
Defines functions tk_get_state.combobox tk_disable.combobox tk_read_only.combobox tk_normalize.combobox tk_activate.combobox set_values.combobox get_values.combobox set_selection.combobox get_selection.combobox get_size.tk2combobox get_size.combobox get_selection_combobox get_selection_ind_combobox set_values_combobox get_values_combobox bs_combobox

Documented in get_selection_combobox get_selection.combobox get_selection_ind_combobox get_size.combobox get_size.tk2combobox get_values_combobox get_values.combobox set_selection.combobox set_values_combobox set_values.combobox tk_activate.combobox tk_disable.combobox tk_get_state.combobox tk_normalize.combobox tk_read_only.combobox

# TCL/TK Combo Box
# https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_combobox.htm
# https://core.tcl.tk/bwidget/doc/bwidget/BWman/ComboBox.html#-values
# @param parent parent Tcl/Tk frame
# @param values
# @param export
# @param state
# @param selection
# @param title
# @param title_sticky
# @param combobox_sticky
# @param width     Specifies an integer value indicating the desired width of the entry window, in average-size characters of the widget's font.
# @param height    Specifies the height of the pop-down listbox, in rows.

# @param on_select      function
# @param on_click
# @param on_double_click
# @param on_triple_click
# @param on_release
# @param on_click_3
# @param on_double_click_3
# @param on_triple_click_3
# @param on_release_3
# @param postcommand A Tcl script to evaluate immediately before displaying the
#                    listbox. The -postcommand script may specify the -values
#                    to display.

# @param ...
# @return
# @export

bs_combobox <- function(
    parent             = top,
    values             = NULL,
    state              = c("readonly", "normal", "disabled"),
    # default_text     = "<no variable selected>",
    # selection        = gettext_bs(default_text),
    value              = NULL,
    selection          = NULL,
    combobox_sticky    = "nw",

    on_select          = do_nothing,
    postcommand        = do_nothing,
    on_click           = do_nothing,
    on_double_click    = do_nothing,
    on_triple_click    = do_nothing,
    on_release         = do_nothing,
    on_click_3         = do_nothing,
    on_double_click_3  = do_nothing,
    on_triple_click_3  = do_nothing,
    on_release_3       = do_nothing,

    tip                = gettext_bs(
      "For quicker search, press the \nfirst letter of variable name\non your keyboard."),
    width              = 20,
    height             = 8,
    on_keyboard        = c("select", "ignore"),
    export             = "FALSE",

    label          = "",
    label_position = c("left", "above", "right", "none"),
    label_color    = getRcmdr("title.color"),
    padx           = 0,
    pady           = 0,     # pady = 5,
    sticky         = "w",
    sticky_label   = sticky,
    sticky_text    = sticky,
    main_frame     = tk2frame(parent),
    combobox_frame = tk2frame(main_frame),
    label_frame    = tk2frame(main_frame),
    label_tip      = "",
    ...) {
  label_position <- match.arg(label_position)

  state       <- match.arg(state)
  on_keyboard <- match.arg(on_keyboard)

  checkmate::assert_integerish(selection, lower = 1, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_string(value, null.ok = TRUE)

  # Check this ---- START ==================================================
  if (is.null(values) || length(values) == 0) {
    values    <- NULL
    selection <- NULL
    value     <- NULL

  } else {
    values <- as.character(values)

    if (length(value) == 1 && (value[1] %in% values)) {
      value <- value[1]
    } else if (length(selection) != 0) {
      value <-  values[selection[1]]
    } else {
      value <- NULL

  # Check this ---- END ====================================================

  # values     <- c(gettext_bs(default_text), values)
  # frame              <- tkframe(parent)
  combovar           <- tclVar()
  tclvalue(combovar) <- value

  # Main -------------------------------------------------------------------
  combobox <- tk2combobox(
    parent       = combobox_frame,
    values       = values,
    textvariable = combovar,
    state        = state,
    export       = export,
    width        = width,
    height       = height,
    postcommand  = postcommand,
    tip = tip,

