
Defines functions run setup act.diary.pools diet.diary.pools gen.factor.tables med.factor.tables set.pars chem.scenarios select.people add.media add.factors eval.factors make.cbase create.scen.factors scen.factor.indices dir.dermal dir.ingested dir.inhal.aer dir.inhal.vap down.the.drain.mass food.residue food.migration indir.exposure post.exposure

Documented in act.diary.pools add.factors add.media chem.scenarios create.scen.factors diet.diary.pools dir.dermal dir.ingested dir.inhal.aer dir.inhal.vap down.the.drain.mass eval.factors food.migration food.residue gen.factor.tables indir.exposure make.cbase med.factor.tables post.exposure run scen.factor.indices select.people set.pars setup

# This is the main module of EPA's SHEDS-HT chemical exposure model.
# This model is derived from SHEDS-Lite; before that SHEDS-Multimedia.
# First R version programmed by WGG in 2012
# Latest changes by KKI on Nov 16, 2017
# To run SHEDS-HT, open this module in R or R-studio, source this module
# and type run() to use the default run file "Run_test.txt",
# or specify an alternate run file (in quotes) as an argument to run().
# All input files must be in the /inputs folder under the working
# directory wd. If moving this code to a new location, change the
# default "wd=" argument in the run() function call immediately below.

#' run
#' Function to call the \code{\link{Run}} txt file, which consists of user-defined parameters and calls to input files required
#' to initialize a SHEDS.HT run.
#' @param run.file The name of the run file to be used for a given run.  Many different "Run"" files may be set up for special
#' purposes.The one being invoked must be present in the inputs folder.
#' @param wd The user's working directory. The working directory should contain an inputs folder, containing all necessary
#' SHEDS.HT input files. The wd value should be set once for each SHEDS.HT installation by replacing the default value in
#' the definition of run().
#' @details This function is used to provide R with information necessary to produce a SHEDS-HT run and to initialize necessary
#' parameters. No values are returned. In order to produce a successful run, all necessary input files should be stored in the
#'  working directory specified by the wd argument.
#' @return No variable will be returned.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Run.txt}}, \code{\link{read.run.file}}
#' @keyword kwd1
#' @export

run = function(run.file="", wd="") {
  specs         <- read.run.file(run.file)
  act.diaries   <- read.act.diaries(specs$act.diary.file,specs)
  chem.props    <- read.chem.props(specs$chem.props.file,specs)
  specs         <- update.specs(specs,chem.props)
  diet.diaries  <- read.diet.diaries(specs$diet.diary.file,specs)
  exp.factors   <- read.exp.factors(specs$exp.factor.file)
  fug.vars      <- read.fug.inputs(specs$fugacity.file)
  media         <- read.media.file(specs$media.file)
  media.sur     <- tolower(media$media[media$type!="air"])
  media.air     <- tolower(media$media[media$type=="air"])
  physio        <- read.phys.file(specs$physiology.file)
  pop           <- read.pop.file(specs$population.file,specs)
  source.scen   <- read.source.scen.file(specs$source.scen.file)
  source.chem   <- read.source.chem.file(specs$source.chem.file, source.scen$src,specs)
  specs         <- update.specs(specs,source.chem)
  source.scen   <- source.scen[source.scen$src %in% source.chem$src]
  source.vars   <- read.source.vars.file(specs$source.vars.file,source.scen)

  act.pools     <- act.diary.pools(act.diaries,specs)
  diet.pools    <- diet.diary.pools(diet.diaries,specs)
  gen.facs      <- gen.factor.tables(exp.factors)
  med.facs      <- med.factor.tables(exp.factors,media.sur)
  sv            <- set.pars(source.vars)
  scv           <- set.pars(source.chem)

  sets <- ceiling(specs$n.persons/specs$set.size)

  for (set in 1:sets) {
    if (set<sets) n.per <- specs$set.size else
      n.per <- specs$n.persons-specs$set.size*(set-1)
    pd    <- select.people(n.per,pop,physio,act.pools,diet.pools,
    pdm   <- add.media(n.per,media,pd)
    pdmf  <- add.factors(n.per,gen.facs,med.facs,exp.factors,media.sur,pdm)
    pdmff <- add.fugs(n.per,fug.vars,pdmf)
    base  <- pdmff[order(person)]
    src.list  <- source.scen$src
    n.src     <- length(src.list)
    svar.list <- unique(source.vars$varname)
    n.svar    <- length(svar.list)
    src.data  <- array(0,c(n.src,n.per,n.svar))
    n.sdist   <- nrow(sv)
    if (n.sdist>0) {
      for (s in 1:n.sdist) {
        q <- runif(n.per)
        x <- distrib(sv[s]$form,sv[s]$par1,sv[s]$par2,sv[s]$par3,sv[s]$par4,
        y <- pd$age>=sv[s]$min.age & pd$age<=sv[s]$max.age
        if(sv[s]$gender!="") y <- y & sv[s]$gender==pd$gender
        src.data[vpos(sv[s]$src,src.list),y,vpos(sv[s]$varname,svar.list)] <- x[y]
      } }
    for (c in 1:specs$n.chem) {
      if(exists("fexp")) rm(fexp, inherits = TRUE)

