
Defines functions filter_spectra

Documented in filter_spectra

#' @title Filter spectral data frame based on Mahalanobis distance
#' @name filter_spectra
#' @description Determine Mahalanobis distances of observations (rows) within a
#'   given \code{data.frame} with spectral data. Option to filter out
#'   observations based on these distances.
#' @details  This function uses a chi-square distribution with 95\% cutoff where
#'   degrees of freedom = number of wavelengths (columns) in the input
#'   \code{data.frame}.
#' @references Johnson, R.A., and D.W. Wichern. 2007. Applied Multivariate
#'   Statistical Analysis (6th Edition). pg 189
#' @author Jenna Hershberger \email{jmh579@@cornell.edu}
#' @usage filter_spectra(df, filter, return.distances, num.col.before.spectra,
#'   window.size, verbose)
#' @importFrom stats cov mahalanobis na.omit qchisq
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @param df \code{data.frame} object containing columns of spectra and rows of
#'   observations. Spectral columns must be labeled with an "X" and then the
#'   wavelength (example: "X740" = 740nm). Left-most column must be unique ID.
#'   May also contain columns of metadata between the unique ID and spectral
#'   columns. Cannot contain any missing values. Metadata column names may not
#'   start with "X".
#' @param filter boolean that determines whether or not the input
#'   \code{data.frame} will be filtered. If \code{TRUE}, \code{df} will be
#'   filtered according to squared Mahalanobis distance with a 95\% cutoff from
#'   a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom = number of spectral
#'   columns. If \code{FALSE}, a column of squared Mahalanobis distances
#'   \code{h.distance} will be added to the right side of df and all rows will
#'   be returned. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param return.distances boolean that determines whether a column of squared
#'   Mahalanobis distances will be included in output \code{data.frame}. If
#'   \code{TRUE}, a column of Mahalanobis distances for each row will be added
#'   to the right side of \code{df}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param num.col.before.spectra number of columns to the left of the spectral
#'   matrix in \code{df}. Default is 4.
#' @param window.size number defining the size of window to use when calculating
#'   the covariance of the spectra (required to calculate Mahalanobis distance).
#'   Default is 10.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, the number of rows removed through filtering
#'   will be printed to the console. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return If \code{filter} is \code{TRUE}, returns filtered data frame
#'   \code{df} and reports the number of rows removed. The Mahalanobis distance
#'   with a cutoff of 95\% of chi-square distribution (degrees of freedom =
#'   number of wavelengths) is used as filtering criteria. If \code{filter} is
#'   \code{FALSE}, returns full input df with column \code{h.distances}
#'   containing the Mahalanobis distance for each row.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' filtered.test <- ikeogu.2017 %>%
#'   dplyr::select(-TCC) %>%
#'   na.omit() %>%
#'   filter_spectra(
#'     df = .,
#'     filter = TRUE,
#'     return.distances = TRUE,
#'     num.col.before.spectra = 5,
#'     window.size = 15
#'   )
#' filtered.test[1:5, c(1:5, (ncol(filtered.test) - 5):ncol(filtered.test))]
filter_spectra <- function(df,
                           filter = TRUE,
                           return.distances = FALSE,
                           num.col.before.spectra = 4,
                           window.size = 10,
                           verbose = TRUE) {

  # Strip off non-spectral columns
  spectra <- df[, (num.col.before.spectra + 1):ncol(df)]

  # Error handling
  # mahalanobis function does not allow missing values or non-numeric data
  if (nrow(spectra) != nrow(na.omit(spectra))) {
    rlang::abort("Input data frame cannot contain missing values!
                 Remove them and try again.")

  # Make subset of spectra using provided window size
  # (otherwise the system is computationally singular)
  spectra.subset <- spectra[, seq(1, ncol(spectra), window.size)]

  # Calculate covariance of spectral matrix
  spectra.cov <- tryCatch(
    expr = cov(as.matrix(spectra.subset)),
    error = function(err) {
      message("Error in covariance matrix calculation.
              Please increase 'window.size' and try again.")

  # Create list of Mahalanobis distances for each sample and bind to input df
  h.distances <- mahalanobis(
    x = spectra.subset, center = colMeans(spectra.subset),
    cov = spectra.cov, tol = 1e-22
  if (sum(h.distances <= 0) > 0) {
    rlang::abort("Please increase window size.")
  df.distances <- cbind(df, h.distances)

  if (filter) {
    # Filter input data based on square of Mahalanobis distance
    chisq95 <- qchisq(p = .95, df = ncol(spectra))
    df.filtered <- df.distances[which(h.distances < chisq95), ]

    # How many samples were removed?
    if (verbose) {
      if (nrow(df) - nrow(df.filtered) != 1) {
        cat(paste("\nRemoved", nrow(df) - nrow(df.filtered), "rows.\n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste("\nRemoved 1 row.\n"))

    if (return.distances) {
    } else {
      return(dplyr::select(df.filtered, -h.distances))
  } else {
    # Don't filter.
    # Just return input data.frame with or without distances as rightmost column
    if (return.distances) {
    } else {
      return(dplyr::select(df.distances, -h.distances))
GoreLab/waves documentation built on April 15, 2024, 3:28 p.m.