
Defines functions getFactorsnb getCnb getRegionalGMRF getQnb getQpoly getQar getQrw getQrw1 Dnb Dseasonal Dharm Drw Drw1 Dar

Documented in Dar Dharm Dnb Drw Drw1 Dseasonal getCnb getFactorsnb getQar getQnb getQpoly getQrw getQrw1 getRegionalGMRF

# -------------------------------------------------------
#  Functions to create simple gmrfs
# -------------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------------
# first the difference functions
# -------------------------------

#' Differences defining a cyclic auto regressive process
#' or equivalently, an AR with toroidal edge effects.
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param phi the autoregressive parameters
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
Dar <- function(n, phi) {
  order <- length(phi)
  vec <- c(1, rep(0, n-order-1), -rev(phi))
  mat <- sapply(1:n, function(i) vec[(-i + 1 + 0:(n-1)) %% n + 1])

#' Differences defining a 1st order random walk
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF.
#' @param cyclic logical: should the differences be cyclic, i.e.
#'        corrected for toroidal edge effects .
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
Drw1 <- function(n, cyclic = FALSE) {
    out <- diag(n) 
    diag(out[,-1]) <- -1
    out[n,1] <- -1
    if (cyclic) out else out[-n,]

#' Differences defining a cyclic nth order random walk
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF.
#' @param order the order of the random walk.
#' @param cyclic logical: should the differences be cyclic, i.e.
#'        corrected for toroidal edge effects. 
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
Drw <- function(n, order = 2, cyclic = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(order > 0)
  out <- diag(n)
  for (i in 1:order) {
    out <- out %*% Drw1(n, cyclic = TRUE)
  if (cyclic) out else out[1:(n-order),]

#' Differences defining a cyclic nth order random walk
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param wavelength the wavelength of the harmonic. default is for this
#'        this to be n, i.e. one cycle.
#' @param cyclic logical: should the smoother be cyclic, i.e.
#'        corrected for toroidal edge effects.      
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
Dharm <- function(n, wavelength = n, cyclic = FALSE) {
  D1 <- Drw1(n, cyclic = TRUE)
  D3 <- D1 %*% D1 %*% D1
  out <- D3 + (2*pi/wavelength)^2 * D1
  if (cyclic) out else out[1:(n-3),]

#' Differences defining a seasonal model
#' This model treats the sum over m time points
#' to be stationary
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param m the length of the seasonal period
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
Dseasonal <- function(n, m) {
  vec <- c(rep(1, m), rep(0, n-m))
  t(sapply(1:(n-m+1), function(i) vec[(-i + 1 + 0:(n-1)) %% n + 1]))

#' Differences defining a regional model
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param nb the neighbourhood structure of a regional layout
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each connection / edge
#' @export
Dnb <- function(nb) {
  nnodes <- length(nb)
  region.id <- attr(nb, "region.id")
  # keep edges in one direction only
  nb <- lapply(1:nnodes, function(i) nb[[i]] <- nb[[i]][nb[[i]] > i])
  edge_to <- unlist(nb)
  nedges <- length(edge_to)
  nedge_from <- sapply(nb, length)
  out <- diag(nnodes)[rep(1:nnodes, nedge_from),]
  ids <- cbind(1:nedges, unlist(nb))
  out[ids] <- -1
  colnames(out) <- region.id
  rownames(out) <- 1:nrow(out)

# -------------------------------
# Now the precision functions
# -------------------------------

#' Compute RW1 precision matrix
#' If weights are supplied
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences (see details)
#' @param cyclic logical: should the smoother be cyclic, i.e.
#'        corrected for toroidal edge effects. 
#' @return what does it return
#' @export
getQrw1 <- function(n, weights = NULL, cyclic = FALSE) {
  D <- Drw1(n, cyclic = cyclic)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != nrow(D)) {
      stop("weights must be the same length as the number of unique differences in the GMRF")
    out <- t(D) %*% diag(weights) %*% D
  } else {
    out <- t(D) %*% D

#' Compute RWn precision matrix
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param order the order of the random walk 
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences (see details)
#' @param cyclic logical: should the smoother be cyclic, i.e.
#'        corrected for toroidal edge effects. 
#' @return what does it return
#' @examples
#' require(gmrf)
#' n <- 100
#' idx <- 1:n
#' idy <- c(5:40, 60:n)
#' set.seed(64)
#' Q <- getQrw(n, order = 2)
#' x <- simQ(exp(1) * Q)
#' # simulate the first 3/4, say
#' y <- x + rnorm(n) * 3.5
#' y <- y[idy]
#' ## set up variables for smoothing
#' rownames(Q) <- colnames(Q) <- idx
#' ## fit an RW2 smoother with restricted df
#' g1 <- gam(y ~ s(idy, bs = "gmrf", xt = list(penalty = Q), k = length(y)-1), method="REML")
#' summary(g1)
#' plot(idy, y, xlim = range(idx), ylim = range(x,y))
#' lines(idx, x, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
#' pred <- predict(g1, newdata = list(idy = idx), se = TRUE)
#' lines(idx, pred$fit, col = "red", lwd = 2)
#' lines(idx, pred$fit + 2*pred$se.fit, col = "red", lty = 2)
#' lines(idx, pred$fit - 2*pred$se.fit, col = "red", lty = 2)
#' @export
getQrw <- function(n, order = 2, weights = NULL, cyclic = FALSE) {
  D <- Drw(n, order = order, cyclic = cyclic)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != nrow(D)) {
      stop("weights must be the same length as the number of unique differences in the GMRF")
    out <- t(D) %*% diag(weights) %*% D
  } else {
    out <- t(D) %*% D

