knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())

This document develops a method for scaling the available adult steelhead wua data to the other watersheds

Adult Trout and Steelhead WUAs

There is habitat modeling for adult trout or steelhead on 5 watersheds:

Adult Trout

  1. Battle Creek
  2. Butte Creek


  1. Merced River
  2. Tuolumne River
  3. Yuba River

Modeled WUA Exploration

bac <- cvpiaHabitat::battle_creek_instream %>%
  select(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, watershed)
buc <- cvpiaHabitat::butte_creek_instream %>%
  select(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, watershed)
mr <- cvpiaHabitat::merced_river_instream %>%
  select(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, watershed)
tr <- cvpiaHabitat::tuolumne_river_instream %>%
  select(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, watershed)
yr <- cvpiaHabitat::yuba_river_instream %>%
  select(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, watershed)

bind_rows(bac, buc, mr, tr, yr) %>%
  filter(flow_cfs < 10000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, color = watershed)) +

Yuba and Tuolumne WUA values are much higher than the other watersheds, they appear to be proporitonately higher based on watershed size.

Below are the mean values of flow in the monthes December through May. Tuolumne is about twice that of Merced and Yuba is about four times Merced. This is similar to the differences between these watershed's WUA curves.

cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>%
  select(date, `Tuolumne River`, `Yuba River`, `Merced River`) %>%
  gather(watershed, flow, -date) %>%
  filter(month(date) %in% c(1:5, 12), year(date) >= 1980) %>%
  group_by(watershed) %>%
  summarise(mean = mean(flow, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  knitr::kable(col.names = c('Watershed', 'Mean Flow (cfs)'))

In the following plot, the black line represents the ratio of Yuba/Merced mean flows and the red line represents the ration of Tuolumne/Merced mean flows.

bind_rows(bac, buc, mr, tr, yr) %>%
  filter(flow_cfs < 10000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua, color = watershed)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_line(data = mr, aes(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua * 4.19), color = 'black') +
  geom_line(data = mr, aes(flow_cfs, ST_adult_wua * 1.78), color = 'red')


For unmodeled watersheds, we will take the annual mean flow for the watershed and calculate the wua value using Merced's modeled relationship. We will then scale the wua by the ratio of mean flow between the watershed and Merced.

Here is a plot of the ratios (the black verticle line is at 1)

mean_flows <- cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>%
  filter(month(date) %in% c(1:5, 12), between(year(date), 1980, 1999)) %>%
  summarise_all(mean, na.rm=TRUE) %>%
  select(-date) %>%
  gather(watershed, mean_flow)

merced <- mean_flows %>%
  filter(watershed == 'Merced River') %>%

prop_merced_flows <- mean_flows %>%
  mutate(prop_merced = mean_flow/merced)

prop_merced_flows %>%
  ggplot(aes(watershed, prop_merced)) +
  geom_col() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1) +

Below is the esitmated adult steelhead habitat in acres for 1980

others <- approxfun(merced_river_instream$flow_cfs, merced_river_instream$ST_adult_wua, rule = 2)
other_st_adult <- prop_merced_flows %>% 
  mutate(ST_adult_wua = others(mean_flow) * prop_merced) %>% 
  full_join(cvpiaHabitat::watershed_lengths) %>% 
  filter(lifestage == 'rearing', species != 'sr') %>% 
  select(-source, -lifestage) %>% 
  group_by(watershed) %>% 
  filter(max(feet) == feet) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(sq_meters = feet/1000 * ST_adult_wua / 10.7639,
         acres = square_meters_to_acres(sq_meters)) %>% 
  filter(!(watershed %in% c("Lower-mid Sacramento River", "North Delta", "South Delta",
                            "Tuolumne River", "Merced River", "Yuba River",
                            "Butte Creek", "Battle Creek"))) %>%
  select(watershed, sq_meters, order) <- array(NA, dim = c(31, 12, 20))
for (i in 1:dim(other_st_adult)[1]) {[other_st_adult$order[i], , ] <- other_st_adult$sq_meters[i]

flows <- cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>%
  select(date, `Tuolumne River`, `Yuba River`, `Merced River`, `Battle Creek`, `Butte Creek`) %>% 
  filter(between(year(date), 1980, 1999))

fts <- cvpiaHabitat::watershed_lengths %>% 
  filter(watershed %in% c('Tuolumne River', 'Yuba River', 'Merced River', 
                          'Butte Creek', 'Battle Creek'), lifestage == 'rearing') %>% 
  group_by(watershed) %>% 
  summarise(feet = max(feet))

feet <- fts$feet
names(feet) <- fts$watershed[30,,] <- approx(x = tuolumne_river_instream$flow_cfs, 
                            y = tuolumne_river_instream$ST_adult_wua,
                            xout = flows$`Tuolumne River`, rule = 2)$y * feet[['Tuolumne River']] / 1000 / 10.7639[28,,] <- approx(x = merced_river_instream$flow_cfs, 
                            y = merced_river_instream$ST_adult_wua,
                            xout = flows$`Merced River`, rule = 2)$y * feet[['Merced River']] / 1000 / 10.7639[20,,] <- approx(x = yuba_river_instream$flow_cfs, 
                            y = yuba_river_instream$ST_adult_wua,
                            xout = flows$`Yuba River`, rule = 2)$y * feet[['Yuba River']] / 1000 / 10.7639[3,,] <- approx(x = battle_creek_instream$flow_cfs, 
                            y = battle_creek_instream$ST_adult_wua,
                            xout = flows$`Battle Creek`, rule = 2)$y * feet[['Battle Creek']] / 1000 / 10.7639[6,,] <- approx(x = butte_creek_instream$flow_cfs, 
                            y = butte_creek_instream$ST_adult_wua,
                            xout = flows$`Butte Creek`, rule = 2)$y * feet[['Butte Creek']] / 1000 / 10.7639

#lower-mid sacramento scale wua using two flows
low_mid_flows <- cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>% 
  select(date, `Lower-mid Sacramento River1`, `Lower-mid Sacramento River2`) %>% 
  filter(between(year(date), 1980, 1999)) %>% 

low_mid_ft <- watershed_lengths %>% 
  filter(watershed == 'Lower-mid Sacramento River') %>% pull(feet)[21,,] <- (35.6/58 * others(low_mid_flows$`Lower-mid Sacramento River1`) + 
  22.4/58 * others(low_mid_flows$`Lower-mid Sacramento River2`)) * low_mid_ft / 1000 / 10.7639 

# devtools::use_data([,,1]  %>% square_meters_to_acres()

FlowWest/cvpiaHabitat documentation built on Oct. 27, 2020, 2:09 p.m.