
# Sacramento River Mainstem ------------------------------
#' Mainstem Sacramento River Spawning Habitat
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_WUA}{fall run spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{LFR_spawn_WUA}{late-fall run fry spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_spawn_WUA}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA were derived from a FWS River2D model. The study is broken into several
#'  segments: Keswick to A.C.I.D. (3.5 mi), A.C.I.D. to Cow Creek (18.5 mi),
#'  Cow Creek to Battle Creek (8.5 mi), Battle Creek to Red Bluff (22.5 mi), and
#'  Red Bluff to Deer Creek (23.5 mi). The Upper Sacramento fall run
#' spawning WUA values include the spawning that occurs in the Upper and Upper-mid Sacramento River
#' (Keswick to Deer Creek). The Late-Fall Run, Winter Run, and Steelhead spawn from Keswick to Battle
#' Creek. The A.C.I.D. boards are in April 1st - October 31st
#' \tabular{lllllll}{
#'   \strong{Species} \tab \strong{Migration} \tab \strong{Peak Migration} \tab \strong{Spawning} \tab \strong{Peak Spawning} \tab \strong{Juvenile Emergence} \tab \strong{Juvenile Rearing} \cr
#'   Late-Fall Run \tab Oct-Apr \tab Dec \tab Jan-Apr \tab Feb-Mar \tab Apr-Jun \tab 7-13 mths \cr
#'   Winter Run \tab Dec-Jul \tab Mar \tab Apr-Aug \tab May-Jun \tab Jul-Oct \tab 5-10 mths \cr
#'   Spring Run \tab Mar-Sep \tab May-Jun \tab Aug-Oct \tab Mid-Sep \tab Nov-Mar \tab 3-15 mths \cr
#'   Fall Run \tab Jun-Dec \tab Sep-Oct \tab Sep-Dec \tab Oct-Nov \tab Dec-Mar \tab 1-7 mths \cr
#' }
#' \emph{Generalised life history Yoshinyama et al. 1998}
#' @examples
#' upper_sac_ACID_boards_in
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/HendrixEtAl2014_Winter_Run_Model_Tech_Memo.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model}
#' @name up_sac_spawn
#' @aliases NULL

#' @rdname up_sac_spawn

#' @rdname up_sac_spawn

#' Mainstem Sacramento River Floodplain Rearing Habitat
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in square meters as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 81 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{floodplain_sq_meters}{suitable floodplain area in square meters}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @examples
#' upper_sacramento_river_floodplain
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain
#' Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter
#' Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model. The high quality depth and high quality velocity ("Pref11") "BankArea"
#' result was used as floodplain area. High quality velocities were assumed to be less than or equal to 0.15 meters
#' per second, and high quality depths were assumed to be between 0.2 meters and 1.5 meters.
#' @section  Model Scaling:
#' The study's results were scaled using the proportion of the CVPIA reach with each study reach extent.
#' @section Upper Sacramento River:
#' The CVPIA Upper Sacramento River extends from Keswick to Red Bluff (59.3 mi).
#' This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Keswick to Battle Creek (28.9 mi) and Battle Creek to
#' the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi).
#' @section Upper-mid Sacramento River:
#' The study's extent is from Battle Creek to the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi).
#' The CVPIA Upper-mid Sacramento River extends from Red Blurr to Wilkins Slough (122.3 mi).
#' @section Lower-mid Sacramento River:
#' The CVPIA Lower-mid Sacramento River extends
#' from Wilkins Slough to the American River (58.0 mi). This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Battle Creek to
#' the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi) and the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.9 mi).
#' @section Lower Sacramento River:
#' The study's extent is from the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.4 mi). The CVPIA Lower
#' Sacramento River extends from the confluence with the American River to Freeport (13.7 mi).
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/HendrixEtAl2014_Winter_Run_Model_Tech_Memo.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model}
#' @name sac_floodplain
#' @aliases NULL

