
test_that("tab_server", {

  # filtrert data
  filtered_data <- readRDS("data/filter_2.rds")
  kart <- kart::dagkir

  shiny::testServer(tab_server, {

    expect_equal(class(output$plot_map), "json")
    map <- as.character(output$plot_map)
    # Check that it is some human made values in map
    expect_true(grepl("<strong>Forde", map))
    # Check that map is a large json...
    expect_true(nchar(map) > 1000000)

    expect_equal(class(output$make_table), "json")
    table <- as.character(output$make_table)
    # Check that it is some human made values in table
    expect_true(grepl("<th>Innbyggere", table))

    histogram <- output$plot_histogram
    # Add histogram tests here later...

  }, args = list(data = shiny::reactive(filtered_data),
                  map = shiny::reactive(kart),
                  config = readRDS("data/get_config.rds"),
                  language = shiny::reactive("nb")
Helseatlas/helseatlas documentation built on June 9, 2020, 5:48 p.m.