
Defines functions script_template

script_template <- function(author = Sys.info()[["user"]]) {
  author <- paste("# Original author(s):", author)
  orig_date <- paste("# Original date:", Sys.Date())

  r_code <- c(
    "# Name of script",
    "# Publication (delete if not applicable)",
    "# Latest update author (delete if using version control)",
    "# Latest update date (delete if using version control)",
    "# Latest update description (delete if using version control)",
    "# Type of script (e.g. extraction, preparation, modelling)",
    "# Description of content",
    "# Approximate run time",
    "# ",
    "# PWB recommended options #",
    "# CPUs: ",
    "# Memory: ",
    "### 1 - Housekeeping ----",
    "# This section should be the only section of the script which requires manual changes ",
    "# for future updates and includes:",
    "#   loading packages",
    "source(\"code/packages.R\") # Remove this line if loading packages here",
    "#   setting filepaths and extract dates",
    "#   defining functions",
    "source(\"code/functions.R\") # Remove this line if defining functions here",
    "#   setting plot parameter",
    "#   specifying codes (e.g. ICD-10 codes)",
    "### 2 Section Heading ----",
    "### 3 Section Heading ----",
    "# quit(save = \"no\") # Uncomment this to automatically close the R session when finished",
    "### END OF SCRIPT ###"
  r_code <- paste(r_code, collapse = "\n")

Health-SocialCare-Scotland/phstemplates documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 12:23 a.m.