
Defines functions decode_heims

Documented in decode_heims

#' Decode HEIMS elements
#' @param DT A \code{data.table} with the original HEIMS column names.
#' @param show_progress Display the progress of the function (which is likely to be slow on real data).
#' @param check_valid Check the variable is valid before decoding. Setting to \code{FALSE} is faster, but should only be done when you know the data has been validated.
#' @param selector Original HEIMS names to restrict the decoding to. Other names will be preserved.
#' @return \code{DT} with the values decoded and the names renamed.
#' @details Each variable in \code{DT} is validated according \code{\link{heims_data_dict}} before being decoded. Any failure stops the validation.
#' If \code{DT} has a key, the output will have a key, but set on the \strong{decoded} columns and
#' the ordering will most likely change (to reflect the decoded values).
#' This function will, on the full HEIMS data, take a long time to finish. Typically in the order of
#' 10 minutes for the enrol file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # (E488 is made up so won't work if validation is attempted.)
#' decode_heims(dummy_enrol)
#' }
#' decode_heims(dummy_enrol, show_progress = TRUE, check_valid = FALSE)
#' @export decode_heims

decode_heims <- function(DT, show_progress = FALSE, check_valid = TRUE, selector){
  had.key <- haskey(DT)
  if (had.key) {
    DT_key <- key(DT)
    DT_key <- copy(DT_key)
    orig_key <- "the_order"
    DT[, (orig_key) := seq_len(.N)]
    DTnoms <- names(DT)
    setkeyv(DT, orig_key)
  } else {
    orig_key <- "the_order"
    DT[, (orig_key) := seq_len(.N)]
    DTnoms <- names(DT)
    setkeyv(DT, orig_key)

  setnames(DT, old = names(DT), new = gsub("^e", "E", names(DT)))

  # do ad_hoc_prepares
  for (j in seq_along(DT)){
    k <- DTnoms[j]
    # Consult the dictionary. If there is an ad_hoc_prepare
    # element, apply it now, otherwise leave as is.
    if ("ad_hoc_prepare" %in% names(heims_data_dict[[k]]) && is.function(heims_data_dict[[k]]$ad_hoc_prepare)){
      set(DT, j = j, value = heims_data_dict[[k]]$ad_hoc_prepare(DT[[j]]))

  if (show_progress){
    progress <- 0
    n_names <- length(DTnoms)

  for (orig in DTnoms){
    if (show_progress){
      progress <- progress + 1
      cat(orig, "\t\t\t", as.character(Sys.time()), "\t", formatC(progress, width = nchar(n_names)), "/", n_names, "\n", sep = "")
      cat(nrow(DT), "\n")
    if (orig %in% if (F && !missing(selector)) intersect(names(heims_data_dict), selector) else names(heims_data_dict)){
      dict_entry <- heims_data_dict[[orig]]

      origcol_not_na <-

      origcol_not_na <- origcol_not_na[!is.na(origcol_not_na)]

      if (check_valid && length(origcol_not_na) > 0 && !dict_entry$validate(origcol_not_na)){
        stop(orig, " was not validated.")

      if ("decoder" %in% names(dict_entry)){
        if (is.data.table(dict_entry[["decoder"]])){
          DT_decoder <- dict_entry[["decoder"]]
          # Limit the reordering to as few as columns as possible
          if (!haskey(DT)) setkeyv(DT, orig_key)
          D.T <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = c(orig_key, key(DT_decoder))]
          setkeyv(D.T, key(DT_decoder))
          D.T <- DT_decoder[D.T, roll = TRUE]
          # One more join to come so need to drop the original name here
          D.T[, (orig) := NULL]
          setkeyv(D.T, orig_key)
          DT <- D.T[DT]
        } else {
          if (is.function(dict_entry[["decoder"]])){
            decoder_fn <- dict_entry[["decoder"]]
            DT <- decoder_fn(DT)
        # Drop the original column
        if (orig %in% names(DT)) {
          DT[, (orig) := NULL]
      } else {
        if ("mark_missing" %in% names(dict_entry)) {
                 "logical" = {
                   DT[, (orig) := if_else(dict_entry$mark_missing(DT[[orig]]), NA, DT[[orig]])]
                 "integer" = {
                   DT[, (orig) := if_else(dict_entry$mark_missing(DT[[orig]]), NA_integer_, DT[[orig]])]
                 "integer64" = {
                   DT[, (orig) := if_else(dict_entry$mark_missing(DT[[orig]]), as.integer64(NA), DT[[orig]])]
                 "numeric" = {
                   DT[, (orig) := if_else(dict_entry$mark_missing(DT[[orig]]), NA_real_, DT[[orig]])]
                 "character" = {
                   DT[, (orig) := if_else(dict_entry$mark_missing(DT[[orig]]), NA_character_, DT[[orig]])]


  SES <- CD_SES <- SES_2011 <- NULL
  if (("CD_SES" %in% names(DT)) && ("SES_2011" %in% names(DT))){
    DT[, SES := coalesce(CD_SES, SES_2011)]
    DT[, c("CD_SES", "SES_2011") := NULL]


  setcolorder(DT, names(DT)[order(vapply(DT, uniqueN, integer(1)))])
  setcolorder(DT, c(intersect(names(DT),
                              c("CHESSN", "HE_Provider_name", "Student_id")),
                            c("CHESSN", "HE_Provider_name", "Student_id"))))

  setkeyv(DT, orig_key)
  DT[, (orig_key) := NULL]
  if (had.key) {
    DT_key_decoded <- element2name(DT_key)
    setkeyv(DT, DT_key_decoded)

HughParsonage/heims documentation built on May 7, 2019, 5:02 a.m.