hook_output = knit_hooks$get('output')
knit_hooks$set(output = function(x, options) {
  # this hook is used only when the linewidth option is not NULL
  if (!is.null(n <- options$linewidth)) {
    x = knitr:::split_lines(x)
    # any lines wider than n should be wrapped
    if (any(nchar(x) > n)) x = strwrap(x, width = n)
    x = paste(x, collapse = '\n')
  hook_output(x, options)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "  " ,fig.align = 'center', cache=FALSE,tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=71), tidy=TRUE)

Getting started {#s1}

This vignette introduces the FLRef R package available on, as a support tool for estimating and visualizing reference points in FLR. Specific emphasis is put to enable routine plotting of a wider a of biological reference points (BRPs), such, as $F_{spr40}$, $F_{B35}$ or $F_{0.1}$.


FLRef requires very recent versions of FLR libraries FLCore, FLBRP, FLasher, mse, FLSRTBM and ggplotFL. This can be installed together with FLRef from gihtub using library(devtools):












# only for demo
library(ggpubr) # For this demo

Example stock

The North Sea Plaice FLStock object ple4 from FLCore used here as an example.

stk = ple4
plot(stk)+theme_bw()+ facet_wrap(~qname,scales="free",ncol=2)


Per-recruit reference points

Common proxies for $F_{MSY}$ that do not neccessarly require a stock recruitment relationship are $F_{0.1}$ and $F_{SPR35-50}$, where $SPR$ the spawning ratio potential expressed as spawning-biomass per-recruit relative to the unfished spawning biomass per-recruit at $F=0$ ($SPR_0$). $F_{SPR40}$ denotes a spawning-biomass per-recruit is reduced to 40 percent of $SPR_0$.

A range of these $F_{BRP}$'s can be computed quickly by:

fbrps = computeFbrps(stock=ple4, proxy="sprx",f0.1=TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

This range $F_{BRP}$ values can easily visualised

```r$'s $F_{spr35-50}$ and $F_{0.1}$."}



$Yield$ and $SSB$ are in this case as yield- and spawning biomass per-recruit, respectively. $B0$ is the product of $R_0$ and $SPR_0$, where $SPR_0$ is a function of weight-at-age ($w_a$), maturity-at-age ($mat_a$) and natural mortality at age ($M_a$). Because $R_0$ is one (per-recruit), $B0$ equals $SPR_0$.   
It is also possible to add some of the "default" reference points that are inbuilt in `FLBRP`. 

```r$, $F_{spr35-50}$ and $F_{0.1}$, adding the inbuilt default reference point $F_{max}$."}

ploteq(fbrps,refpts = "fmax")

A more targeted approach for exploring option of target an limit reference points is the function computeFbrp() (i.e. without 's). In the following example the $F_{brp}$ is chosen to be $F_{0.1}$ and a $B_{lim}$ proxy is chose so that is corresponds $0.25B_{F0.1}$.

fbrp = computeFbrp(stock=stk, proxy=c("f0.1"),blim=0.25,type="btrg", verbose = FALSE)


It is also possible to add additional $F_{BRP}$. However, note that by convention the first in order of occurrence is used, e.g. to compute the ratio to approximate $B_{lim}$. It the example below $B_{lim}$ is now computed as $0.25B_{spr40}$, i.e relative to the biomass per-recruit corresponding to $F_{spr40}$, spefied as proxy = "sprx" and x=40.

fbrp = computeFbrp(stock=stk, proxy=c("sprx","f0.1"),x=40,blim=0.25,type="btrg", verbose = FALSE)

ploteq(fbrp,refpts = "fmax")

The plotAdvice() function provide can then be used to show the estimated stock trajectories per recruit relative to the reference points. To compute those from the FLStock object, the recruitment is normalised by its geometric mean which is a assumed to approximate $R_0$ (i.e. expected mean recruitment in the absence of a stock recruitment relationship). The estimate of spawning biomass per recruit is computed as $SB/R=SSB/R_{0}$ and then expressed as the Spawning Ratio Potential (SRP) relative to $SPR_0$. The "observed" yield per recruit is first computed as $Y/R=landings/R_{0}$ and then expressed as the ratio to the equilibrium Yield corresponding to $F_{BRP}$.