      chem      <- specs$chem.list[c]
      cb        <- make.cbase(base,chem)
      cprops    <- chem.props[chem.props$cas==chem]
      cfug      <- chem.fug(n.per,cprops,fug.vars[1])
      schem     <- scv[scv$cas==chem]
      sources   <- unique(schem$src)
      n.csrc    <- length(sources)
      cvar.list <- unique(schem$varname)
      n.cvar    <- length(cvar.list)
      chem.data <- as.data.frame(array(0,c(n.per,n.cvar)))
      src.means <- as.data.table(array(0,c(n.csrc+1,8)))
      src.names <- c(sources,"Total")
      for (s in 1:n.csrc) {
        cat("\n Starting source ",s, " of chem ",c,"(",cprops$cas,") of ",specs$n.chem)
        src   <- sources[s]
        scsel <- schem$src==src
        sc    <- schem[scsel]
        for (v in 1:nrow(sc)) {
          q <- runif(n.per)
          chem.data[vpos(sc[v]$varname,cvar.list)] <- distrib(sc[v]$form, sc[v]$par1,
                                                              sc[v]$par2, sc[v]$par3, sc[v]$par4, sc[v]$lower.trun,
        if(exists("f.chemical",chem.data)) mode(chem.data$f.chemical)<-"numeric"
        sel   <- source.scen$src==src
        scens <- source.scen[sel]
        sdata <- as.data.table(src.data[vpos(src,src.list),,])
        if (length(svar.list>0)) setnames(sdata,names(sdata),svar.list)
        io <- scens$indoor
        if (any(names(sdata)=="use.freq")) {sdata$use.today<-p.round(sdata$use.freq/365)}
        if(scens$dietary==1) {
          dietary <- food.residue(chem.data,cb,src)
          add     <- dietary$exp.ingest.dietary
          src.means$exp.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s] + mean(add)
          src.means$f.ingest[s]   <- 1
          cb$exp.ingest.tot  <- cb$exp.ingest.tot  + add
          cb$exp.dietary.tot <- cb$exp.dietary.tot + add
        if(scens$dirderm==1) {
          dir.derm                <- dir.dermal(sdata,chem.data)
          add                     <- dir.derm$exp.dermal.dirderm
          src.means$exp.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s] +mean(add)
          mean.mass               <- mean(sdata$mass*chem.data$f.chemical*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) src.means$f.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.dermal.tot       <- cb$exp.dermal.tot + add
        if(scens$diringest==1) {
          dir.ingest              <- dir.ingested(sdata,chem.data)
          add                     <- dir.ingest$exp.ingest.diringest
          src.means$exp.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s] + mean(add)
          mean.mass               <- mean(sdata$mass*chem.data$f.chemical*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) src.means$f.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.ingest.tot       <- cb$exp.ingest.tot  + add
          cb$exp.nondiet.tot      <- cb$exp.nondiet.tot + add
        if(scens$dirinhaer==1) {
          dir.inh.aer             <- dir.inhal.aer(sdata,chem.data,cb,io)
          addexp                  <- dir.inh.aer$exp.inhal.dirinhaer
          adddose                 <- dir.inh.aer$dose.inhal.dirinhaer
          src.means$exp.inhal[s]  <- src.means$exp.inhal[s]  + mean(addexp)
          src.means$dose.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s] + mean(adddose)
          mean.mass               <- mean(sdata$mass*chem.data$f.chemical*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) src.means$f.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.inhal.tot        <- cb$exp.inhal.tot  + addexp
          cb$conc.inhal.max.prod.aer  <- pmax(cb$conc.inhal.max.prod.aer, dir.inh.aer$conc)
          cb$dose.inhal.tot       <- cb$dose.inhal.tot + adddose
        if(scens$dirinhvap==1) {
          dir.inh.vap             <- dir.inhal.vap(sdata,chem.data,cprops,cb,io)
          addexp                  <- dir.inh.vap$exp.inhal.dirinhvap
          adddose                 <- dir.inh.vap$dose.inhal.dirinhvap
          src.means$exp.inhal[s]  <- src.means$exp.inhal[s]  + mean(addexp)
          src.means$dose.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s] + mean(adddose)
          mean.mass               <- mean(sdata$mass*chem.data$f.chemical*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) src.means$f.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.inhal.tot  <- cb$exp.inhal.tot  + addexp
          cb$conc.inhal.max.prod.vap  <- pmax(cb$conc.inhal.max.prod.vap, dir.inh.vap$conc)
          cb$dose.inhal.tot <- cb$dose.inhal.tot + adddose
        if(scens$downthedrain==1) {
          exp.ddd.mass   <- down.the.drain.mass(sdata,chem.data)
          cb$exp.ddd.tot <- cb$exp.ddd.tot + exp.ddd.mass
        if(scens$indir.fug==1) {
          fug.concs   <- get.fug.concs(sdata,chem.data,pdmff,cfug)
          outwindow   <- fug.concs$mass.air * pdmff$aer.out
          indir       <- indir.exposure(sdata,cb,fug.concs,chem.data)
          src.means$exp.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s] + mean(indir$exp.dermal.indirect)
          src.means$exp.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s] + mean(indir$exp.ingest.indirect)
          src.means$exp.inhal[s]  <- src.means$exp.inhal[s]  + mean(indir$exp.inhal.indirect)
          src.means$dose.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s] + mean(indir$dose.inhal.indirect)
          mean.mass               <- mean(sdata$mass*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) {
            src.means$f.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s]/mean.mass
            src.means$f.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s]/mean.mass
            src.means$f.inhal[s]  <- src.means$dose.inhal[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.dermal.tot  <- cb$exp.dermal.tot  + indir$exp.dermal.indirect
          cb$exp.ingest.tot  <- cb$exp.ingest.tot  + indir$exp.ingest.indirect
          cb$exp.nondiet.tot <- cb$exp.nondiet.tot + indir$exp.ingest.indirect
          cb$exp.inhal.indir        <- cb$exp.inhal.indir  + indir$exp.inhal.indirect
          cb$exp.inhal.tot   <- cb$exp.inhal.tot   + indir$exp.inhal.indirect
          cb$dose.inhal.tot  <- cb$dose.inhal.tot  + indir$dose.inhal.indirect
          cb$exp.window.tot  <- cb$exp.window.tot  + outwindow
        if(scens$indir.y0==1) {
          y0.concs    <- get.y0.concs(sdata,chem.data,pdmff,cfug)
          outwindow   <- y0.concs$mass.air * pdmff$aer.out
          indir       <- indir.exposure(sdata,cb,y0.concs,chem.data)
          src.means$exp.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s] + mean(indir$exp.dermal.indirect)
          src.means$exp.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s] + mean(indir$exp.ingest.indirect)
          src.means$exp.inhal[s]  <- src.means$exp.inhal[s]  + mean(indir$exp.inhal.indirect)
          src.means$dose.inhal[s] <- src.means$dose.inhal[s] + mean(indir$dose.inhal.indirect)
          y0.tot.mass             <- y0.concs$mass.air + y0.concs$mass.sur
          mean.mass               <- mean(y0.tot.mass*chem.data$chem.prev*1E6)
          src.means$mean.mass[s]  <- mean.mass
          if(mean.mass>0) {
            src.means$f.dermal[s] <- src.means$exp.dermal[s]/mean.mass
            src.means$f.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s]/mean.mass
            src.means$f.inhal[s]  <- src.means$dose.inhal[s]/mean.mass
          cb$exp.dermal.tot  <- cb$exp.dermal.tot  + indir$exp.dermal.indirect
          cb$exp.ingest.tot  <- cb$exp.ingest.tot  + indir$exp.ingest.indirect
          cb$exp.nondiet.tot <- cb$exp.nondiet.tot + indir$exp.ingest.indirect
          cb$exp.inhal.tot   <- cb$exp.inhal.tot   + indir$exp.inhal.indirect
          cb$dose.inhal.tot  <- cb$dose.inhal.tot  + indir$dose.inhal.indirect
          cb$exp.window.tot  <- cb$exp.window.tot  + outwindow
          migration <- food.migration(chem.data,sdata,cb,src)
          add       <- migration$exp.ingest.migrat
          src.means$exp.ingest[s] <- src.means$exp.ingest[s] + mean(add)
          src.means$f.ingest[s]   <- 1
          cb$exp.ingest.tot <- cb$exp.ingest.tot  + add
          cb$exp.migrat.tot <- cb$exp.migrat.tot + add
      } # end loop over sources
      fexp   <- post.exposure(cb,cprops)
      if (specs$person.output==1) write.persons(fexp,chem,set,specs)
      if (specs$source.output==1) {
        dir  <- paste0("output/",specs$run.name)
        name <- paste0(dir,"/CAS_",chem,"_set",set,"_srcMeans.csv")
        src.means[n.csrc+1]$exp.dermal <- sum(src.means$exp.dermal)
        src.means[n.csrc+1]$exp.ingest <- sum(src.means$exp.ingest)
        src.means[n.csrc+1]$exp.inhal  <- sum(src.means$exp.inhal)
        src.means[n.csrc+1]$dose.inhal <- sum(src.means$dose.inhal)
    } # end loop over chemical
  } # end loop over sets

