N_nocov <- 80
source("utils_test.R", local = TRUE)
sampler_undirected_nocov$rNetwork(store = TRUE)
A <- sampler_undirected_nocov$networkData
cl <- sampler_undirected_nocov$memberships
l_psi <- list(
"dyad" = c(.7),
"node" = c(.7),
"double-standard" = c(0.4, 0.8),
"block-node" = c(.3, .8, .5),
"block-dyad" = sampler_undirected_nocov$connectParam$mean#,
# "degree" = c(.01, .01)
test_that("missSBM and class missSBM-fit are coherent", {
for (k in seq_along(l_psi)) {
sampling <- names(l_psi)[k]
adjMatrix <- missSBM::observeNetwork(A, sampling, l_psi[[k]], clusters = cl)
partlyObservedNet <- missSBM:::partlyObservedNetwork$new(adjMatrix)
cl0 <- partlyObservedNet$clustering(1:Q)[[Q]]
## control parameter for the VEM
control <- list(threshold = 1e-3, maxIter = 100, fixPointIter = 5, trace = 0, exploration = "none")
## Perform inference with internal classes
missSBM <- missSBM:::missSBM_fit$new(partlyObservedNet, sampling, cl0, TRUE)
out_missSBM <- missSBM$doVEM(control)
## Perform inference with the top level function
collection <- estimateMissSBM(
adjacencyMatrix = adjMatrix,
vBlocks = 1:3,
sampling = sampling,
control = control
expect_is(collection, "missSBM_collection")
expect_gte(aricode::ARI(collection$models[[Q]]$fittedSBM$memberships, missSBM$fittedSBM$memberships), 1)
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