#' @rdname sac_floodplain

#' @rdname sac_floodplain

#' @rdname sac_floodplain

#' @rdname sac_floodplain

#' Mainstem Sacramento River Instream Rearing Habitat
#' @description A dataset containing the instream rearing habitat area in square meters as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 81 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{rearing_sq_meters}{suitable instream rearing area in square meters}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @examples
#' upper_sacramento_river_instream
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain
#' Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter
#' Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model. The high quality depth and high quality velocity ("Pref11") "BankArea"
#' result was used as floodplain area. High quality velocities were assumed to be less than or equal to 0.15 meters
#' per second, and high quality depths were assumed to be between 0.2 meters and 1.5 meters.
#' @section  Model Scaling:
#' The study's results were scaled using the proportion of the CVPIA reach with each study reach extent.
#' @section Upper Sacramento River:
#' The CVPIA Upper Sacramento River extends from Keswick to Red Bluff (59.3 mi).
#' This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Keswick to Battle Creek (28.9 mi) and Battle Creek to
#' the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi).
#' @section Upper-mid Sacramento River:
#' The study's extent is from Battle Creek to the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi).
#' The CVPIA Upper-mid Sacramento River extends from Red Blurr to Wilkins Slough (122.3 mi).
#' @section Lower-mid Sacramento River:
#' The CVPIA Lower-mid Sacramento River extends
#' from Wilkins Slough to the American River (58.0 mi). This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Battle Creek to
#' the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi) and the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.9 mi).
#' @section Lower Sacramento River:
#' The study's extent is from the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.4 mi). The CVPIA Lower
#' Sacramento River extends from the confluence with the American River to Freeport (13.7 mi).
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/HendrixEtAl2014_Winter_Run_Model_Tech_Memo.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model}
#' @name sac_instream
#' @aliases NULL

#' @rdname sac_instream

#' @rdname sac_instream

#' @rdname sac_instream

#' @rdname sac_instream

#' Bypass Flow to Habitat Area Relationships
#' @description A dataset containing the suitable habitat area in square meters as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second for both instream and floodplain.
#' @format 4 dataframes, one for each bypass and floodplain or instream habitat type
#' @section Yolo Bypass:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{Yolo Bypass 1}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Yolo Bypass, Fremont Weir to Sacramento Weir}
#'   \item{Yolo Bypass 2}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Yolo Bypass below Sacramento Weir}
#' }
#' @section Sutter Bypass:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{Sutter Bypass 1}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Moulton Weir}
#'   \item{Sutter Bypass 2}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Colusa Weir}
#'   \item{Sutter Bypass 3}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Tisdale Weir}
#'   \item{Sutter Bypass 4}{suitable floodplain area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass below Tisdale Weir}
#' }
#' @details Habitat estimates from NOAA NMFS Winter Run Life Cycle Model
#' High quality defined by:
#' Channel depth > 0.2 m and < 1.5 m
#' Velocity <= 0.15 m/s
#' @examples
#' yolo_bypass_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/HendrixEtAl2014_Winter_Run_Model_Tech_Memo.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model}
#' @name bypass
#' @aliases NULL

#' @rdname bypass

#' @rdname bypass

#' @rdname bypass

#' @rdname bypass

# FLOODPLAIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Merced River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#'   function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 22 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage (use for Steelhead when required)}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed} }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 25.50 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 51.76 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 34.60 miles were classified as low gradient and 17.16 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/TO25-ST8_Tech_Memo_SJR.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}
#' @examples
#' merced_river_floodplain

#' Yuba River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 20 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Spring Run Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 23.07 miles was modeled using SRH-2D hydraulic model developed by Dr. Greg Pasternack at the University of California, Davis. Active channel area of 446.20 acres estimated through remote sensing analysis was subtracted from total inundated area to get inundated floodplain area
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CVPIA_Annual_Progress_Report_Fiscal_Year_2014_Yuba_SRH2D_Page18.pdf}{SRH-2D hydraulic model developed by Dr. Greg Pasternack at the University of California, Davis}
#' @examples
#' yuba_river_floodplain

#' Tuolumne River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 37 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 54.33 miles was modeled by TID and MID using a TUFLOW hydraulic model with 1D channel and 2D overbank components. This approach directly modeled  inundated floodplain area.
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Tuolumne_W-AR_21__Study+Report.pdf}{TUFLOW hydraulic model with 1D channel and 2D overbank components}
#' @examples
#' tuolumne_river_floodplain

