
context("Testing exampleModels")

test_that("exampleModels is consistent with the old moWL objects", {

    ## these are the all names, before putting them in 'exampleModels'
    moWLprob <- c(0.5439, 0.4176, 0.0385)              # model coefficients from Wong&Li
    moWLsigma <- c(4.8227, 6.0082, 18.1716)
    moWLar <- list(c(0.6792, 0.3208), c(1.6711, -0.6711), 1)

    moWL <- new("MixARGaussian", prob = moWLprob, scale = moWLsigma, arcoef = moWLar)

    moWL_A <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model A
                , prob = c(0.5, 0.5)
                , scale = c(5, 1)
                , shift = c(0, 0)
                , arcoef = list(c(0.5), c(1.1))

    moWL_B <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model B
                , prob = c(0.75, 0.25)
                , scale = c(5, 1)
                , shift = c(0, 0)
                , arcoef = list(c(0.5), c(1.4))

    moWL_I <- new("MixARGaussian"                          # WongLi, model I
                , prob = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
                , scale = c(1, 1, 5)
                , shift = c(0, 0, -5)
                , arcoef = list(c(0.9, -0.6), c(-0.5), c(1.50, -0.74, 0.12))

    moWL_II <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model II
                 , prob = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
                 , scale = c(1, 1, 5)
                 , shift = c(5, 0, -5)
                 , arcoef = list(c(0.9, -0.6), c(-0.7, 0), c( 0, 0.80))

    moWLgen <-
        new("MixARgen", prob=moWLprob, scale=moWLsigma, arcoef=moWLar,

    moWLt3v <-
        new("MixARgen", prob=moWLprob, scale=moWLsigma, arcoef=moWLar,

    moWLtf <-
        new("MixARgen", prob=moWLprob, scale=moWLsigma, arcoef=moWLar,
              dist=list(generator=function(par) fn_stdt(par,fixed=FALSE),param=c(20,30,40)))

    moT_A <-
               , prob = c(0.5,0.5)
               , scale = c(1, 2)
               , shift = c(0, 0)
               , arcoef = list(c(-0.5), c(1.1))
                                                                  #  t4, t8
               , dist=list(generator=function(par) fn_stdt(par,fixed=FALSE),param=c(4,8))

    moT_B <-
               , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
               , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
               , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
               , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t6, t10
                 # dist=list(generator=function(par) fn_stdt(par,fixed=FALSE),param=c(4,6,10))
               , dist = distlist(c("stdt", "stdt", "stdt"), c(4,6,10))

    moT_B2 <-
               , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
               , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
               , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
               , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t4, t10
               , dist=list(generator=function(par) ft_stdt(par,
                                                           fixed = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                                                           n = 3,
                                                   tr = function(x,k) if(k<3) x[1] else x[2]),
                           param = c(4, 10))

    moT_B3 <-
               , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
               , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
               , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
               , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t4, t10
               , dist = distlist("stdt", c(4,10), fixed = c(FALSE, TRUE), tr = c(1,1,2))

    moT_C1 <-
              , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
              , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
              , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
              , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t7, N(0,1)
              , dist = distlist(c("stdt", "stdt", "stdnorm"), c(4,7))

    moT_C2 <-
              , model = exampleModels$WL_Bt_1
              , dist = distlist(c("stdt", "stdt", "stdnorm"), c(4,7))  # t4, t7, N(0,1)

    moT_C3 <-
        new("MixARGaussian", model = exampleModels$WL_Bt_1)

    ## these tests show equivalence to old example objects
    expect_identical(c(0.5439,0.4176,0.0385), exampleModels$WL_ibm@prob)
    expect_identical(c(4.8227,6.0082,18.1716), exampleModels$WL_ibm@scale)
    expect_identical(list(c(0.6792,0.3208), c(1.6711,-0.6711), 1),

    expect_identical(moWLprob,  exampleModels$WL_ibm@prob)
    expect_identical(moWLsigma, exampleModels$WL_ibm@scale)
    expect_identical(moWLar,    exampleModels$WL_ibm@arcoef@a)

    expect_identical(moWL    , exampleModels$WL_ibm )
    expect_identical(moWL_A  , exampleModels$WL_A   )
    expect_identical(moWL_B  , exampleModels$WL_B   )
    expect_identical(moWL_I  , exampleModels$WL_I   )
    expect_identical(moWL_II , exampleModels$WL_II  )

    expect_identical(moWLgen, exampleModels$WL_ibm_gen)
    ## the rest contain environments and are equal but not identical
    expect_equal(moWLt3v, exampleModels$WL_ibm_t3v)
    ## 2020-12-17: here and further below, add 'check.environment = FALSE'
    ##             to comply with change with all.equal() on R-devel
    expect_equal(moWLtf,  exampleModels$WL_ibm_tf, check.environment = FALSE)

    expect_equal(moT_A , exampleModels$WL_At, check.environment = FALSE)
    # TODO: could do (see covr issues #423 and #436):
    #     testthat::skip_if(in_covr())
    # instead of commenting out.
    # expect_equal(moT_B , exampleModels$WL_Bt_1) #139 (see below for the reasons of commenting out these))
    expect_equal(moT_B2, exampleModels$WL_Bt_2, check.environment = FALSE)
    expect_equal(moT_B3, exampleModels$WL_Bt_3)
    # expect_equal(moT_C1, exampleModels$WL_Ct_1) #142
    # expect_equal(moT_C2, exampleModels$WL_Ct_2) #143
    expect_equal(moT_C3, exampleModels$WL_Ct_3)


## TODO: investigate and report to covr()
## covr::report() (and similarly on TRravicCI) gives error for these checks (see above).
## devtools::test() and 'R CMD check are ok
## 1. Failure: exampleModels is consistent with the old moWL objects (@test-exampleModels.R#139) 
## 2. Failure: exampleModels is consistent with the old moWL objects (@test-exampleModels.R#142) 
## 3. Failure: exampleModels is consistent with the old moWL objects (@test-exampleModels.R#143) 

## In all cases the error is in:
## Attributes: < Component "dist": Component "generator":
##                                               target, current do not match when deparsed

## The objects look the same:

## > moT_B@dist$generator
## function(par = numeric(0)){
##                 dist <- ed_skeleton(par, fixed = fixed, n = length(type), tr = tr)
##                 for(i in seq_along(type)){
##                     dist[[i]] <- dist[[i]](ed_src[[ type[i] ]])
##                 }
##                 dist
##             }
## <environment: 0x55a7fea7e9c0>
## > exampleModels$WL_Bt_1@dist$generator
## function(par = numeric(0)){
##                 dist <- ed_skeleton(par, fixed = fixed, n = length(type), tr = tr)
##                 for(i in seq_along(type)){
##                     dist[[i]] <- dist[[i]](ed_src[[ type[i] ]])
##                 }
##                 dist
##             }
## <environment: 0x55a7ff72b258>

## > ls(environment(exampleModels$WL_Bt_1@dist$generator))
## [1] "dist"   "fixed"  "ncomp"  "param"  "tr"     "trflag" "type"

## > ls(environment(moT_B@dist$generator))
## [1] "dist"   "fixed"  "ncomp"  "param"  "tr"     "trflag" "type"  

## > parent.env(environment(moT_B@dist$generator))
## <environment: namespace:mixAR>
## > parent.env(environment(exampleModels$WL_Bt_1@dist$generator))
## <environment: namespace:mixAR>

## > expect_equal(environment(exampleModels$WL_Bt_1@dist$generator),
##                environment(moT_B@dist$generator))
GeoBosh/mixAR documentation built on May 9, 2022, 7:36 a.m.