
Defines functions eclairs

Documented in eclairs

# Gabriel Hoffman
# March 12, 2021
# Eclairs:
# Estimate covariance/correlation with low rank and shrinkage

#' Class eclairs
#' Class \code{eclairs} 
#' @details Object storing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{U: }{orthonormal matrix with k columns representing the low rank component}
#'  \item{dSq: }{eigen-values so that \eqn{U diag(d^2) U^T} is the low rank component}
#'  \item{lambda: }{shrinkage parameter \eqn{\lambda} for the scaled diagonal component}
#'  \item{nu: }{diagonal value, \eqn{\nu}, of target matrix in shrinkage}
#'  \item{n: }{number of samples (i.e. rows) in the original data}
#'  \item{p: }{number of features (i.e. columns) in the original data}
#'  \item{k: }{rank of low rank component}
#'  \item{rownames: }{sample names from the original matrix}
#'  \item{colnames: }{features names from the original matrix}
#'  \item{method: }{method used for decomposition}
#'  \item{call: }{the function call}
#' }
#' @name eclairs-class
#' @rdname eclairs-class
#' @exportClass eclairs
# setClass("eclairs", representation("list"))
setClass("eclairs", contains= "list")

# elements in list
# U =	"matrix", 
# dSq = "array", 
# lambda 	= "numeric",
# n 	= "numeric",
# p 	= "numeric",
# k 	= "numeric"))

setMethod("show", 'eclairs',

setMethod("print", 'eclairs',
	cat("       Estimate covariance/correlation with low rank and shrinkage\n\n")

	cat("  Original data dims:", x$n, 'x',x$p, "\n")
	cat("  Low rank component:", length(x$dSq), "\n")
	cat("  lambda:            ", format(x$lambda, digits=3), "\n")
	cat("  nu:                ", format(x$nu, digits=3), "\n")
	cat("  logML:             ", format(x$logML, digits=1, scientific=FALSE), "\n")

#' Estimate covariance/correlation with low rank and shrinkage
#' Estimate the covariance/correlation between columns as the weighted sum of a low rank matrix and a scaled identity matrix.  The weight acts to shrink the sample correlation matrix towards the identity matrix or the sample covariance matrix towards a scaled identity matrix with constant variance.  An estimate of this form is useful because it is fast, and enables fast operations downstream.
#' @param X data matrix with n samples as rows and p features as columns
#' @param k the rank of the low rank component  
#' @param lambda shrinkage parameter. If not specified, it is estimated from the data.
#' @param compute compute the 'covariance' (default) or 'correlation'
# @param center center columns of X (default: TRUE) 
# @param scale scale columns of X (default: TRUE) 
#' @param warmStart result of previous SVD to initialize values
#' @return \link{eclairs} object storing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{U: }{orthonormal matrix with k columns representing the low rank component}
#'  \item{dSq: }{eigen-values so that \eqn{U diag(d^2) U^T} is the low rank component}
#'  \item{lambda: }{shrinkage parameter \eqn{\lambda} for the scaled diagonal component}
#'  \item{nu: }{diagonal value, \eqn{\nu}, of target matrix in shrinkage}
#'  \item{n: }{number of samples (i.e. rows) in the original data}
#'  \item{p: }{number of features (i.e. columns) in the original data}
#'  \item{k: }{rank of low rank component}
#'  \item{rownames: }{sample names from the original matrix}
#'  \item{colnames: }{features names from the original matrix}
#'  \item{method: }{method used for decomposition}
#'  \item{call: }{the function call}
#' }
#' @details
#' Compute \eqn{U}, \eqn{d^2} to approximate the covariance/correlation matrix between columns of data matrix X by \eqn{U diag(d^2 (1-\lambda)) U^T + diag(\nu * \lambda)}.  When computing the covariance matrix \eqn{\nu} is the constant variance which is the mean of all feature-wise variances.  When computing the correlation matrix, \eqn{\nu = 1}.   
#' @importFrom Rfast standardise colVars eachrow
#' @importFrom methods new
# @export
eclairs = function(X, k, lambda=NULL, compute=c("covariance", "correlation"), warmStart=NULL){

	compute = match.arg(compute)

	# check value of lambda
	if( ! missing(lambda) & !is.null(lambda) ){
		if( lambda < 0 || lambda > 1){
			stop("lambda must be in (0,1)")

	n = nrow(X)	
	p = ncol(X)

	# save row and columns names since X is overwritten
	rn = rownames(X)
	cn = colnames(X)

	# scale=TRUE
	# if correlation is computed, scale features
	scale = ifelse( compute == "correlation", TRUE, FALSE)

	# Estimate nu, the scale of the target matrix
	# needs to be computed here, because X is overwritten
	nu = ifelse( compute == "correlation", 1, mean(colVars(X)))

	# scale so that cross-product gives correlation
	# features are *columns*	
	# Standarizing sets the varianes of each column to be equal
	#	so the using a single sigSq across all columns is a good
	# 	approximation
	# X = scale(X) / sqrt(n-1)
	# if( center | scale ){
	# 	X = standardise(X, center=center, scale=scale) 
	# }
	# always divide by sqrt(n-1) so that var(x[,1]) 
	# is crossprod(x[,1])/(n-1) when center is TRUE
	X = standardise(X, center=TRUE, scale=scale) / sqrt(n-1)

	if( missing(k) ){
		k = min(n,p)
		# k cannot exceed n or p
		k = min(c(k, p, n))

	# SVD of X to get low rank estimate of Sigma
	# remove dependency on PRIMME
	# GEH Aug 22, 2022
	# if( k < min(p, n)/3){
		# if( is.null(warmStart) ){
		# 	dcmp = svds(X, k, isreal=TRUE)
		# }else{			
		# 	dcmp = svds(X, k, v0=warmStart$U, isreal=TRUE)
		# }
	# }else{
		dcmp = svd(X) 

		# if k < min(n,p) truncate spectrum
		if( k < length(dcmp$d)){
			dcmp$u = dcmp$u[,seq_len(k), drop=FALSE]
			dcmp$v = dcmp$v[,seq_len(k), drop=FALSE]
			dcmp$d = dcmp$d[seq_len(k)]
	# }

	# Estimate lambda 

	if( missing(lambda) | is.null(lambda) ){

		# Estimate lambda by empirical Bayes, using nu as scale of target
		# Since data is scaled to have var 1 (instead of n), multiply by n
		res = estimate_lambda_eb( n*dcmp$d^2, n, p, nu)
		# compute logML for specified lambda value
		res = estimate_lambda_eb( n*dcmp$d^2, n, p, nu, lambda=lambda)

	# Modify sign of dcmp$v and dcmp$u so principal components are consistant
	# This is motivated by whitening:::makePositivDiagonal()
	# but here adjust both U and V so reconstructed data is correct
	values = sign(diag(dcmp$v))
	# dcmp$v = sweep(dcmp$v, 2, values, "*")
	# dcmp$u = sweep(dcmp$u, 2, values, "*")

	# faster version
	dcmp$v = eachrow(dcmp$v, values, "*")
	dcmp$u = eachrow(dcmp$u, values, "*")

	result = list(	U 		= dcmp$v, 
				dSq 		= dcmp$d^2, 
				V 		= dcmp$u,
				lambda 	= res$lambda,
				logML 	= res$logML,
				nu 		= nu,
				n 		= n,
				p 		= p,
				k 		= k,
				rownames	= rn,
				colnames	= cn,
				method 	= "svd",
				call 		= match.call())

	new("eclairs",	result)
GabrielHoffman/mvIC documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 7:58 p.m.