#' Antelope Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 22 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.47 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 31.62 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 10.48 miles were classified as low gradient and 21.14 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' antelope_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Scaled from a Deer Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Battle Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 22 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage (use for Spring Run and Steelhead when required)}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details HEC-RAS model runs to generate Deer Creek CVPIA DSM inputs conducted by Mark Gard (mark_gard@fws.gov) in 2017. A Battle Creek scaling factor of 147\% was calculated as the average ratio of Battle Creek monthly mean flow to Deer Creek monthly mean flow between December and June. This scaling factor was applied to Deer Creek flows and corresponding floodplain area per river mile values, which were then multiplied by the 5.87 mile low gradient mapped rearing extent in Battle Creek. Remote sensing analysis of aerial photography was used to confirm differentiation between instream (active channel area of 52.4 acres) and floodplain inundation area.
#' @examples
#' battle_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Scaled from a Deer Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Bear Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.25 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 17.30 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 4.32 miles were classified as low gradient and 12.98 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' bear_creek_floodplain

#' Cow Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 2.16 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 64.17 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 8.59 miles were classified as low gradient and 55.58 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 2.16 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 94.19 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 8.59 miles were classified as low gradient and 85.60 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' cow_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Scaled from a Deer Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Mill Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.98 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 21.10 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 7.50 miles were classified as low gradient and 13.60 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.98 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 53.49 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 7.50 miles were classified as low gradient and 45.99 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' mill_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Scaled from a Deer Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Paynes Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.22 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 11.81 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 2.04 miles were classified as low gradient and 9.77 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Deer Creek based onhydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.22 percent of DeerCreek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Deer Creek. Of the entire mapped 27.81 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 2.04 miles were classified as low gradient and 25.77 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' paynes_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Scaled from a Deer Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Stony Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 32 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Cottonwood Creek  based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.59 percent of Cottonwood Creek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Cottonwood Creek. Of the entire mapped 26.12 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 26.12 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was  applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' stony_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CVPIA+Annual+Progress+Report+Fiscal+Year+2017.pdf}{Scaled from a Cottonwood Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a hybrid USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Thomes Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
#' @format dataframe with 32 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Cottonwood Creek  based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.37 percent of Cottonwood Creek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Cottonwood Creek. Of the entire mapped 37.47 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 37.47 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was  applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Cottonwood Creek  based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.37 percent of Cottonwood Creek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Cottonwood Creek. Of the entire mapped 42.70 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 37.47 miles were classified as low gradient and 5.22 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was  applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' thomes_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CVPIA+Annual+Progress+Report+Fiscal+Year+2017.pdf}{Scaled from a Cottonwood Creek flow to floodplain area relationship generated with a hybrid USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Stanislaus River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 16 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 60.31 miles was modeled using SRH-2D hyraulic model developed by NewFields (now FlowWest). Active channel area of 409.10 acres estimated through remote sensing analysis was subtracted from total inundated area to get inundated floodplain area.
#' @examples
#' stanislaus_river_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/NewFields+Stanislaus+Model+Documentation.pdf}{SRH-2D hyraulic model developed by NewFields (now FlowWest)}

#' San Joaquin River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 32 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 45.68 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Active channel area of 534.20 acres estimated through remote sensing analysis was subtracted from total inundated area to get inundated floodplain area.
#' @examples
#' san_joaquin_river_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/TO25-ST8_Tech_Memo_SJR.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Mokelumne River to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 37 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for the Tuolumne River based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.50 percent of the Tuolumne River values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and the Tuolumne River. Of the entire mapped 58.40 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 58.40 miles were classifiedas low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @source  \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Tuolumne_W-AR_21__Study+Report.pdf}{TUFLOW hydraulic model with 1D channel and 2D overbank components}
#' @examples
#' mokelumne_river_floodplain

