @method cbind mimids
#' @export

cbind.mimids <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {

  #S3 method

  #Importing functions
  #' @importFrom mice cbind
  #' @export

  #Checking inputs format
  if(...length() == 1) return(..1)
  if(!(is.mimids(..1)) && !(is.wimids(..1)))
    stop("The first argument must be a 'mimids' or 'wimids' object.")

  dots <- list(...)
  classed <- class(dots[[1]])
  x <- dots[[1]]
  dots[[1]] <- x$object

  x$object <- do.call(mice::cbind, dots)

  #Returning output

#' @rdname cbind
#' @method cbind wimids
#' @export

cbind.wimids <- cbind.mimids
FarhadPishgar/MatchThem documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:50 a.m.