  if (specs$person.output==1) {
    dir  <- paste0("output/",specs$run.name)
    for (c in 1:specs$n.chem) {
      chem    <- specs$chem.list[c]
      name    <- paste0(dir,"/CAS_",chem,"_all.csv")
      cprops  <- chem.props[chem.props$cas==chem]
      results <- as.data.table(fread(name))
  if (specs$source.output==1) {
    direc  <- paste0("output/",specs$run.name)
    for (c in 1:specs$n.chem) {
      chem    <- specs$chem.list[c]
      for (set in 1:sets) {
        name <- paste0(direc,"/CAS_",chem,"_set",set,"_srcMeans.csv")
        tmp  <- read.csv(name)
        tmp[1] <- NULL
        wgt  <- specs$set.size/specs$n.persons
        if (set==sets) wgt <- 1 - specs$set.size*(sets-1)/specs$n.persons
        if (set==1) { accum <- data.frame(array(0,c(nrow(tmp),9)))
        names(accum)   <- names(tmp)
        accum$src.names <- tmp$src.names
        accum$exp.dermal <- accum$exp.dermal + tmp$exp.dermal * wgt
        accum$exp.ingest <- accum$exp.ingest + tmp$exp.ingest * wgt
        accum$exp.inhal  <- accum$exp.inhal  + tmp$exp.inhal  * wgt
        accum$dose.inhal <- accum$dose.inhal + tmp$dose.inhal * wgt
        accum$f.dermal   <- accum$f.dermal   + tmp$f.dermal   * wgt
        accum$f.ingest   <- accum$f.ingest   + tmp$f.ingest   * wgt
        accum$f.inhal    <- accum$f.inhal    + tmp$f.inhal    * wgt
        accum$mean.mass  <- accum$mean.mass  + tmp$mean.mass  * wgt
      }  # end loop over sets
      tot.mean.mass <- sum(accum$mean.mass)
      tot.f.dermal  <- sum(accum$f.dermal*accum$mean.mass)
      tot.f.ingest  <- sum(accum$f.ingest*accum$mean.mass)
      tot.f.inhal   <- sum(accum$f.inhal *accum$mean.mass)
      x <- as.data.table(accum)
      y <- nrow(x)
      x$mean.mass[y] <- tot.mean.mass
      x$f.dermal[y]  <- tot.f.dermal/tot.mean.mass
      x$f.ingest[y]  <- tot.f.ingest/tot.mean.mass
      x$f.inhal[y]   <- tot.f.inhal/ tot.mean.mass
      name <- paste0(dir,"/CAS_",chem,"_all_srcMeans.csv")
    } # end loop over chemicals
  } # end if block on source.output
} # end run