#' Feather River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 40 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run, Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 64.98 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Active channel area of 2363.20 acres estimated through remote sensing analysis was subtracted from total inundated area to get inundated floodplain area.
#' @examples
#' feather_river_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Elder Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 31 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 5.40 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 7.10 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 7.10 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' elder_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Deer Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' A 11.76 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 18.39 miles was modeled using Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy (DCWC) 1D HEC-RAS model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 11.76 miles were classified as low gradient and 6.63 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 11.76 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 47.92 miles was modeled using Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy (DCWC) 1D HEC-RAS model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 11.76 miles were classified as low gradient and 36.16 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DRAFT+Deer+Creek+Hydraulic+Models+Tech+Memo+6-08-07.pdf}{Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy (DCWC) 1D HEC-RAS model}
#' @examples
#' deer_creek_floodplain

#' Cottonwood Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 32 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' A 22.36 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 22.36 miles was modeled using USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 22.36 miles were classified as low gradient and -0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run Modeling:
#' A 22.36 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 119.48 miles was modeled using USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 22.36 miles were classified as low gradient and 97.12 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 22.36 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 142.26 miles was modeled using USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 22.36 miles were classified as low gradient and 119.90 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' cottonwood_creek_floodplain
#' @source  \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CVPIA+Annual+Progress+Report+Fiscal+Year+2017.pdf}{USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Cosumnes River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 37 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for the Tuolumne River based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.50 percent of the Tuolumne River values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and the Tuolumne River. Of the entire mapped 41.34 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 41.34 miles were classifiedas low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Tuolumne_W-AR_21__Study+Report.pdf}{Scaled TUFLOW hydraulic model with 1D channel and 2D overbank components}
#' @examples
#' cosumnes_river_floodplain

#' Calaveras River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 33 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for the Tuolumne River based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.20 percent of the Tuolumne River values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and the Tuolumne River. Of the entire mapped 18.48 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 18.48 miles were classifiedas low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' calaveras_river_floodplain
#' @source  \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Tuolumne_W-AR_21__Study+Report.pdf}{Scaled TUFLOW hydraulic model with 1D channel and 2D overbank components}

#' Big Chico Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 31 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' A 8.74 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 15.05 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 15.05 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 8.74 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 23.84 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 15.05 miles were classified as low gradient and 8.79 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' big_chico_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Bear River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 37 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' A 16.40 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 32.05 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 32.05 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' bear_river_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' American River Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 35 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' The entire mapped rearing extent of 22.81 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Active channel area of 670.20 acres estimated through remote sensing analysis was subtracted from total inundated area to get inundated floodplain area.
#' @examples
#' american_river_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Butte Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the floodplain habitat area in acres as a
#' function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 31 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' A 17.14 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 17.14 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 17.14 miles were classified as low gradient and 0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' A 17.14 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 31.67 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 17.14 miles were classified as low gradient and 14.53 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. Floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and applied to determine areas for the non-modeled extent. A scaling factor of 0.1 was applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' butte_creek_floodplain
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CombinedTM_IQAR_Final-FULL-REPORT_20140206.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

#' Clear Creek Flow to Floodplain Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing total inundated floodplain area in acres as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 32 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_floodplain_acres}{fall run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{SR_floodplain_acres}{spring run floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{ST_floodplain_acres}{steelhead floodplain acreage}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @section Fall Run Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Cottonwood Creek  based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.21 percent of Cottonwood Creek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Cottonwood Creek. Of the entire mapped 8.00 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 8.00 miles were classified as low gradient and -0.00 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was  applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @section Spring Run and Steelhead Modeling:
#' No site-specific hydraulic modeling was available for this watershed. A flow to floodplain area relationship was generated for this watershed by scaling the flow to floodplain area relationship for Cottonwood Creek  based on hydrologic and geomorphic analyses. Flows and corresponding floodplain areas per unit length were calculated for this watershed as 0.21 percent of Cottonwood Creek values based on the ratio of mean flow from December to June between this watershed and Cottonwood Creek. Of the entire mapped 17.92 mile rearing extent in this watershed, 8.00 miles were classified as low gradient and 9.92 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis. A scaling factor of 0.1 was  applied to the area per unit length for the high gradient extent. No scaling factor was applied to the low gradient extent.
#' @examples
#' clear_creek_floodplain
#' @source  \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CVPIA+Annual+Progress+Report+Fiscal+Year+2017.pdf}{Scaled USFWS / FEMA 1D HEC-RAS hydraulic model}

# INSTREAMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Butte Creek Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 41 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_adult_wua}{adult trout WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA values were derived from a FWS River2D model and the rearing WUA from a PHABSIM
#' model created for the 2008 FERC relicensing of DeSabla. The spawning values are from two river
#' segments, above Centerville Powerhouse (6.5 miles) and below (9 miles).
#' The spawning results are for Spring Run Chinook. The rearing results are for Fall Run Chinook.
#' @examples
#' butte_creek_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/DeSabla2008ButteIFIM.pdf}{FWS and 2008 FERC relicensing of DeSabla}

#' Battle Creek Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 35 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_adult_wua}{adult trout WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUA values were derived from a PHABSIM model. The results are for Fall Run Chinook.
#' @examples
#' battle_creek_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Payne1995_BattleCreekIFIM.pdf}{Payne 1995}

#' Bear River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 4 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile (>50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUA values were derived from a PHABSIM model. A River2D model is in development.
#' The results are for Fall Run Chinook.
#' @examples
#' bear_river_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Holton1985_BearRiverIFIM.PDF}{Holten 1985}

#' Calaveras River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 10 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{ST_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUA values were derived from a PHABSIM model. The reults are for Steelhead.
#' @examples
#' calaveras_river_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/FishBio_Payne2009_CalaverasInstreamFlowStudy.pdf}{FishBio and Payne 2009}

#' Clear Creek Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 23 rows and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fall run fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{fall run juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{fall run spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{SR_fry_wua}{spring run fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{SR_juv_wua}{spring run fry juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{SR_spawn_wua}{spring run fry spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_fry_wua}{steelhead fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_juv_wua}{steelhead juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_spawn_wua}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUA were derived from a FWS River2D model. The WUA values are from
#' three river segments, Upper Alluvial (2.27 miles), Canyon Segment (7.33 miles), and Lower Alluvial (8.81 miles).
#' Fall Run are only in the Lower Alluvial Segment and there is a segregation weir that prevents the
#' Spring Run from spawning in the Lower Alluvial Segment.
#' @examples
#' clear_creek_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/FWS2007-2013_ClearCreekInstream.pdf}{FWS 2007-2013}

#' Cottonwood Creek Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 36 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA values were derived from a PHABSIM model. The rearing values are from the FWS 2014
#' River2D model. The results are for Fall Run.
#' @examples
#' cottonwood_creek_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/CDFW1979_CottonwoodSpawningIFIM.PDF}{CDFW 1979 and FWS 2014}

#' Feather River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 7 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_spawn_wua}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUA values were derived from a PHABSIM model. The results are for Fall Run.
#' @examples
#' feather_river_instream
#' @source
#' Spawning: \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Feather_FERC_IFIM_Phase_2.pdf}{FERC 2004}
#' Rearing: \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Payne2002_FeatherRiverIFIM+7-22-02.pdf}{Payne 2002}

#' Merced River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_adult_wua}{adult steelhead WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA values were derived from the FWS 1996 PHABSIM model and the rearing from
#' the MID 2013 PHABSIM.
#' @examples
#' merced_river_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/FWS1996_AmericanRiverSpawningFinalReport.pdf}{FWS 1996 and MID 2013}

#' Mokelumne River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 14 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_spawn_wua}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA values were derived from the EBMUD 2016 SRH2D model and the rearing from
#' the CDFW 1998 PHABSIM.
#' @examples
#' mokelumne_river_instream
#' @source EBMUD 2016 and CDFW 1998

#' Cosumnes River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 14 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The Cosumnes River instream rearing habitat has not been modeled.
#' The WUA values were estimated using the mean WUA at each flow from Mokelumne
#' and Calaveras Rivers.
#' @examples
#' cosumnes_river_instream
#' @source Sadie Gill

#' San Joaqin River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 14 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The Lower San Joaquin River instream rearing habitat has not been modeled.
#' The WUA values were estimated using the mean WUA at each flow from the Merced, Stanislaus,
#' and Tuolumne Rivers.
#' @examples
#' san_joaquin_river_instream
#' @source Sadie Gill

