thrfunctions: Types of Threshold Function

thrfunctionsR Documentation

Types of Threshold Function


The GridFCM package allows for four threshold functions, two of which are discrete and the other two are continuous:

Discrete Functions

Bivalent function: The bivalent function returns a value of 1 to the vertex when the incoming activation is greater than 0, and returns 0 when the incoming activation is less than or equal to 0. This leads to the vertices taking discrete and dichotomous values (True or false). To use this function we must write as parameter 'thr = "b"' in the function codelinkfcminfer.

Trivalent function: The trivalent function returns a value of 1 to the vertex when the incoming activation is greater than 0, returns 0 when that activation is equal to 0, and returns -1 if that activation is less than 0. This leads to the vertices to take discrete values, and unlike bivalent, returns three different possible values; useful for discrete bipolar dimensions.To use this function, we must write 'thr = "tri"' as a parameter to the function codelinkfcminfer.

Continuous Functions

Sigmoidal Function: The sigmoidal function is the continuous version of the bivalent function. Forces the vertex to be set to an activation range between 0 and 1. If we use this function we must specify an associated lambda which defines the discriminating power of the function; high values of lambda bring the sigmoidal function closer to a bivalent function, low values bring it closer to a linear function. To use this function we must write as parameter 'thr = "s"' in the function link{fcminfer}.

Hyperbolic Tangent Function: The hyperbolic tangent function is the continuos version of the trivalent function. Forces the vertez to be set to an activation range between -1 and +1. If we use this function we must specify an associated lambda which defines the discriminating power of the function; high values of lambda bring the Hyperbolic Tangent Function closer to a trivalent function, low values bring it closer to a linear function. To use this function we must write as parameter 'thr = "t"' in the function link{fcminfer}.

GICUNED/GridFCM documentation built on Feb. 23, 2023, 9:03 a.m.