createGenomeAnnotation: Create a genome annotation object for ArchR

View source: R/AnnotationGenome.R

createGenomeAnnotationR Documentation

Create a genome annotation object for ArchR


This function will create a genome annotation object that can be used for creating ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject, etc.


  genome = NULL,
  chromSizes = NULL,
  blacklist = NULL,
  filter = TRUE,
  filterChr = c("chrM")



Either (i) a string that is a valid BSgenome or (ii) a BSgenome object (ie "hg38" or "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38").


A GRanges object containing chromosome start and end coordinates.


A GRanges object containing regions that should be excluded from analyses due to unwanted biases.


A boolean value indicating whether non-standard chromosome scaffolds should be excluded. These "non-standard" chromosomes are defined by filterChrGR() and by manual annotation using the filterChr parameter.


A character vector indicating the seqlevels that should be removed if manual removal is desired for certain seqlevels. If no manual removal is desired, filterChr should be set to NULL. If filter is set to TRUE but filterChr is set to NULL, non-standard chromosomes will still be removed as defined in filterChrGR().

GreenleafLab/ArchR documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 4:17 p.m.