#' Upper-mid Sacramento River Region Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 14 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details Some of the Upper Sacramento Rivers' instream rearing habitat have not been modeled.
#' The rearing WUA values were estimated using the mean WUA at each flow from Battle Creek,
#' Butte Creek, Clear Creek, and Cow Creek. The spawning WUA values were estimated using the mean
#' WUA at each flow from Battle Creek, Butte Creek, and Clear Creek.
#' Spawning Not Modeled:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Antelope Creek
#'   \item Bear Creek
#'   \item Big Chico Creek
#'   \item Cow Creek
#'   \item Deer Creek
#'   \item Elder Creek
#'   \item Mill Creek
#'   \item Paynes Creek
#'   \item Stony Creek
#'   \item Thomes Creek
#' }
#' Rearing Not Modeled:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Antelope Creek
#'   \item Bear Creek
#'   \item Big Chico Creek
#'   \item Deer Creek
#'   \item Elder Creek
#'   \item Mill Creek
#'   \item Paynes Creek
#'   \item Stony Creek
#'   \item Thomes Creek
#' }
#' @examples
#' upper_mid_sac_region_instream
#' @source Sadie Gill

#' Cow Creek Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fall run fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{fall run juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The rearing WUA values are from a River2D model done on South Cow Creek. The values are from two river
#' segments, Valley Floor Reach (5.11 miles) and Boero Reach (1.68 miles).
#' @examples
#' cow_creek_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/FWS2011_SouthCowrpt.pdf}{FWS 2011}

#' Stanislaus River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 47 rows and 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#'   \item{FR_spawn_wua}{spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_fry_wua}{fall run fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{FR_juv_wua}{fall run juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_fry_wua}{steelhead fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{ST_juv_wua}{steelhead juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#'   \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning WUA was derived from the Aceituno 1993 (FWS) PHABSIM model and the rearing from
#' the FWS River2D model.
#' @examples
#' stanislaus_river_instream
#' @source FWS

#' American River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 61 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#' \item{FR_spawn_wua}{chinook spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_fry_wua}{chinook fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_juv_wua}{chinook juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_spawn_wua}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details TODO
#' @examples
#' american_river_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/AmericanRiver1985IFIM.PDF}{FWS 1985} and \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpia-reference-docs/ARWA-702.pdf}{ARWA-702}

#' Yuba River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 34 rows and 10 variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{flow_cfs}{numeric flow value in cubic feet per second}
#' \item{FR_spawn_wua}{Fall Run spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_fry}{Fall and Spring Run fry WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_juv}{Fall and Spring Run juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{SR_spawn_wua}{Spring Run spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_spawn_wua}{Steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_fry_wua}{Steelhead fry WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_juv_wua}{Steelhead juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_adult_wua}{Steelhead adult WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @examples
#' yuba_river_instream
#' @source TODO fix source

#' Tuolumne River Instream Flow to Habitat Area Relationship
#' @description A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet
#' as a function of flow in cubic feet per second
#' @format dataframe with 30 rows and 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{flow_cfs}{integer flow value in cubic feet per second}
#' \item{FR_spawn_wua}{chinook spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_fry_wua}{chinook fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{FR_juv_wua}{chinook juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_spawn_WUA}{steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_fry_WUA}{steelhead fry (up to 50 mm) WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_juv_WUA}{steelhead juvenile WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{ST_adult_wua}{adult steelhead WUA in square feet per 1000 feet}
#' \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' }
#' @details The spawning and rearing WUAs were derived using a PHABSIM model by Stillwater 2010.
#' @examples
#' tuolumne_river_instream
#' @source \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/Stillwater2010_Tuolumne_P-2299-075_71_DP_FLA_AttC_StudyRept_IFIM_AppA-H_140428.pdf}{Flo2D model by Stillwater, 2014}