#' setup
#' Loads required R packages and sources the modules needed to perform a SHEDS.HT run. The user might need to
#' download the packages if they are not already present (see Dependencies).
#' @param wd The User's working directory (set in the inputs to the \code{\link{run}} function). Should contain
#' all necessary SHEDS.HT inputs in an /Input folder.
#' @return No values returned.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @note Requires: \code{\link{data.table}}, \code{\link{plyr}}, \code{\link{stringr}}, \code{\link{ggplot2}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS.HT
#' @export

setup = function(wd="") {
  # WD is the working directory, assumed to be one level up from the R,
  # input, and output directories. File path names are relative to this.
  cat("\nShedsHT Version 0.1.7 (02/21/2019)")
  cat("\nThe United States Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development
  funded and collaborated in the research and development of this software, in part under Contract EP-C-14-001
  to ICF International. The model is publicly available in Beta version form. All input data used for a given
  application should be reviewed by the researcher so that the model results are based on appropriate data
  sources for the given application. This model, default input files, and R package are under continued development
  and testing. The model equations and approach are published in the peer-reviewed literature
  (Isaacs et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 12750-12759). The data included herein do not represent
  and should not be construed to represent any Agency determination or policy.")
  if (wd!="") setwd(wd)
  # Load required packages

#' act.diary.pools
#' Assigns activity diaries from the \code{\link{Activity_diaries}} input on the \code{\link{Run}} file
#' (read through the \code{\link{read.act.diaries}} function) to pools based on age, gender, and season
#' @param diaries A data set created internally in SHEDS.HT through the \code{\link{read.act.diaries}} function. The data are
#' activity diaries, which indicate the amount of time and level of metabolic activity in various micro environments.
#' Each line of data represents one person-day (24 hours).
#' @param specs Output of the \code{\link{read.run.file}} function, which can be modified by the \code{\link{update.specs}}
#' function before input into \code{act.diary.pools}.
#' @details The \code{act.diary.pools} function assigns the activity diaries to pools. A given diary may belong to
#' many pools, since every year of age has its own pool. Large pools may contain a list of several hundred diary numbers.
#' The code contains four loops and on each step performs a sub-setting of the list of diary numbers.
#' @return pool A vector of lists.  The length of \code{pool} is the product of the genders, seasons, and ages inputs specified
#' in the \code{\link{Run}} file. Each element is a list of acceptable activity diary numbers for each year of age, gender,
#' weekend, and season combination. For example, \code{pool}[100] may have the name M0P99, which indicates that it is for
#' males, on weekdays, in spring,for age=99.
#' In addition, If the function runs successfully, the following message will be printed:
#' "Activity Diary Pooling completed"
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @note The input to \code{act.diary.pools}, diaries, is created by reading in the Activity_diaries input file (specified on
#' the \code{\link{Run}} file) with the \code{\link{read.act.diaries}} function within the \code{\link{run}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

act.diary.pools = function(diaries,specs) {
  i <- 0
  pool <- vector("list",length(specs$genders)*2*
  for (g in specs$genders) {
    for (w in c(0,1)) {
      for (s in specs$seasons) {
        for (age in specs$min.age:specs$max.age) {
          i <- i+1
          agediff <- round(age*specs$age.match.pct/100)
          if (specs$age.match.pct>0) agediff <- max(agediff,1)
          names(pool)[[i]] <- paste0(g,w,s,age)
          pool[i] <- list(diaries$diary.id[diaries$d.gender==g &
                                             diaries$d.weekend==w & diaries$d.season==s &
                                             diaries$d.age>=age-agediff & diaries$d.age<=age+agediff])
  cat("\n Activity Diary Pooling completed" )

#' diet.diary.pools
#' Assigns activity diaries from the \code{\link{Diet_diaries}} input on the \code{\link{Run}} file
#' (read through the \code{\link{read.run.file}} function) to pools based on age and gender.
#' @param diet.diaries A data set created internally in SHEDS.HT through the \code{\link{read.diet.diaries}} function.
#' The data are daily diaries of dietary consumption by food group. Each line represents one person-day, with demographic
#' variables followed by amounts (in grams/day) for a list of food types indicated by a short abbreviation on the header line.
#' @param specs Output of the \code{\link{read.run.file}} function, which can be modified by the \code{\link{update.specs}}
#' function before input into \code{diet.diary.pools}.
#' @details The \code{diet.diary.pools} function assigns the dietary diaries to pools. A given diary may belong to many pools,
#' since every year of age has its own pool. Large pools may contain a list of several hundred diary numbers. The code contains
#' four loops and on each step performs a sub-setting of the list of diary numbers.
#' @return dpool A vector of lists.  The length of \code{dpool} is the product of the gender  and age inputs specified in
#' the \code{\link{Run}} file. Each element is a list of acceptable diet diary numbers for each year of age and each gender
#' combination.
#' In addition, if the function runs successfully, the following message will be printed: "Dietary Diary Pooling completed"
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @note The input to \code{diet.diary.pools}, \code{diet.diaries}, is created by reading in the \code{\link{Diet_diaries}}
#' input file (specified on the \code{\link{Run}} file) with the \code{\link{read.diet.diaries}} function within the
#' \code{\link{run}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Diet_diaries}}, \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{read.run.file}}, \code{\link{Run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

diet.diary.pools = function(diaries,specs) {
  i <- 0
  dpool <- vector("list",length(specs$genders)*(1+specs$max.age-specs$min.age))
  for (g in specs$genders) {
    for (age in specs$min.age:specs$max.age) {
      i <- i+1
      agediff <- round(age*specs$age.match.pct/100)
      if (specs$age.match.pct>0) agediff <- max(agediff,1)
      names(dpool)[[i]] <- paste0(g,age)
      dpool[i] <- list(diaries$diet.id[diaries$f.gender==g &
                                         diaries$f.age>=age-agediff & diaries$f.age<=age+agediff])
  cat("\n Dietary Diary Pooling completed")

