food.residue: food.residue

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/ShedsHT.R


Models exposure to chemicals from consumption of food containing a known chemical residue for each theoretical person.


food.residue(cdata, cb, ftype)



The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.


Output of the make.cbase function.


Food consumption database which stores data on consumption in grams per day of each food type for each person being modeled. Generated internally from the Diet_diaries data set.


In this function, the variable foods is defined as a list of the names of the food groups, which are stored in both the ftype and cb arguments. The FOR loop picks the name of each food group as a string, and converts it to a variable name. For example, the food group "FV" may have corresponding variables residue.FV, zeros.FV (number of nondetects), and nonzeros.FV (number of detects) on the cb data set. If these variables are not present, no exposure results. The variables may be present, but an individual person may still receive zero exposure because not all samples of that food are contaminated, as indicated by the zeros.FV value. The nonzeros.FV value is used to determine the likelihood of contamination, with the residue variable determining the amount found (when it is nonzero). The dietary exposure is the product of the consumption as reported in the ftypes input (in grams) and the residue.FV (in micrograms of chemical per gram of food), summed over all food groups. Three other vectors are returned (corresponding to dermal exposure, inhalation exposure, and inhalation dose), but these are currently set to zero for the dietary pathway. In principle, eating food could result in dermal exposure (for finger foods), or inhalation (as foods may have noticeable odors), but such exposures are not large enough to be of concern at present.


dietary The calculated quantity of chemical exposure from food residue in grams per person per day.


Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen

See Also

Diet_diaries, run, p.round, generate.person.vars, food.migration

HumanExposure/SHEDSDevel documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 6:49 p.m.