#' Differences defining a cyclic auto regressive process
#' or equivalently, an AR with toroidal edge effects.
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param n the size of the GMRF
#' @param phi the autoregressive parameters
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences in effect
#'        allowing different variances at each time step.
#' @return a Matrix
#' @export
getQar <- function(n, phi, weights = NULL) {
  D <- Dar(n, phi)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != nrow(D)) {
      stop("weights must be the same length as the number of unique differences in the GMRF")
    out <- t(D) %*% diag(weights) %*% D
  } else {
    out <- t(D) %*% D

#' Differences defining a regional model from spatial polygons... 
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param poly a spatial polygon
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences in effect
#'        allowing different connections between regions to vary differently.
#'        An example of a weight could be the length of the shared border between regions
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each connection / edge
#' @export
getQpoly <- function(poly, weights = NULL) {
  nb <- spdep::poly2nb(poly, queen = FALSE)
  D <- Dnb(nb)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != nrow(D)) {
      stop("weights must be the same length as the number of unique differences in the GMRF")
    out <- t(D) %*% diag(weights) %*% D
  } else {
    out <- t(D) %*% D
  rownames(out) <- colnames(out) <- attr(nb, "region.id")

#' Differences defining a regional model
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param nb the neighbourhood structure of a regional layout
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences in effect
#'        allowing different connections between regions to vary differently.
#'        An example of a weight could be the length of the shared border between regions
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each connection / edge
#' @export
getQnb <- function(nb, weights = NULL) {
  D <- Dnb(nb)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != nrow(D)) {
      stop("weights must be the same length as the number of unique differences in the GMRF")
    out <- t(D) %*% diag(weights) %*% D
  } else {
    out <- t(D) %*% D
  rownames(out) <- colnames(out) <- attr(nb, "region.id")

#' Differences defining a regional model
#' This one is for back compatability
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param nbmat the neighbourhood structure of a regional layout as a matrix
#' @param weights weights to be applied to the node differences in effect
#'        allowing different connections between regions to vary differently.
#'        An example of a weight could be the length of the shared border between regions
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each connection / edge
#' @export
getRegionalGMRF <- function(nbmat, weights = NULL) {
  nbmat <- as(nbmat, "dgTMatrix")

  out <- nbmat
  if (any(out @ x == 0)) stop("something went wrong")
  out @ x[] <- -1/out @ x
  diag(out) <- rowSums(nbmat)
  out <- as.matrix(out)

  colnames(out) <- rownames(out) <- rownames(nbmat)

#' Get a constraint matrix for a regional GMRF
#' Details. Each group of regions sums to zero.
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param Q a precision matrix for a regional GMRF
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each distinct group
#' @export
getCnb <- function(Q) {
  # identify singletons
  singles <- which(diag(Q) == 0)

  # remove singletons from spatial matrix
  Qsub <- Q[-singles, -singles]

  # the null space dimension of Q tells you how many groups
  # the vectors of the null space correspond to the individual regions
  # but need to strip out singletons first to get more interpretable vectors
  nullQ <- Null(Qsub)

  # how many distinct groupings?
  null.space.dim <- ncol(nullQ)

  # build constraint
  constraint <- matrix(0, null.space.dim + length(singles), nrow(Q))
  constraint[1:null.space.dim,-singles] <- replace(t(nullQ), t(nullQ) != 0, 1)
  constraint[-(1:null.space.dim), singles] <- diag(length(singles))


#' Get a constraint matrix for a regional GMRF
#' Details. Each group of regions sums to zero.
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param Q a precision matrix for a regional GMRF
#' @return a Matrix with a column for each region and a row for each distinct group
#' @export
getFactorsnb <- function(Q) {
  # create a variable for groupings using Q
  # identify singletons
  singles <- which(diag(Q) == 0)

  # remove singletons from spatial matrix
  Qsub <- Q[-singles, -singles]

  # the null space dimension of Q tells you how many groups
  # the vectors of the null space correspond to the individual regions
  # but need to strip out singletons first to get more interpretable vectors
  nullQ <- Null(Qsub)

  # how many distinct groupings?
  null.space.dim <- ncol(nullQ)

  # create a variable for groupings
  grp <- rep(NA, ncol(Q))
  grp[-singles] <- rowSums((nullQ != 0) * rep(1:null.space.dim, each = nrow(nullQ)))
  grp[singles] <- seq_along(singles) + null.space.dim
Faskally/gmrf documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 1:16 p.m.