#' gen.factor.tables
#' Constructs tables of non-media specific exposure factors for each relevant combination of age, gender, and season. The
#' input is from the \code{\link{Exp_actors}} file (specified on the \code{\link{Run}} file) after being read through the
#' \code{\link{read.exp.factors}} function.
#' @param ef A data set created internally using the \code{\link{run}} function and the \code{\link{read.exp.factors}}
#' function to import the user specified \code{\link{Exp_factors}} input file. The data set contains the distributional
#' parameters for the exposure factors. All of these variables may have age or gender-dependent distributions, although
#' in the absence of data, many are assigned a single distribution from which all persons are sampled.
#' @return exp.gen Output consists of non-media specific exposure factors as a data table. Depending on the user input,
#' these generated exposure factors may be gender and/or season specific.  Each gender-season combination is assigned
#' a row number pointing to the appropriate distribution on the output dataset from the \code{\link{read.exp.factors}} function.
#' Thus, \code{exp.gen} consists of 8 rows per variable (2 genders x 4 seasons), regardless of the number of different
#' distributions used for that variable.
#' In addition, if the function runs successfully, the following message is printed: "General Factor Tables completed"
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @note The input to \code{gen.factor.tables} is created by reading in the \code{\link{Exp_factors}} input file specified on
#' the \code{\link{Run} file with the \code{\link{read.exp.factors}} function within the \code{\link{run}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Exp_factors}}, \code{\link{Run}}, \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{read.exp.factors}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

gen.factor.tables = function(ef=exp.factors) {
  media.facs <- c("avail.f","dermal.tc","om.ratio")
  dt <- as.data.table(as.data.frame(ef)[vars])
  expgen <- dt
  rgen <- nrow(dt)
  for (i in 1:nrow(dt)) {
    if (!dt$varname[i] %in% media.facs) {
      if (is.na(dt$gender[i])|dt$gender[i]=="") { g <- c("F","M")
      } else g <- as.character(dt$gender[i])
      if (is.na(dt$season[i])|dt$season[i]=="") { s <- c("W","P","S","F")
      } else s <- as.character(dt$season[i])
      for (ig in 1:length(g)) {
        gend <- g[[ig]]
        for (is in 1:length(s)) {
          seas <- s[[is]]
          rgen <- rgen+1
          expgen <- rbind(expgen,dt[i,])
          expgen$gender[[rgen]] <- gend
          expgen$season[[rgen]] <- seas
  exp.gen <- expgen[(nrow(dt)+1):nrow(expgen)]
  cat("\n General Factor Tables completed")

#' med.factor.tables
#' Constructs tables of media specific exposure factors for each relevant combination of age, gender, and season, and each
#' of three media specific variables in the \code{ef} argument. These are avail.f, dermal.tc, and om.ratio.
#' @param ef A data set created internally using the \code{\link{run}} function and the \code{\link{read.exp.factors}} function
#' to import the user specified \code{\link{Exp_factors}} input file. The data set contains the distributional parameters for the
#' exposure factors. All of these variables may have age or gender-dependent distributions, although in the absence of data, many
#' are assigned a single distribution from which all persons are sampled.
#' @param media.sur A list of surface media. This data set is created internally by sub-setting the \code{\link{Media}} input
#' file (read in with the \code{\link{read.media.file}} function within the \code{\link{run}} function) to extract only surface
#' media.
#' @details The three media specific variables in the \code{ef} argument are as follows:
#' \code{avail.f}{Fraction of chemical available for transfer from surfaces via touching.}
#' \code{dermal.tc}}{Dermal transfer coefficient, cm^2/hr.}
#' \code{om.ratio}}{Ratio of object-to-mouth exposure to indirect dermal exposure.}
#' @return exp.med Media specific exposure factors presented as a data table. The present version of the model consists of only
#' 3 such exposure factors, but the code will accept more. Depending on the user input, these generated exposure factors may be
#' gender and/or season specific in addition to media specific. The output consists of 24 rows per variable (2 genders x 4
#' seasons x 3 media), when all ages share the same distribution. If a variable has N age categories (each with its own
#' distribution) then there are (24 x N) rows for that variable.
#' In addition, if the function runs successfully, the following message is printed: "Media-specific Factor Tables completed"
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @note The first input argument to \code{med.factor.tables} (ef) is created by reading in the \code{\link{Exp_factors}}
#' input file (specified on the \code{\link{Run}} file) with the \code{\link{read.exp.factors}} function within the
#' \code{\link{run}} function. The \code{media.sur} input is created by sub-setting the \code{\link{Media}} input file (read in
#' with the \code{\link{read.media.file}} function within the \code{\link{run}} function).
#' @seealso \code{\link{Media}}, \code{\link{Exp_factors}}, \code{\link{Run}}, \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{read.exp.factors}}, \code{\link{read.media.file}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

med.factor.tables = function(ef, media.sur) {
  media.facs <- c("avail.f","dermal.tc","om.ratio")
  df <- as.data.frame(ef)[vars]
  dt <- as.data.table(df)
  expmed <- dt
  rmed <- nrow(dt)
  for (i in 1:nrow(dt)) {
    if (dt$varname[i] %in% media.facs) {
      if (is.na(dt$gender[i])|dt$gender[i]=="") { g <- c("F","M")
      } else g <- as.character(dt$gender[i])
      if (is.na(dt$season[i])|dt$season[i]=="") { s <- c("W","P","S","F")
      } else s <- as.character(dt$season[i])
      if (is.na(dt$media[i])|dt$media[i]=="") { m <- media.sur
      } else m <- tolower(as.character(dt$media[i]))
      for (ig in 1:length(g)) {
        gend <- g[[ig]]
        for (is in 1:length(s)) {
          seas <- s[[is]]
          for (im in 1:length(m)) {
            med <- m[[im]]
            rmed <- rmed+1
            expmed <- rbind(expmed,dt[i,])
            expmed$gender[[rmed]] <- gend
            expmed$season[[rmed]] <- seas
            expmed$media[[rmed]]  <- med
  exp.med <- expmed[(nrow(dt)+1):nrow(expmed)]
  cat("\n Media-specific Factor Tables completed \n")

