Man pages for Geographie-cites/toyspace
bla bla bla

bind_excess_hhBind excess communting partial tables
bind_excess_jobBind excess communting partial tables
cast_tabflowsCreate an OD square matrix
cbd_cityDF transform to CBD urban model
city_aggregateAggregate cities of a DF
coord_comcities coordinates
cost_matrixCreate square distance matrix
excess_commutingExcess commuting
finger_planDF transform to finger plan urban model
map_valuesReplace specified values with new values, in a vector or...
mob_indicShape mobility indicators
nystuen_daceyDominant flows
pol_aggregateAggregate cities of a sf object
polycentric_cityDF transform to polycentric urban model
pop_tabTotal flows of a DF
relocate_oneCreate a dictionnary of id change
roadroad linestring
tod_cityDF transform to TOD urban model
Geographie-cites/toyspace documentation built on July 11, 2019, 6:07 p.m.