estimateRichness: Estimate richness measures

estimateRichnessR Documentation

Estimate richness measures


Several functions for calculation of community richness indices available via wrapper functions. They are implemented via the vegan package.


  assay.type = assay_name,
  assay_name = "counts",
  index = c("ace", "chao1", "hill", "observed"),
  name = index,
  detection = 0,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam()

## S4 method for signature 'SummarizedExperiment'
  assay.type = assay_name,
  assay_name = "counts",
  index = c("ace", "chao1", "hill", "observed"),
  name = index,
  detection = 0,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam()



a SummarizedExperiment object.


the name of the assay used for calculation of the sample-wise estimates.


a single character value for specifying which assay to use for calculation. (Please use assay.type instead. At some point assay_name will be disabled.)


a character vector, specifying the richness measures to be calculated.


a name for the column(s) of the colData the results should be stored in.


a numeric value for selecting detection threshold for the abundances. The default detection threshold is 0.


additional parameters passed to estimateRichness


A BiocParallelParam object specifying whether calculation of estimates should be parallelized.


These include the ‘ace’, ‘Chao1’, ‘Hill’, and ‘Observed’ richness measures. See details for more information and references.

The richness is calculated per sample. This is a standard index in community ecology, and it provides an estimate of the number of unique species in the community. This is often not directly observed for the whole community but only for a limited sample from the community. This has led to alternative richness indices that provide different ways to estimate the species richness.

Richness index differs from the concept of species diversity or evenness in that it ignores species abundance, and focuses on the binary presence/absence values that indicate simply whether the species was detected.

The function takes all index names in full lowercase. The user can provide the desired spelling through the argument name (see examples).

The following richness indices are provided.

  • 'ace': Abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE) is another nonparametric richness index that uses sample coverage, defined based on the sum of the probabilities of the observed species. This method divides the species into abundant (more than 10 reads or observations) and rare groups in a sample and tends to underestimate the real number of species. The ACE index ignores the abundance information for the abundant species, based on the assumption that the abundant species are observed regardless of their exact abundance. We use here the bias-corrected version (O'Hara 2005, Chiu et al. 2014) implemented in estimateR. For an exact formulation, see estimateR. Note that this index comes with an additional column with standard error information.

  • 'chao1': This is a nonparametric estimator of species richness. It assumes that rare species carry information about the (unknown) number of unobserved species. We use here the bias-corrected version (O'Hara 2005, Chiu et al. 2014) implemented in estimateR. This index implicitly assumes that every taxa has equal probability of being observed. Note that it gives a lower bound to species richness. The bias-corrected for an exact formulation, see estimateR. This estimator uses only the singleton and doubleton counts, and hence it gives more weight to the low abundance species. Note that this index comes with an additional column with standard error information.

  • 'hill': Effective species richness aka Hill index (see e.g. Chao et al. 2016). Currently only the case 1D is implemented. This corresponds to the exponent of Shannon diversity. Intuitively, the effective richness indicates the number of species whose even distribution would lead to the same diversity than the observed community, where the species abundances are unevenly distributed.

  • 'observed': The observed richness gives the number of species that is detected above a given detection threshold in the observed sample (default 0). This is conceptually the simplest richness index. The corresponding index in the vegan package is "richness".


x with additional colData named *name*


Leo Lahti. Contact:


Chao A. (1984) Non-parametric estimation of the number of classes in a population. Scand J Stat. 11:265–270.

Chao A, Chun-Huo C, Jost L (2016). Phylogenetic Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based on Hill Numbers. Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics, Springer International Publishing, pp. 141–172, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22461-9_8.

Chiu, C.H., Wang, Y.T., Walther, B.A. & Chao, A. (2014). Improved nonparametric lower bound of species richness via a modified Good-Turing frequency formula. Biometrics 70, 671-682.

O'Hara, R.B. (2005). Species richness estimators: how many species can dance on the head of a pin? J. Anim. Ecol. 74, 375-386.

See Also


  • estimateR



# Calculates all richness indices by default
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus)

# Shows all indices

# Shows Hill index

# Deletes hill index
colData(esophagus)$hill <- NULL

# Shows all indices, hill is deleted

# Delete the remaining indices
colData(esophagus)[, c("observed", "chao1", "ace")] <- NULL

# Calculates observed richness index and saves them with specific names
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus,
    index = c("observed", "chao1", "ace", "hill"),
     name = c("Observed", "Chao1", "ACE", "Hill"))

# Show the new indices

# Deletes all colData (including the indices)
colData(esophagus) <- NULL

# Calculate observed richness excluding singletons (detection limit 1)
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus, index="observed", detection = 1)

# Deletes all colData (including the indices)
colData(esophagus) <- NULL

# Indices must be written correctly (all lowercase), otherwise an error
# gets thrown
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus, index="ace")

# Calculates Chao1 and ACE indices only
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus, index=c("chao1", "ace"),
                                          name=c("Chao1", "ACE"))

# Deletes all colData (including the indices)
colData(esophagus) <- NULL

# Names of columns can be chosen arbitrarily, but the length of arguments
# must match.
esophagus <- estimateRichness(esophagus,
                               index = c("ace", "chao1"),
                               name = c("index1", "index2"))
# Shows all indices

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