#' set.pars
#' Adjusts certain SHEDS input distribution types to conform with the requirements of the \code{\link{distrib}} function.
#' @param vars Output of the \code{\link{read.source.chem.file}} or the \code{\link{read.source.vars.file}} functions.
#' @details Set.pars adjusts certain SHEDS input distribution types to conform with the requirements of the Distrib function.
#' The lognormal parameters are changed from arithmetic mean and standard deviation to geometric mean and geometric standard
#' deviation.  For the normal distribution, the standard deviation is computed from the mean and coefficient of variation (CV).
#' For user prevalence, the input may be specified either as a point value (indicating probability) or as a Bernoulli distribution.
#' If the former is used, it is converted to the latter.
#' @return v The modified version of the input vars.
#'@author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{read.source.chem.file}}, \code{\link{read.source.vars.file}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

set.pars = function(vars) {
  v     <- vars
  v$row <- 1:nrow(v)
  v$form[v$varname=="use.prev"  & v$form=="point"] <- "bernoulli"
  v$form[v$varname=="home.prev" & v$form=="point"] <- "bernoulli"
  v$form[v$form=="lognormal" & v$mean==0] <- "point"
  f <- strtrim(tolower(v$form),4)
  v$par1 <- v$mean
  v$par1[f=="logn"] <- v$mean[f=="logn"] /(1+v$cv[f=="logn"]^2)^0.5
  v$par2 <- NA
  v$par2[f=="logn"] <- exp(log(1+v$cv[f=="logn"]^2)^0.5)
  v$par2[f=="norm"] <- v$mean[f=="norm"]*v$cv[f=="norm"]
  v$par3 <- 0
  v$par4 <- 0

#' This function summarizes the all.scenarios data set by condensing each chemical-scenario combination into one row. The
#' number of rows of data for this combination on all.scenarios is recorded here.
#' @param all This is the master list of all chemicals, and all exposure scenarios specific to each chemical, to be evaluated
#' in the current model run. This data set is compiled internally according to the user's specifications on the
#' \code{\link{Run_85687}} file. The user may create multiple scenarios files for special purposes, for example, for selected
#' chemical classes, or selected exposure pathways. A model run consists of two nested loops: the outer loop over chemicals and
#' the inner loop over the scenarios specific to that chemical.
#' @return \item{chem.scen }{A data set consisting of all chemicals of interest, and the categories and scenarios for that chemical
#' with the potential for exposure.  The relationship between chemicals and scenarios is one to many. It is possible for one
#' chemical to have two or more "dermal" scenarios, provided each is in a different "category".  However, each combination of
#' chemical, category, and scenario must be unique. The last variable on chem.scen is "count", which is the number of rows of data
#' on all.scenarios devoted to this combination.}
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Run}}, \code{\link{Source_chem_foods}}, \code{\link{Source_chem_prods}}, \code{\link{Source_scen_food}},  \code{\link{Source_scen_prods}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

chem.scenarios = function(all) {
  chem.scen <- count(all,c("CAS","scenario","category"))
  names(chem.scen)[4] <- "count"
  chem.scen <- as.data.table(chem.scen)
  cat("\n Chemical-Scenario Table completed")

