
Defines functions run_transcoder `%reall%` `%re%` `%rmall%` `%rm%` `%c%` `%ee%` `%e%` toupper_names tolower_names `%pad%` `%rpad%` `%lpad%` `%count%` `%s%` `%out%` `%gic%` `%g%` `%,%` `% %` `%+%`

Documented in run_transcoder tolower_names toupper_names

#' @import stringr

#' @title paste0 in the way of pipe operator
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of paste0
#' @param x A string (or coerced to)
#' @param y A string (or coerced to)
#' @return The concatenation of \code{x} and \code{y} strings
#' @examples
#' 'Hello ' %+% 'world'
#' 'Your pastas taste like ' %+% '%>%'
#' 'coco' %+% 'bolo'
#' @export
`%+%` <- function(a,b){
  paste0(a, b)

#' @title paste ', ' in the way of pipe operator
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of paste
#' @param x A string (or coerced to)
#' @param y A string (or coerced to)
#' @return The concatenation of \code{x} and \code{y} strings
#' @examples
#' 'Hello' % % 'world'
#' 'Your pastas taste like' % % '%>%'
#' @export
`% %` <- function(a,b){
  paste(a, b)
#' @examples
#' 'Hello' %,% 'world...'
#' 'Your pastas taste like ' %+% '%>%...' %,% 'or %>>%...'
#' @export
`%,%` <- function(a, b){
  paste(a,b, sep = ", ")

#' @title grepl in the way of pipe operator (case sensitive)
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of grepl
#' @param x string where to search pattern with grepl
#' @param y pattern submitted to grepl
#' @return A boolean
#' @examples
#' 'pig' %g% 'The pig is in the cornfield'
#' 'Pig' %g% 'The pig is in the cornfield'
#' @export
`%g%` <- function(x,y) {
  grepl(x, y)

#' @title grepl in the way of pipe operator (ignore case)
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of grepl with ignore.case = TRUE
#' @param x string where to search pattern with grepl
#' @param y pattern submitted to grepl
#' @return A boolean
#' @examples
#' 'pig' %gic% 'The pig is in the cornfield'
#' 'PIG' %gic% 'The PiG is in the cornfield'
#' @export
`%gic%` <- function(x,y) {
  grepl(x, y, ignore.case = TRUE)

#' @title negation of in infix operator
#' @details This function comes from https://github.com/pierucci/rmngb/tree/master/rmngb
#' @param a Vector or NULL, values to be matched
#' @param b Vector or NULL, values to be matched
#' @return a boolean
#' @examples
#' 'coca' %out% c('cola')
#' 'coca' %out% c('coca', 'cola')
#' @export
`%out%` <- function(a,b){
  ! a %in% b

#' @title substring in the way of pipe operator
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of substr
#' @param x Vector or NULL, values to be substringed
#' @param y.z  A character or 0.digit to call substr
#' @return A string or NULL
#' @examples
#' 'NFKA008' %s% '1.4'
#' 'NFKA008' %s% .4
#' 'where is' % % ('the pig is in the cornfield' %s% '1.7') %+% '?'
#' 'NFKA008' %s% 5.7
#' @export
`%s%` <- function(x, yz){
  y.z <- stringr::str_split(as.character(yz), '\\.', simplify = TRUE)[1,]
  if (y.z[1] == ""){
    y.z[1] <- 1

#' @title count pattern in strings the way of pipe operator
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of stringr::count
#' @param x Pattern to count in string
#' @param y  string where to count pattern
#' @return A vector of integer
#' @examples
#' fruit <- c("apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple")
#' "a" %count% fruit
#' c("a", "b", "p", "p") %count% fruit
#' @export
`%count%` <- function(x,y){
  stringr::str_count(y, x)

#' @title Left pad strings the way of pipe operator
#' @param string Character vector or NULL
#' @param pad.width string or .digit where to indicate the pad and widht
#' @return A character vector or NULL
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of stringr::pad
#' @examples
#' 5 %lpad% '0.5'
#' 5 %lpad%   .5
#' 5 %lpad%  '.5'
#' 5 %lpad% '2.5'
#' 'é' %lpad% 'é.5'
#' @export
`%lpad%`<- function(string, pad.width){
  p.w <- stringr::str_split(as.character(pad.width), '\\.', simplify = TRUE)[1,]
  if (p.w[1] == ""){
    p.w[1] = " "
  stringr::str_pad(string, p.w[2], side = "left", pad = p.w[1])