Integrating stock recruitment (S-R) functions into reference point computations

The simplest S-R model is assuming a that the expected recruitment is constant with $R_0$ estimated in the form of the geometric mean. This geomean can therefore be interpreted as Null model S-R functions. To set this up in FLSRTMB, it is only required to create a standard FLSR object as input to the function srrTMB():

object = as.FLSR(stk,model=geomean)

gm = srrTMB(object)

The reference points can now be re-calculated with computeFbrp() by simply specificying sr=gm, such that

fbrp = computeFbrp(stock=stk,sr=gm, proxy=c("sprx","f0.1"),x=40,blim=0.25,type="btrg", verbose = FALSE)

The only difference to the per-recruit representation is that that the reference points to recruitment, biomass and yield are now readily scaled by $R_0$ to the corresponding modelled quantities, which allows to add those for reference using the option obs=TRUE.


Similarly, the estimated time-series of $Recruitment$, $SSB$, $F$ and $Landings$ can now be directly compared to the reference points on absolute scale. Otherwise, the inference about the stock status remains the same as for the per-recruit analysis in the absensce a S-R relationship.




The next step is to set fit alternative S-R functions with srrTBM()

The first one is a model=bevholtSV which is parameterised as a function of steepness $s$ and $SPR_0$. This formulation also requires to specify spr0 = spr0y(stk), which computes the implicit values of $SPR_0$ in each year $y$ as function of $w_{a,y}$, $mat_{a,y}$ and $M_{a,y}$. The estimates of $s$ and $R_0$ are subsequently converted into the conventional bevholt parameter a and b given the mean $SPR_0$ for some reference years. For example, the default is use the geometric mean $SPR_0$ over the time-series whereas specifying nyears=3 would use the mean of $SPR_0$ over the 3 most recent years.

bh = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=bevholtSV),spr0=spr0y(stk),verbose = FALSE)


Calling bh@SV shows the maximum likelihood estimates of $s$, the recruitment standard deviation $sigmaR$, $R0$ and the post-hoc computed AR1 auto-correlation coeffecient $rho$.

Similarly, the Ricker model model=rickerSV is parameterised as a function of steepness $s$ and $SPR_0$, but $s$ is in this case not restricted to an bound at one to enable obtaining the same unconstraint fits as the equivalent $a$, $b$ formulation of the model.

ri = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=rickerSV),spr0=spr0y(stk),verbose = FALSE)

Finally, FLSRTMB also allows to fit a hockey-stick model=segreg, which is formulated as function of $SPR_0$. This formulation enables to invoke contraits for the location of the break-point. For example, by specifying lplim=0.05 and uplim=0.2 the location of the break-point $b=B_{lim}$ is constrained to fall between $0.05-0.2B_0$, which is in the specific case of the hockey-stick identical to the spawning ratio potential $SRP_{0.05-0.2}$.

hs = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=segreg),spr0=spr0y(stk),lplim=0.05,uplim=0.2)

The three S-R fit can be summarised in single $FLSRs$ to enable a quick comparison with plotsrs.

srs = FLSRs(bh=bh,ri=ri,hs=hs)



Clearly, the hockey-stick fails to identify a clear break point in the data and therefore is located towards the lower specified bound, lplim=0.05.


The stock shows a considerable variation and by providing a vector of spr0=spr0y(stk) the model effectly assumes time-varying $SPR_{0_y}$ and thus $B_{0_y}$.

```r$ as function of time-varying $w_{a_y}$ (here), $mat_{a_y}$ and $M_{a_y}$.",tidy=FALSE}

plot(spr0y(stk))+theme_bw()+ ylab(expression(SPR[0]))+xlab("Year")+ geom_hline(yintercept = mean(spr0y(stk)),linetype="dashed")

An alternative is to set $SPR_0$ to its mean or change the bounds $lplim$ and $uplim$, which determine the "plausible" range of $SRP$. For this example, the lower limit of $lplim$ is increase to 0.07.  