#' select.people
#' Assigns demographic and physiological variables to each theoretical person to be modeled.
#' @param n Number of persons.
#' @param pop The population input; output of \code{\link{read.pop.file}} function. Contains counts by gender and each year of age
#' from the 2000 U.S. census.  When a large age range is modeled, this ensures that SHEDS chooses age and gender with the correct
#' overall probability.
#' #'
#' @param py Regression parameters on the three physiological variables of interest (weight, height, and body mass index) for
#' various age and gender groups. Output of the \code{\link{read.phys.file}} function.
#' @param act.p Activity diary pools; output of the \code{\link{act.diary.pools}} function. Each element in this input is a list
#' of acceptable activity diary numbers for each year of age, for each gender, weekend, and season combination.
#' @param diet.p Dietary diary pools; output of the \code{\link{diet.diary.pools}} function. Each element in this input is a list
#' of acceptable activity diary numbers for each year of age, for each gender, weekend, and season combination.
#' @param act.d Activity diaries, which indicate the amount of time and level of metabolic activity in various 'micros'.
#' Each line of data represents one person-day (24 hours). Output of the \code{\link{read.act.diaries}} function.
#' @param diet.d Daily diaries of dietary consumption by food group; output of the \code{\link{read.diet.diaries}} function.
#' Each line represents one person-day, with demographic variables followed by amounts (in grams/day) for a list of food types
#' indicated by a short abbreviation on the header line.
#' @param specs Output of the \code{\link{read.run.file}} function, which can be modified by the \code{\link{update.specs}}
#' function before input into \code{\link{select.people}}.
#' @details This is the first real step in the modeling process. It first fills an array \code{q} with uniform random numbers,
#' with ten columns because there are 10 random variables defined by this function. There number of rows correspond to the number
#' of persons, capped at the \code{set.size} specified in the \code{\link{Run}} input file (typically 5000).  Gender is selected
#' from a discrete (binomial) distribution where the counts of males and females in the study age range determines the gender
#' probabilities. Age is tabulated next, separately for each gender. The counts by year of age are chosen for the appropriate
#' gender and used as selection weights. Season is assigned randomly (equal weights) using those specified in the \code{\link{Run}}
#' input file. \code{Weekend} is set to one or zero, with a chance of 2/7 for the former.
#' The next block of code assigns physiological variables. Weight is lognormal in SHEDS, so a normal is sampled first and then
#' \code{exp()} is applied.  This means that the weight parameters refer to the properties of log(weight), which were fit by
#' linear regression. The basal metabolic rate (bmr), is calculated by regression. A minimum bmr is set to prevent extreme cases
#' from becoming zero or negative.  The alveolar breathing ventilation rate corresponding to bmr is also calculated. The SHEDS
#' logic sets activities in each micro to be a multiple of these rates, with outdoor rates higher than indoor, and indoor rates
#' higher than sleep rates. This calculated activities affect the inhaled dose. The skin surface area is calculated using
#' regressions based on height and weight for 3 age ranges.
#' The next step is to assign diaries.  Here, a FOR loop over n persons (n rows) is used to assign appropriate diet and activity
#' diary pools to each person. An empirical distribution is created,  consisting of the list of diary numbers for each pool.
#' The final step is to retrieve the actual data from the chosen activity and diet diaries, and the result becomes \code{pd}.
#' @return pd A dataframe of "person-demographics": assigned demographic and physiological parameters for each theoretical
#' person modeled in SHEDS.HT
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{read.pop.file}}, \code{\link{read.phys.file}}, \code{\link{act.diary.pools}}, \code{\link{diet.diary.pools}}, \code{\link{read.act.diaries}}, \code{\link{read.diet.diaries}}, \code{\link{update.specs}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

select.people = function(n, pop, py, act.p, diet.p, act.d, diet.d,specs) {
  # generate random numbers
  q <- matrix(runif(10*n),nrow=n,ncol=10)

  # find gender counts
  person  <- 1:n
  males   <- sum(pop$males)
  females <- sum(pop$females)
  if (males+females==0) stop("No population \n")
  gender <- distrib("disc",q=q[,1],v=c("F","M"),p=c(females,males))
  mode(pop$age) <- "character"
  age <- vector("numeric",n)
  if (females>0) {
    fage <- distrib("disc",q=q[,2],v=pop$age,p=pop$females)
    age[gender=="F"] <- fage[gender=="F"]
  if (males>0)  {
    mage <- distrib("disc",q=q[,2],v=pop$age,p=pop$males)
    age[gender=="M"] <- mage[gender=="M"]
  season  <- distrib("empi",q=q[,3],v=specs$seasons)
  weekend <- distrib("bern",q=q[,4],0.285714)

  # assign physiology
  r <- age+1+100*(gender=="M")
  py[is.na(py)]<- 0
  # weight is body weight in kg.
  weight <- exp(py$wgtmean[r]+py$wgtstdev[r]*distrib("norm",q=q[,5]))
  # height is in cm.
  ht1    <- py$hgtmean[r]+py$hgtstdev[r]*distrib("norm",q=q[,6])
  ht2    <- py$hgtinter[r]+py$hgtslope[r]*log(weight)+py$hgtresid[r]*
  height <- mapply(max,ht1,ht2)
  # bmr is basal metbolic rate in megajoules per day.
  bmr    <- py$bmrinter[r]+py$bmrslope[r]*weight+py$bmrresid[r]*
  bmr    <- mapply(max,0.1,bmr)
  # bva is basal ventilation rate in m3/day.
  bva    <- bmr*0.166*0.01963*1440*(0.20+0.01*q[,8])
  # surfarea is total skin surface area in cm2.
  surf1  <- 266.7 * height^0.38217 * weight^0.53937
  surf2  <- 305.0 * height^0.35129 * weight^0.54375
  surf3  <- 154.5 * height^0.54468 * weight^0.46366
  surfarea <- surf2
  surfarea[age<=5]  <- surf1[age<=5]
  surfarea[age>=20] <- surf3[age>=20]

  # select diary matched by gender, season, weekend, and age
  diary.id <- vector("integer",n)
  diet.id  <- vector("integer",n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    atype <- paste0(gender[i],weekend[i],season[i],age[i])
    dtype <- paste0(gender[i],age[i])
    diary.id[i] <- distrib("empi",q=q[,9][[i]], v= act.p[[atype]])
    diet.id[i]  <- distrib("empi",q=q[,10][[i]],v=diet.p[[dtype]])
  people <- as.data.table(data.frame(person,gender,age,season,weekend,
  pd1 <- join(people,act.d,by="diary.id")
  pd  <- join(pd1,diet.d,by="diet.id")

#' add.media
#' For each theoretical person parameterized in the \code{pd} data frame, which is output from the \code{\link{select.people}}
#' function, this function generates the exposure duration for each potential exposure medium.
#' @param n Number of persons.
#' @param media List of the potential contact media for the model; output of the \code{\link{read.media.file}} function.
#' Each is found in a specific microenvironment (micro).
#' @param pd Data frame containing internally assigned demographic and physiological parameters for each theoretical person
#' modeled in SHEDS.HT. Output of the \code{\link{select.people}} function
#' @details To generate the exposure duration for each theoretical person, an array q of uniform random samples is generated with
#' rows = \code{n} (per set, where set size is specified by the user in the \code{\link{Run}} input file) and columns =
#' \code{nrow(media)} (the number of potential exposure media). An array called \code{dur} is created for the number of minutes on
#' the activity diary in the relevant micro multiplied by the relevant probability of contact (as specified in the
#' \code{media} input). The array consists of a row for each person and a column for each of the exposure media.  The output is a
#' data table containing the \code{pd} data frame and the \code{dur} array.
#' @return pdm A data table containing the \code{pd} data frame of physiological and demographic parameters for each theoretical
#' person, and the \code{dur} array, which specifies the duration of exposure to each potential exposure medium for each person
#' in  \code{pd}.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{select.people}}, \code{\link{read.media.file}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

