
Defines functions validate_col_types projects_table monitoring_locations_table results_table db_write_data db_update_data db_append_data connect

Documented in connect db_append_data db_update_data db_write_data results_table

# script creates the connection between the R
# session and the local database

#' @title Connect to database
#' @description connect the current r sesssion to the local
#' ms express wqx database
#' @export
connect <- function() {
                 Driver = "SQL Server",
                 Server = "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS",
                 Database = "wqx",
                 Trusted_Connection = "True")

#' @title Append Data
#' @description add data to an existing table on the database
#' @param db_connection a connection the local database
#' @param table_name name of the table to append to
#' @param data data to add
#' @export
db_append_data <- function(db_connection,
                        data, overlaps = FALSE) {

  if (overlaps) {
    # check what is currently on the database
    usethis::ui_info("Checking existing records on database")
    existing_pks <- trimws(dplyr::pull(
      dplyr::select(dplyr::tbl(db_connection, table_name), Record_ID)

    new_keys <- dplyr::setdiff(data$Record_ID, existing_pks)

    if (length(new_keys) == 0) {
      usethis::ui_oops("No new records found!")
    usethis::ui_done(paste("Found", length(new_keys), "new records!"))

    new_data <- filter(data, Record_ID %in% new_keys)

    DBI::dbAppendTable(conn = db_connection,
                       name = table_name,
                       value = new_data)
  } else {
    DBI::dbAppendTable(conn = db_connection,
                       name = table_name,
                       value = data)


#' @title Update Data
#' @description Update data on the server
#' @export
db_update_data <- function(db_connection, table_name, data) {

  # TODO this should be simplified using glue
  q_template <-
           "monitoring_locations" = 'UPDATE monitoring_locations SET "Monitoring Location Name" = ?, "Monitoring Location Type" = ?, "HUC 8" = ?, "Tribal Land Indicator" = ?, "Tribal Land Name" = ?, "Monitoring Location Latitude" = ?, "Monitoring Location Longitude" = ?, "Monitoring Location Horizontal Collection Method" = ?, "Monitoring Location Horizontal Reference Datum" = ?, "Monitoring Location State" = ?, "Monitoring Location County" = ? WHERE "Monitoring Location ID" = ?',
           "results"= "",
           "projects" = "")

  if (!validate_col_types(data, table_name)) {
    stop("column types of new data do not match with database",
         call. = FALSE)

  update_q <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn = db_connection, statement = q_template)
  DBI::dbBind(update_q, data)


#' Write Data to Disk
#' @description write a table to disk, this is required to upload to the wqx
#' @export
db_write_data <- function(db_connection, table, path, suffix = NULL) {
  # the process needs to make some data types match what the
  # wqx expects
  # Activity Start Date needs to be YYYY/MM/DD
  # Activity Start Time needs to be HH24:MI:SS
  # Analysis Start Date needs to be YYYY/MM/DD
  d <- dplyr::tbl(db_connection, table) %>%
    dplyr::select(-Record_ID) %>%

  readr::write_csv(d, paste0(path, "/physical_results_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.csv")))

#' @title Show Results
#' @description convinience function for showing the results table (not colected)
#' @export
results_table <- function(db_connection) {
  dplyr::tbl(db_connection, "results")

monitoring_locations_table <- function(db_connection) {
  dplyr::tbl(db_connection, "monitoring_locations")

projects_table <- function(db_connection) {
  dplyr::tbl(db_connection, "projects")

validate_col_types <- function(data, table_name) {
  col_types_should_be <-
    "monitoring_locations" = c("character", "character", "character", "character", "character",
                               "character", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "character",
                               "character", "character"),
    "results" = "",
    "projcets" = "")

  col_types_are <- as.character(sapply(data, class))

  all(col_types_are == col_types_should_be)
FlowWest/dcrWQX documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 5:38 a.m.