#' Habitat Extent Lengths
#' @description A dataset containing the length of rearing and spawning extent within each CVPIA watershed for different species.
#' @format dataframe with 57 rows and 7 variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{order}{integer value representing watershed order in SIT model}
#' \item{watershed}{name of watershed}
#' \item{lifestage}{habitat type by lifestage, 'spawing' or 'rearing'}
#' \item{miles}{length in miles}
#' \item{feet}{length in feet}
#' \item{source}{Expert who delineated habitat extents}
#' \item{species}{species of habitat extent}
#' }
#' @examples
#' watershed_lengths
#' @details Information comes from expert outreach undertaken in 2017.
#' @source FlowWest, add url to shp file when mapping is complete

#' Habitat Modeling Status
#' @description A table lifestage, species, and watershed
#' @format dataframe with 33 rows and 15 variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{Order}{integer value representing watershed order in SIT model}
#' \item{Watershed}{name of watershed}
#' \item{FR_spawn}{TRUE if spawning habitat modeling exists for Fall Run}
#' \item{FR_fry}{TRUE if fry rearing habitat modeling exists for Fall Run}
#' \item{FR_juv}{TRUE if juvenile rearing habitat modeling exists for Fall Run}
#' \item{FR_floodplain}{TRUE if floodplain rearing modeling exists for Fall Run}
#' \item{SR_spawn}{TRUE if spawning habitat modeling exists for Spring Run}
#' \item{SR_fry}{TRUE if fry rearing habitat modeling exists for Spring Run}
#' \item{SR_juv}{TRUE if juvenile rearing habitat modeling exists for Spring Run}
#' \item{SR_floodplain}{TRUE if floodplain rearing modeling exists for Spring Run}
#' \item{ST_spawn}{TRUE if spawning habitat modeling exists for Steelhead}
#' \item{ST_fry}{TRUE if fry rearing habitat modeling exists for Steelhead}
#' \item{ST_juv}{TRUE if juvenile rearing habitat modeling exists for Steelhead}
#' \item{ST_floodplain}{TRUE if floodplain rearing modeling exists for Steelhead}
#' \item{ST_adult}{TRUE if adult rearing habitat modeling exists for Steelhead}
#' \item{Region}{Regional grouping of watersheds used for estimating values for watersheds without modeling}
#' \item{UseRearRegionApprox}{boolean flag for set_habitat functions, TRUE denotes no rearing modeling exists for watershed}
#' \item{UseSpawnRegionApprox}{boolean flag for set_habitat functions, TRUE denotes no spawning modeling exists for watershed}
#' \item{UseFloodplainRegionApprox}{boolean flag for set_habitat functions, TRUE denotes no floodplain rearing modeling exists for watershed}
#' \item{Note}{misc notes}
#' }
#' @examples
#' modeling_exist
#' @details This table was compiled from information provided by Mark Gard \email{mark_gard@@fws.gov}.
#' Used as look up table for \code{\link{set_spawning_habitat}},
#' \code{\link{set_instream_habitat}}, and \code{\link{set_floodplain_habitat}}
#' @source Sadie Gill \email{sgill@@flowwest.com}

#' Flow Thresholds for Number of Weeks Inundated
#' @description Estimated relationship between duration of inundation and monthly mean flow
#' @format dataframe with rows and 3 variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{watershed}{name of CVPIA watershed}
#' \item{weeks_inundated}{integer value between 0 and 4 to represent weeks of floodplain inundation}
#' \item{flow_threshold}{flow threshold in cubic feet per second associated with number of weeks inundated}
#' }
#' @examples
#' weeks_inundated
#' @details
#' Visual inspection of measured flow and professional judgement were used to define relationships
#' between number of days inundated and the mean monthly flow.
#' \strong{Relationship Modeled:} \cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Sacramento River
#'   \item Big Chico Creek
#'   \item Butte Creek
#'   \item Cottonwood Creek
#'   \item Deer Creek
#'   \item Elder Creek
#'   \item Sutter Bypass
#'   \item Bear River
#'   \item Feather River
#'   \item Yuba River
#'   \item Yolo Bypass
#'   \item American River
#'   \item Calaveras River
#'   \item Merced River
#'   \item Stanislaus River
#'   \item Tuolumne River
#'   \item San Joaquin River
#' }
#' All other watersheds are assumed to have a two week inundation.
#' @source Sadie Gill  \email{sgill@@flowwest.com}