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (on_keyboard %in% c("select")) {

    onLetter <- function(letter) {
      # Letter binding is good for read-only comboboxes only

      get_first_letter <- function(str) {
        tolower(substr(str, 1, 1))

      letter   <- tolower(letter)
      all_vals <- tk2list.get(combobox)
      acceptable_inds <- which(get_first_letter(all_vals) %in% letter)

      if (length(acceptable_inds) == 0) {

      cur_val     <- tclvalue_chr(tkget(combobox))
      cur_val_ind <- which(all_vals %in% cur_val)

      if (length(cur_val_ind) == 0)
        cur_val_ind <- 0

      next_ind <-
        acceptable_inds[which(acceptable_inds %in% cur_val_ind)[1] + 1]

      if (is.na(next_ind)) {
        next_ind <- min(acceptable_inds)

      tcl(combobox, "current", next_ind - 1) # 0 based index
    str_glue_eval('tkbind(combobox, "<{letters}>", function() onLetter("{letters}"))')
    str_glue_eval('tkbind(combobox, "<{LETTERS}>", function() onLetter("{letters}"))')

    # TODO:
    #    -  bind event "on state change"
    #    -  on state change: bind letters only in read-only mode
    #    -  on state change: in other modes - remove binding
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkbind(combobox, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", function() {
  }) # on change of selected value
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  obj_label <- tk2label(
    parent     = label_frame,
    text       = gettext_bs(label),
    foreground = label_color,
    tip        = label_tip

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  if (nchar(label) > 0) {

      "above" = {
        if (length(pady) == 1) {
          pady <- c(pady, pady)
        tkgrid(label_frame, sticky = sticky, padx = padx, pady = c(pady[1], 0))
        tkgrid(combobox_frame,   sticky = sticky, padx = padx, pady = c(0, pady[2]))
        tkgrid(combobox,    sticky = sticky_text)

      "left" = {
        tkgrid(label_frame, combobox_frame, sticky = sticky,
          padx = padx, pady = pady)
        tkgrid(combobox, sticky = sticky_text, padx = c(5, 0))

      "right" = {
        tkgrid(combobox_frame, label_frame, sticky = sticky,
          padx = padx, pady = pady)
        tkgrid(combobox, sticky = sticky_text, padx = c(0, 5))
    tkgrid(obj_label, sticky = sticky_label)

  } else {
    tkgrid(combobox_frame, sticky = sticky, padx = padx, pady = pady)
    tkgrid(combobox,  sticky = sticky_text)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(main_frame,     0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(combobox_frame, 0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(combobox, 0, weight = 1, minsize = 3)
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(label_frame,    0, weight = 1)
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(obj_label,      0, weight = 0)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  result <- list(
    frame    = main_frame,
    obj      = combobox,
    var      = combovar,

    combobox = combobox,
    combovar = combovar,

    varlist  = values,

    frame_combobox  = combobox_frame,
    frame_label     = label_frame,
    obj_label       = obj_label

  class(result) <- c("bs_combobox", "combobox", "bs_tk_widget", "list")

# Helpers and methods ========================================================
#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_values_combobox <- function(combobox) {

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_values_combobox <- function(combobox, values, ...) {
  tkconfigure(combobox, values = as.character(values), ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_selection_ind_combobox <- function(combobox) {
  which(trimws(tk2list.get(combobox)) %in% tclvalue_chr(tkget(combobox)))

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
# Get selected values
get_selection_combobox <- function(combobox) {
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_size.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_size.tk2combobox <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_selection.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_selection.combobox <- function(obj, sel, ...) {
  if (is.numeric(sel)) {
    new_val <- get_values(obj)[sel]
  } else {
    new_val <- sel

  tclvalue(obj$combovar) <- new_val

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_values.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  get_values_combobox(obj$combobox, ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_values.combobox <- function(obj, values, ...) {
  set_values_combobox(obj$combobox, values = values, ...)
  set_selection(obj, 1)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tk_activate.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  tk_activate(obj$combobox, ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tk_normalize.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  tk_normalize(obj$combobox, ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tk_read_only.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  tk_read_only(obj$combobox, ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tk_disable.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  tk_disable(obj$combobox, ...)

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tk_get_state.combobox <- function(obj, ...) {
  tk_get_state(obj$combobox, ...)
GegznaV/RcmdrPlugin.BioStat documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 11:05 a.m.