Man pages for HenrikBengtsson/aroma.apd
A Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix' [deprecated]

aroma.apd-packagePackage aroma.apd
cdfToApdMapGenerates an APD read map file from an Affymetrix CDF file
celToApdGenerates an APD file from an Affymetrix CEL file
createApdCreates an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file
findApdMapSearch for APD map files in multiple directories
gtypeCelToPQFunction to immitate Affymetrix' gtype_cel_to_pq software
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
readApdReads an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file
readApdHeaderReads the header of an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file
readApdMapReads an APD probe map file
readApdRectangleReads a spatial subset of probe-level data from Affymetrix...
readApdUnitsReads Affymetrix probe data (APD) as units (probesets)
updateApdUpdates an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file
updateApdHeaderUpdates the header of an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file
updateApdUnitsUpdates an Affymetrix probe data (APD) file by units...
writeApdWrites an APD probe data file
writeApdMapWrites an APD probe map file
HenrikBengtsson/aroma.apd documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 8:17 a.m.