Man pages for GaoLabXDU/CEPICS
CEPICS: a comparison and evaluation platform for integration methods in cancer subtyping

calARICalculate Adjusted Rand Index
calNMICalculate the Normalized Mutual Information
calRICalculate Rand Index
calSICalculate the Silhouette Coefficient of the result of a...
CEPICSCEPICS: a comparison and evaluation platform for integration...
COAD_cnvA Copy Number Variations dataset of COAD.
COAD_MethyA DNA methylation dataset of COAD.
COAD_miRNAA microRNA dataset of COAD
COAD_mRNAA message RNA dataset of COAD
filterDataFilter Data
formatDataFormat Data
getOverlapGet the overlap samples of datasets.
imputeDataImpute the missing values of Data.
KMSURDATAClinical Survival Data of five TCGA cancers.
normDataNormalize Data
PFAinitInitialize a MATLAB server
ResAn example result of our own method.
runiClusterBayesRun the iClusterBayes method
runLRARun LRAcluster to get the subtyping results.
runPFARun PFA method to get the subtyping results.
runPINSPlusRun PINSPlus method to get the subtyping results.
runSNFRun SNF method to get the subtyping results.
selectFeatureSelect features of dataset
truelabelthe truelabels of COAD samples
GaoLabXDU/CEPICS documentation built on June 9, 2020, 2:31 a.m.