#' @title Right pad strings the way of pipe operator
#' @param string Character vector or NULL
#' @param pad.width string or .digit where to indicate the pad and width
#' @return A character vector or NULL
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of stringr::pad
#' @examples
#' 5 %rpad% '.2'
#' 'é' %rpad% 'è.5'
#' @export
`%rpad%`<- function(string, pad.width){
  p.w <- stringr::str_split(as.character(pad.width), '\\.', simplify = TRUE)[1,]
  if (p.w[1] == ""){
    p.w[1] = " "
  stringr::str_pad(string, p.w[2], side = "right", pad = p.w[1])

#' @title Both side pad strings the way of pipe operator
#' @param string Character vector or NULL
#' @param pad.width string or .digit where to indicate the pad and width
#' @return A character vector or NULL
#' @details This functions is a pipe version of stringr::pad
#' @examples
#' 5 %pad% '.3'
#' 5 %rpad% '0.3'
#' @export
`%pad%`<- function(string, pad.width){
  p.w <- stringr::str_split(as.character(pad.width), '\\.', simplify = TRUE)[1,]
  if (p.w[1] == ""){
    p.w[1] = " "
  stringr::str_pad(string, p.w[2], side = "both", pad = p.w[1])

#' @title Make names of a tibble tolower
#' @param d tibble
#' @return A tibble
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' iris %>% tolower_names %>% head
#' @export
tolower_names <- function(d){
  nd <- names(d)
  names(d) <- tolower(names(d))

#' @title Make names of a tibble toupper
#' @param d tibble
#' @return A tibble
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' iris %>% toupper_names %>% head
#' @export
toupper_names <- function(d){
  nd <- names(d)
  names(d) <- toupper(names(d))

#' @title  Explode a character string
#' @param x A character string
#' @param p A pattern
#' @return a character vector
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_split for a character string, with simplify = TRUE
#' @examples
#' 'The little horse under the weather' %e% ' '
#' 'The little horse under the weather' %e% ''
#' @export
`%e%` <- function(x, p){
  stringr::str_split(x, p, simplify = TRUE)[1,]

#' @title  Explode a character vector
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param p A pattern
#' @return a tibble
#' @import tibble
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_split for a character vector, with simplify = TRUE
#' @examples
#' c('The little horse under the weather',
#' "He who gave courage",
#' "It was a little white horse",
#' 'All behind, all behind',
#' "It was time of the little white horse",
#' "All behind him before") %ee% " |'|, "
#' @export
`%ee%` <- function(x, p){
  tibble::as_tibble(stringr::str_split(x, p, simplify = TRUE))

#' @title  Collapse a character vector to a character string
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param y Character string, collapse parameter of paste0
#' @details This function is a pipe version of paste0 with collapse parameter to specify
#' @return A character string
#' @examples
#' c('N', 'F', 'K', 'A') %c% ' '
#' 'All I wanna do' %e% '' %c% ''
#' @export
`%c%` <-  function(x, y){
  paste0(x, collapse = y)

#' @title  Remove matched patterns in a string
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param y Character string or pattern to remove
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_remove
#' @return A character vector
#' @examples
#' 'totoro' %rm% 'to'
#' @export
`%rm%` <- function(x, y){
  stringr::str_remove(x, y)

#' @title  Remove matched patterns in a string
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param y Character string or pattern to remove
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_remove_all
#' @return A character vector
#' @examples
#' 'totoro' %rmall% 'to'
#' @export
`%rmall%` <- function(x, y){
  stringr::str_remove_all(x, y)

#' @title  Replace matched patterns in a string
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param y.z A vector of two string specifying pattern for match and replace
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_replace
#' @return A character vector
#' @examples
#' 'totoro12_13' %re% c('[0-9]+', 'to')
#' @export
`%re%` <- function(x, y.z){
  stringr::str_replace(x, y.z[1], y.z[2])

#' @title  Replace matched patterns in a string
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param y.z A vector of two string specifying pattern for match and replace
#' @details This function is a pipe version of stringr::str_replace_all
#' @return A character vector
#' @examples
#' 'totoro12_13' %reall% c('[0-9]+', 'to')
#' @export
`%reall%` <- function(x, y.z){
  stringr::str_replace_all(x, y.z[1], y.z[2])

#' @title  Run transcoder shiny app
#' @export
run_transcoder <- function(launch.browser = getOption("shiny.launch.browser", interactive())) {
  appDir <- system.file("transcoder", "transcoder", package = "stringfix")
  if (appDir == "") {
    # https://deanattali.com/2015/04/21/r-package-shiny-app/
    stop("Could not find transcoder directory. Try re-installing `stringfix`.", call. = FALSE)

  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = launch.browser)
GuillaumePressiat/stringfix documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 12:24 a.m.