pairedAlleleSpecificCopyNumbers: Calculating tumor-normal paired allele-specific copy number...

pairedAlleleSpecificCopyNumbersR Documentation

Calculating tumor-normal paired allele-specific copy number stratified on genotypes


Calculating tumor-normal paired allele-specific copy number stratified on genotypes. The method is a single-sample (single-pair) method. It requires paired tumor-normal parent-specific copy number signals.


 ## S3 method for class 'numeric'
pairedAlleleSpecificCopyNumbers(thetaT, betaT, thetaN, betaN,
  muN=callNaiveGenotypes(betaN), ...)


thetaT, betaT

Theta and allele-B fraction signals for the tumor.

thetaN, betaN

Total and allele-B fraction signals for the matched normal.


An optional vector of length J containing normal genotypes calls in (0,1/2,1,NA) for (AA,AB,BB).


Not used.


Returns a data.frame with elements CT, betaT and muN.


Pierre Neuvial, Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

This definition of calculating tumor-normal paired ASCN is related to how the normalizeTumorBoost() method calculates normalized tumor BAFs.

HenrikBengtsson/aroma.light documentation built on July 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m.