```r$ and time-varying $SPR_{0,y}$, (2) the same but with the mean of $SPR_{0,y}$ (3) $SRP_{7-20}$ and mean $SPR_{0,y}$."}

hs1 = srs$hs
hs2 = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=segreg),
hs3 = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=segreg),


Here models (1) plim0.05 (2) muSPR0 produce the same results. In option (3) the break-point is still located close to $plim = 0.07$. Therefore, the data hold no information about a break-point and the choice of "plausible" $SPR_{0}$ specification (mean vs time-varying) and the $SRP$ bounds determine the estimate of the break-point. For this demo, option (2) is used instead of (1) for subsequent illustrations.

# Extract Blim
blim = c(params(hs)["b"])
# check break-point relative to B0

The function plotsrs provides following options to illustrate the S-R:

p1 = plotsrs(srs,path=FALSE)
p2 = plotsrs(srs,path=TRUE)
p3 = plotsrs(srs,b0=TRUE)
p4 = plotsrs(srs,b0=TRUE,rel=TRUE)

ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2, nrow=2, common.legend = TRUE, legend="right")

Similar to FLSRs,the computeFbrp output in the form FLBRP objects can also be compiled in FLBRS to enable comparison. Note that in the case of the hockey-stick its breakpoint is used directly as input of an absolute value for blim, using the option type="value".

brps = FLBRPs(
  bh = computeFbrp(stk,sr=srs[["bh"]],proxy=c("f0.1","sprx","msy"),x=40,blim=0.25,type="btrg",verbose = FALSE),
  ri = computeFbrp(stk,sr=srs[["ri"]],proxy=c("f0.1","sprx","msy"),x=40,blim=0.25,type="btrg",verbose = FALSE),
  hs = computeFbrp(stk,sr=srs[["hs"]],proxy=c("f0.1","sprx","msy"),x=40,blim=blim,type="value",verbose = FALSE)

# plot


The same plot can be produce with estimates from the assessment estimates.

# plot

FLSRTMB provides also the option fix $s$ or use informative priors, such as those that can be derived from FishLife; Thorson (2020). This can be done

# Fixed steepness
s = c(seq(0.8,0.95,0.05))
fixs = FLSRs(lapply(as.list(s),function(x){
  srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=bevholtSV),spr0=spr0y(stk),s=x,s.est = FALSE)
names(fixs) = paste0("s=",s)
# with prior with mean s=0.85 and s.logitsd = 0.3 = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=bevholtSV),spr0=spr0y(stk),s=0.8,s.logitsd = 0.3)
# uncontrained estimate
s.est = srrTMB(as.FLSR(stk,model=bevholtSV),spr0=spr0y(stk),s=0.8)

bhs = FLSRs(c(s.est=s.est,,fixs))
# add s estimate
names(bhs)[1:2] = c(paste0("s.est(",round(s.est@SV[["s"]],2),")"),

bh.brps = FLBRPs(lapply(bhs,function(x){

  ggtitle(paste0(stk@name,": BevHolt with s = ",round(bhs[[1]]@SV[["s"]],3)))

Another option to illustrate the stock status against the reference point estimates is the "Advice Rule" plot plotAR(). For the variety option please see the available examples ?plotAR. Here we consider 4 options of illustration: (1) Basic plot with a precautionary biomass $B_{pa}$ add that expressed relative $B_(lim)$, adding a $B_{trigger}$ as fraction of the target Biomass reference point $Btrg$, (3) using kobe type color-coding with de facto fishing closure at $B{lim}$ and (4) showing the quatative relative to the targer reference points. The input can be either the output of Fbrp() (easy to manipulate) or the FLBRP output from computeFbrp().

pars= Fbrp(bh.brps[[1]])
p1= plotAR(bh.brps[[1]],obs=stk,kobe=FALSE,bpa=1.4)
p2= plotAR(bh.brps[[1]],obs=stk,kobe=FALSE,
p3= plotAR(bh.brps[[1]],obs=stk,kobe=TRUE,
p4= plotAR(bh.brps[[1]],obs=stk,kobe=TRUE,

ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2, nrow=2)

Henning-Winker/FLRef documentation built on July 14, 2024, 7:28 a.m.