
#' Save plot as PowerPoint
#' @param p A \code{ggplot2} object.
#' @param filename Filename for the PowerPoint file.
#' @param template Either \code{presentation} or \code{report}, the template on Dropbox to be used. 
#' Only useful if connected to Dropbox. Can be overriden by \code{template.file}.
#' @param template.file If set, the file (must have extension \code{.pptx}) to be used in the template.
#' @param f A function that prints the input, such as \code{grid::grid.draw}.
#' @details 
#' Generally, you will need the \code{ReporteRs} package which has been deprecated on CRAN, 
#' so you will need to install it remotely. \code{\link{install_reporters}}.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # See
#' paste0("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/HughParsonage/",
#'       "60581c4595f3f10ba201faeacc46cca5/raw/31316307432ee6fef3164e212d21f173ec49d25f/",
#'       "employment-QLD")
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr use_series
#' @export

save_pptx <- function(p, filename, template = c("presentation", "report"),
                      template.file = NULL,
                      f = NULL) {
  if (!requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE) &&
      !requireNamespace("ReporteRs", quietly = TRUE)) {
    warning("package:ReporteRs is not installed, though is necessary for `save_pptx`.")
  } else {
    if (is.null(template.file)) {
      DropboxInfo <- 
        if (Sys.getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") {
          file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "Dropbox", "info.json")
        } else {
      if (file.exists(DropboxInfo)) {
        Path2Dropbox <- 
          jsonlite::fromJSON(DropboxInfo) %>%
          use_series("business") %>%
        template <- match.arg(template)
        template.potx <-
                    "Grattan Team",
                    paste0("r-pkg-Charts-for-", template, "s.pptx"))
        if (!file.exists(template.potx)) {
          stop("Could not find the ",
               paste0("r-pkg-Charts-for-", template, "s.pptx"),
               " template file in ",
                         "Grattan Team",
        template.file <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx") 
        file.copy(template.potx, template.file, overwrite = TRUE)
      } else {
        stop("Could not find the chart template on Dropbox. ",
             "Ensure you have access to the Grattan Team directory.")
    if (requireNamespace("ReporteRs", quietly = TRUE)) {
      fun <- 
        if (is.null(f)) {
          if (ggplot2::is.ggplot(p)) {
            function() print(p)
          } else if (grid::is.grob(p)) {
            function() grid::grid.draw(p)
          } else {
            stop("`p` is not a ggplot or grob object. ",
                 "Consider using `f` to pass to ReporteRs::addPlot.")
        } else {
      ReporteRs::pptx(template = template.file) %>%
        ReporteRs::addSlide(slide.layout = if (template == "presentation") "Slide with chart" else "Chart") %>% 
        ReporteRs::addPlot(fun = fun,
                           fontname_sans = "Arial", 
                           vector.graphic = TRUE,
                           width = 22.16/2.5, 
                           height = 14.5/2.5, 
                           offx = if (template == "presentation") 1 else 0,
                           offy = if (template == "presentation") 2 else 0) %>%
        ReporteRs::writeDoc(file = filename)
    } else if (requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE)) {
      template <- officer::read_pptx(path = template.file)
      template %<>% officer::add_slide(layout = "Slide with chart",
                                       master = "Charts for overheads")
        officer::ph_with_gg_at(x = template,
                               value= p, 
                               # fontname_sans = "Arial",
                               width = 22.16/2.5,
                               height = 14.5/2.5,
                               left = if (template == "presentation") 1 else 0,
                               top = if (template == "presentation") 2 else 0) %>%
        print(target = filename)
HughParsonage/grattanCharts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:52 a.m.