digraphlayouts: Digraph Layouts

digraphlayoutsR Documentation

Digraph Layouts


The GridFCM package has five layouts to represent the digraphs:

Graphopt: Closer two constructs are, more influence they have on each other. To use this layout we must set the layout parameter to "graphopt".

Multidimensional Scaling: This layout establishes the coordinates of the vertices through a multidimensional scaling of the implication matrix. Closer two constructs are, more similarity there is between them in terms of their implications. To use this layout we have to set the parameter layout to "mds".

Reingold-tilford: This layout sets the coordinates of the vertices following the algorithm proposed by Reingold and Tilford. To use this layout, we can set the layout parameter to "rtcircle" if we want it in circular format, or to "tree" if we want it in tree format.

Circle: This layout arbitrarily places the vertices in a circle without any additional meaning. It is useful to represent a clean image and avoid overlaps. To use this layout we must set the layout attribute to "circle".

Grid: This layout arbitrarily places the vertices in a grid without any additional meaning. It is useful to represent a clean image and avoid overlaps. To use this layout we must set the layout attribute to "grid".

GICUNED/GridFCM documentation built on Feb. 23, 2023, 9:03 a.m.