Release summary

Minor release to

Test Environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORS or WARNINGS.

There are two NOTES.

❯ On windows-x86_64-devel (r-devel) checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: 'lastMiKTeXException'

As noted in R-hub issue #503, this could be due to a bug/crash in MiKTeX and can likely be ignored. In addition, I can't replicate the issue on my local build.

❯ On fedora-clang-devel (r-devel) checking HTML version of manual ... NOTE Skipping checking HTML validation: no command 'tidy' found

HTML Validation occurs locally on MAC OS and the note doesn't appear in the winbuilder-release, winbuilder-devel, R-hub windows-x86_64-devel (r-devel), or R-hub ubuntu-gcc-release (r-release). It can probably be safely ignored.

Global-TIES-for-Children/rddi documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:50 p.m.