plot_hyPalette: [!] Plot the color palette used in a hyperSpec object

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plot_hyPaletteR Documentation

[!] Plot the color palette used in a hyperSpec object


Plot a color palette in a hyperSpec object, which was added with function hyAdd_color.


  sp = NULL,
  by = ".color",
  palette = hyGet_palette(sp),
  cex = if (as.legend == FALSE) 1.2 else 1,
  Title = if (!is.null(sp)) "Group colors" else "Colors",
  as.legend = FALSE,
  xpd = NA,
  x = "topright",
  y = NULL,
  bty = "n",



hyperSpec object.


Either a name of factor variale in sp which levels correspond to colors in palette or, if sp is not present, a charter vector of names to be ploted as a text.


A list of color names or color codes.


character expansion factor relative to current par("cex"). Used for text, and provides the default for pt.cex.


The title.


Logical. If TRUE, the result is used as legend for existing R base graphics plot. If FALSE (default), a separate plot is drawn.


A logical value or NA. If FALSE, all plotting is clipped to the plot region, if TRUE, all plotting is clipped to the figure region, and if NA, all plotting is clipped to the device region. See also clip.

x, y

the x and y co-ordinates to be used to position the legend. They can be specified by keyword or in any way which is accepted by xy.coords: See "Details" in legend.


The type of box to be drawn around the legend. The allowed values are "o" and "n" (the default).


Other arguments to be passed to legend. (except legend, title and fill)


A plot made with R package graphics.


Vilmantas Gegzna

See Also


Other spHelper plots: check_palette(), layer_spRangeMean(), plot_colors(), plot_spCompare(), plot_spDiff(), plot_spDistribution(), qplot_confusion(), qplot_crosstab(), qplot_infoDim(), qplot_kAmp(), qplot_kSp(), qplot_prediction(), qplot_spRangeCenter(), qplot_spRangeMedian(), qplot_spStat(), qplot_spc(), rmExpr(), rm_stripes(), stat_chull()

Other spHelper functions for spectroscopy and hyperSpec: IQR_outliers(), binning(), file, gapDer(), hy2mat(), hyAdd_Label_wl(), hyAdd_Labels_PAP_PD_2014(), hyAdd_Labels_TD2009(), hyAdd(), hyDrop_NA(), hyGet_palette(), hyRm_palette(), mad_outliers(), mean_Nsd(), median_Nmad(), prepare_PAP_RK_2014__MATLAB_failui(), read.OOIBase32(), read.OceanView.header(), read.OceanView(), read.sp.csv2(), read3csv2hy(), replace_spc(), sd_outliers(), spStat(), sp_class_perform()


# Example 1
sp <- hyAdd_color(Spectra3,"gr")
plot_hyPalette(sp, "gr")

# Example 2
plot_hyPalette(by = "RED color", palette = "#ee0000")

# Example 3
# Use data 'sp' from example 1
# The legend does not make sense in this context. It's just an example.

plot_hyPalette(sp, "gr", as.legend = TRUE, cex = 1)

GegznaV/spHelper documentation built on April 16, 2023, 1:42 p.m.