
Defines functions app_server

Documented in app_server

#' Server side logic of the application
#' @param input shiny input components
#' @param output shiny output components
#' @param session the shiny session parameter
#' @return ignored
#' @export
app_server <- function(input, output, session) {
    healthatlas_data <- get_data() # nolint
    config <- get_config() # nolint

    # Run the select_server shiny module
    # User pick atlas and sample
    # Module returns name of choosen atlas and data from choosen sample
    selection <- select_server("atlas",
                               language = shiny::reactive(input$language),
                               data = healthatlas_data,
                               config = config

    if (!exists("git_hash")) {
      git_hash <- NULL

    if (!exists("github_repo")) {
      github_repo <- NULL

    output$pick_language <- shiny::renderUI({
          size = "sm",
          direction = "vertical",
          status = "default",
          inputId = "language",
          label = "",
          choices = c("NO" = "nb",
                      "EN" = "en"
          selected = "nb"

    output$git_version <- shiny::renderUI({
      if (!is.null(git_hash)) {
        if (is.null(github_repo)) {
          version_num <- substr(git_hash, 1, 8)
        } else {
          version_num <- paste0("<a href='https://github.com/",
                                substr(git_hash, 1, 8),
        # Hash on web page, if given
        return(shiny::HTML(paste0("Version: ", version_num)))

    output$title <- shiny::renderUI({
      if (!exists("webpage_title") || is.null(webpage_title)) {
        # Define the atlas title, if not defined
        webpage_title <- config$title[[input$language]]

      return(shiny::HTML(paste0("<h1>", webpage_title, "</h1>")))

               data = selection$data,
               map = shiny::reactive(healthatlas_data[[selection$atlas()]]$map),
               config = config,
               language = shiny::reactive(input$language)

  output$app_info <- shiny::renderUI({
      inputId = "app_info",
      label = "",
      icon = shiny::icon("info")

  shiny::observeEvent(input$app_info, {
    shinyalert::shinyalert(title = config$info$title[[input$language]],
                           text = version_info(),
                           type = "",
                           closeOnEsc = TRUE, closeOnClickOutside = TRUE,
                           html = TRUE,
                           confirmButtonText =
                             sample(config$info$action_button$no_opt_out_ok[[input$language]], 1))

  output$desc_text <- shiny::renderUI({
    if ("description" %in% colnames(selection$data())) {
      selected_theme <- selection$data()
      desc <- selected_theme$description
Helseatlas/helseatlas documentation built on June 9, 2020, 5:48 p.m.