
# @RdocPackage calmate
# \description{
#   @eval "packageDescription('calmate')$Description" 
# }
# \section{Requirements}{
#   This package depends on a set of packages that are all available
#   via CRAN.  It has been tested and verified to run on all common
#   operating systems on which R runs, including Linux, Windows and OSX.
# }
# \section{Installation and updates}{
#   To install this package, do \code{install.packages("calmate")}.
# } 
# \section{To get started}{
#  \enumerate{
#   \item To process SNP and non-polymorphic signals, see @see "calmateByTotalAndFracB".  If you are working solely with SNP signals, @see "calmateByThetaAB" is also available, but we recommend the former.
#   \item For processing data in the aroma framework, see @see "CalMaTeCalibration".
#  }
# }
# \section{How to cite}{
#   Please cite [1] when using CalMaTe.
# }
# \author{
#  @eval "packageDescription('calmate')$Author". 
# }
# \section{License}{
#  @eval "packageDescription('calmate')$License".
# }
# \references{
#  [1] @include "../incl/OrtizM_etal_2012.Rd" \cr 
# }
HenrikBengtsson/calmate documentation built on March 21, 2022, 6:32 p.m.