

test_that("Error handling", {
  expect_error(auc(1, 1:2), "unequal lengths")
  expect_error(auc(NA, 1), "contained NAs")
  expect_error(auc(1, NA), "contained NAs")
  expect_error(auc(c(FALSE, TRUE), pred = c(0, -1)),
               regexp = "All values of `pred` must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(auc(c(FALSE), pred = c(-1)),
               regexp = "`pred = -1` was not between 0 and 1. pred must between 0 and 1.",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(auc(actual = raw(2), pred = c(0.1, 0.2)),
               regexp = "actual.*Supply a logical vector")

test_that("Length-one", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = TRUE, pred = 0.2), 0.2)
  expect_equal(auc(actual = FALSE, pred = 0.2), 0.8)
  expect_equal(auc(actual = logical(0), pred = double(0)), double(0L))

test_that("Prediction and actual can be reversed", {
  expect_equal(auc(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)))

test_that("pred integer", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(actual = c(1L, 0L, 1L, 0L), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)))
  expect_equal(auc(1L, 1L), 1)
  expect_equal(auc(0L, 0L), 1)
  expect_equal(auc(0L, FALSE), 1)
  expect_equal(auc(0L, TRUE), 0)

test_that("pred factor", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(actual = factor(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)))
  expect_error(auc(actual = factor(1:4), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               regexp = "but could not be safely mapped to a logical vector as it had 4 values.")
  expect_error(auc(actual = factor(1:2), pred = runif(2)),
               error = "Make actual a logical vector or impose an ordering on the two levels.")
  expect_error(auc(actual = factor(c("Q", "q")), pred = runif(2)),
               error = "`actual` was an factor with two levels but had no ordering")

test_that("pred ord factor", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(actual = factor(c('a', 'b', 'a', 'b'), 
                                   levels = c("b", "a"),
                                   ordered = TRUE),
                   pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)))

test_that("pred double", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(actual = c(1, 0, 1, 0), pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)))
  expect_error(auc(actual = c(0, 0.5, 1), pred = c(0, 0.5, 1)),
               regexp = "type double, but had more than 2 unique values",
               fixed = TRUE)

test_that("pred character", {
  expect_equal(auc(actual = as.character(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)),
                   pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
                   pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)))
  expect_error(auc(actual = as.character(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, "FALSEY")),
                   pred = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)),
               regexp = "type character")

test_that("pred other", {
  expect_error(auc(actual = c(TRUE, FALSE), 
                   pred = list(1, 1)), 
               regexp = "`pred` was type .?list.? which is unsupported")
HughParsonage/hutils documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 8:26 a.m.