#' Delta Habitat Area
#' @description A dataset containing the area of highly suitable habitat within the
#' North and South Deltas
#' @format dataframe with 372 rows and 3 variables
#' \describe{
#'   \item{date}{modeled results for 1980-2010}
#'   \item{North Delta}{high quality habitat area in square meters}
#'   \item{South Delta}{high quality habitat area in square meters}
#' }
#' @details
#' Habitat estimates from NOAA NMFS Winter Run Life Cycle Model. The model
#' outputs habitat area estimates for months December-May. Habitat for months
#' June-Novemeber are represented by the yearly average habitat.
#' High quality habitat defined by:
#' Channel type: mainstem, distributaries, or open water
#' Depth: > 0.2 m and <= 1.5 m
#' Cover Vegetated edge
#' @source
#' \href{https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cvpiahabitat-r-package/cvpia-sit-model-inputs/HendrixEtAl2014_Winter_Run_Model_Tech_Memo.pdf}{Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Modeling Output: Correigh Green \email{correigh.greene@@noaa.gov}
#'   \item Delta Node Selection: Mark Tompkins \email{mtompkins@@flowwest.com}
#'   \item Data Wrangling: Sadie Gill \email{sgill@@flowwest.com}
#' }

#' Pool Area
#' @description A dataset containing estimated area of pools within a watershed
#' @format dataframe with 31 rows and 3 variables
#' \describe{
#'   \item{watershed}{CVPIA watershed}
#'   \item{SR_pools_sq_meters}{Spring Run pool area estimate in square meters}
#'   \item{ST_pools_sq_meters}{Steelhead pool area estimate in square meters}
#' }
#' @details
#' Estimates of percent pools were provided by Mark Gard for some watersheds.
#' The mean percent pools, excluding Feather River, is 23.1\%. This value is used for watersheds without an estimate.
#' The total area of pools is then caluculated
#' by multiplying the estimated percent pools by the total channel area. Channel
#' areas were estimated using Google Earth Engine.
#' Watersheds With Estimated Percent Pools:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Antelope Creek
#'   \item Battle Creek
#'   \item Butte Creek
#'   \item Clear Creek
#'   \item Cottonwood Creek
#'   \item Deer Creek
#'   \item Feather River (*80% percent pools seems high, but was confirmed by Jason Kindopp)
#'   \item Mill Creek
#'   \item Mokelumne River
#'   \item Stanislaus River
#'   \item Tuolumne River
#'   \item Upper Sacramento River
#'   \item Yuba River
#' }
#' \strong{Note:} The area of pools that covers both the Upper Sacramento and
#' Upper-mid Sacramento DSM segments is assigned to the Upper Sacramento River.
#' @source
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Percent Pool Estimates: Mark Gard \email{mark_gard@@fws.gov}
#'   \item Channel Area Estimates: Sadie Gill \email{sgill@@flowwest.com}
#'   \item QA/QC: Mark Tompkins \email{mtompkins@@flowwest.com}
#' }

#' Steelhead Adult Rearing Habitat
#' @description A dataset containing adult rearing habitat quanities in square meters
#' @format array[watersheds, months, years]
#' @details
#' Only 5 of the watersheds have wua relationships:
#' **Adult Trout**
#' 1. Battle Creek
#' 2. Butte Creek
#' **Steelhead**
#' 3. Merced River
#' 4. Tuolumne River
#' 5. Yuba River
#' These watershed's habitat values vary by month.
#' For the other watersheds, we created one habitat value using the calsim mean flows for the years 1980-1999.
#' We used Merced's adult steelhead wua curve and scaled it by the ratio of mean flow December through May
#' between itself and Merced.
#' @source
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Wrangling: Sadie Gill \email{sgill@@flowwest.com}
#'   \item Method: Mark Tompkins \email{mtompkins@@flowwest.com}
#' }
FlowWest/cvpiaHabitat documentation built on Oct. 27, 2020, 2:09 p.m.