
Defines functions prob_trans_mtsl

Documented in prob_trans_mtsl

##' Probability of transmission assuming multiple-transmission and single-linkage
##' @description
##' `r lifecycle::badge('deprecated')`
##' This function calculates the probability that two cases are linked by direct transmission
##' given that they have been linked by phylogenetic criteria. The multiple-transmission and single-linkage method assumes the following:
##' \enumerate{
##'      \item Each case \eqn{i} is, on average, the infector of `R` cases in the population (\eqn{N})
##'      \item Each case \eqn{i} is allowed to be linked by the linkage criteria to only one other case \eqn{j} in the sampled population (\eqn{M}).
##'      }
##' @param eta scalar or vector giving the sensitivity of the linkage criteria
##' @param chi scalar or vector giving the specificity of the linkage criteria
##' @param rho scalar or vector giving the proportion of the final outbreak size that is sampled
##' @param M scalar or vector giving the number of cases sampled
##' @param R scalar or vector giving the effective reproductive number of the pathogen
##' @return scalar or vector giving the probability of transmission between two cases given linkage by phylogenetic criteria
##' @author John Giles, Shirlee Wohl, and Justin Lessler
##' @examples
##' # Perfect sensitivity and specificity
##' prob_trans_mtsl(eta=1, chi=1, rho=0.5, M=100, R=1)
##' prob_trans_mtsl(eta=0.99, chi=0.9, rho=1, M=50, R=1)
##' prob_trans_mtsl(eta=0.99, chi=0.9, rho=0.5, M=100, R=1)
##' @family prob_trans
##' @export

prob_trans_mtsl <- function(chi, eta, rho, M, R) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.0.0", "prob_trans_mtsl()", "translink_prob_transmit_mtsl()")
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.0.0", "prob_trans_mtsl(eta)", "translink_prob_transmit_mtsl(sensitivity)")
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.0.0", "prob_trans_mtsl(chi)", "translink_prob_transmit_mtsl(specificity)")

    if (!all(is.numeric(eta), eta >= 0 & eta <= 1))
        stop("eta must be numeric between 0 and 1")
    if (!all(is.numeric(chi), chi >= 0 & chi <= 1))
        stop("chi must be numeric between 0 and 1")
    if (!all(is.numeric(rho), rho > 0 & rho <= 1))
        stop("rho must be numeric > 0 and <= 1")
    if (!all(is.numeric(M) | is.integer(M), M >= 0))
        stop("Sample size (M) must be integer or numeric greater than 0")
    if (!all(is.numeric(R), R > 0))
        stop("Reproductive number (R) must be numeric greater than 0")
    if (!all(is.numeric(R), R <= 1))
        warning("Reproductive number (R) is usually less than 1 for finite outbreaks")

    (1 - exp(-rho * eta * (R + 1)))/(1 - ((chi^(M - 1)) * exp(rho * (R + 1) * ((1 -
        eta)/chi - 1))))
HopkinsIDD/phylosamp documentation built on May 28, 2023, 3:21 a.m.