add.media = function(n, media, pd) {
  # generate random numbers
  cols <- nrow(media)
  mic  <- data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=cols))
  dur  <- data.table(matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=cols))
  pdf  <- as.data.frame(pd)
  for (i in 1:cols){
    mic[,i]  <- pdf[,paste0(tolower(media$micro[i]),".min")]
    dur[,i]  <- mic[,i]*media$contact.p[i]
  pdm <- data.table(pd,dur)

#' add.factors
#' Adds specific exposure factors to the \code{pdm} data table, which is output from the \code{\link{add.media}} function. Here,
#' "specific" means taking into account the age, gender, season, and exposure media for each person.
#' @param n Number of persons
#' @param gen.f Non-media specific exposure factors as a data table. Output from the \code{\link{gen.factor.tables}} function.
#' @param med.f Media specific exposure factors presented as a data table. Output from the \code{\link{med.factor.tables}} function.
#' @param exp.f Distributional parameters for the exposure factors. Output of the \code{\link{exp.factors}} function.
#' @param surf A list of surface media. Modified output of the \code{\link{read.media.file}} function.
#' @param pdm A data table containing the \code{pd} data frame of physiological and demographic parameters for each theoretical
#' person, and the \code{dur} array, which specifies the duration of exposure to each potential exposure medium for each person
#' in  \code{pd}. Output of the \code{\link{add.media}} function.
#' @details The process of adding specific exposure factors to \code{pdm} involves multiple steps. First, \code{w} is determined,
#' which is the number of general factors plus the product of the number of media-specific factors and the number of surface media.
#' Air media do not have media specific factors in this version of SHEDS. An array, \code{q}, of uniform random samples is
#' generated, with one row per person and \code{w} columns.  A zero matrix, \code{r}, of the same size is defined.
#' Once these matrices are defined, the media-specific factors are determined. Two nested loops over variable and surface type
#' generate the values, which are stored in \code{r}. Next, another FOR loop determines the general factors. The \code{p} data set
#' contains the age, gender, and season for each person. These two data sets are then merged. The evaluation of these factors is
#' handled by the \code{\link{eval.factors}} function.
#' One of the exposure factors is \code{handwash.freq}. This was also part of SHEDS-Multimedia, where it represented the mean
#' number of hours in the day with hand washing events. An important aspect of that model was that because each person was followed
#' longitudinally, the actual number of hand washes on each day varied from one day to the next. Because of this, the distribution
#' for \code{handwash.freq} did not need to be restricted to integer values, as (for example) a mean of 4.5 per day is acceptable
#' and achievable, while choosing integer numbers of hand washes each day.  One of the early goals with SHEDS.HT was to attempt
#' to reproduce selected results from SHEDS-Multimedia. Therefore, similar logic was built into the current model. The
#' \code{hand.washes} variable is sampled from a distribution centered on \code{handwash.freq}, and then rounded to the nearest
#' integer.
#' The \code{bath} variable is another difficult concept. In theory, baths and showers are recorded on the activity diaries.
#' In practice, the activity diaries were constructed from approximately 20 separate studies, some of which did not contain enough
#' detail to identify separate bath or shower events. The result is that about half of all diaries record such events, but the
#' true rate in the population is higher. The \code{bath.p} variable was created to address this. It represents the  probability
#' that a non bath/shower activity diary should actually have one. Therefore, if the diary has one, then SHEDS automatically has
#' one. Otherwise, a binomial sample using \code{bath.p} as the probability is drawn. A bath/shower occurs unless both of these
#' are zero.
#' The effectiveness of hand washes or bath/shower at removing chemical from the skin is determined in the
#' \code{\link{post.exposure}} function.
#' @return pdmf A data set containing the \code{pdm} data table as well as media specific exposure factors, the number of baths
#' taken, and the number of hand wash events occurring per day per person contained in \code{pdm}.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{eval.factors}}, \code{\link{post.exposure}}
#' @keyword HEDS
#' @export
add.factors = function(n, gen.f, med.f, exp.f, surf, pdm) {
  cols <- length(surf)
  vmed <- as.character(unique(med.f$varname))
  vgen <- as.character(unique(gen.f$varname))
  w    <- length(vmed)*cols+length(vgen)
  med.f$media <- tolower(med.f$media)
  # generate random numbers
  q <- matrix(runif(n*w),nrow=n)
  r <- data.table(matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=w))
  for (v in 1:length(vmed)) {
    var <- vmed[v]
    for (m in 1:length(surf)) {
      med <- surf[m]
      vm <- med.f[med.f$varname==var & med.f$media==med]
      p <- join(pdm,vm,by=c("gender","season"))
      p <- p[(p$min.age<=p$age)&(p$age<=p$max.age)]
      col <- length(vmed)*(m-1)+v
      r[,col] <- eval.factors(p$row,q[,col],exp.f)
  for (v in 1:length(vgen)) {
    vg <- gen.f[gen.f$varname==vgen[v]]
    p <- join(pdm,vg,by=c("gender","season"))
    p <- p[(p$min.age<=p$age)&(p$age<=p$max.age)]
    col <- length(vmed)*length(surf)+v
    r[,col] <- eval.factors(p$row,q[,col],exp.f)
  hand.washes <- round(r$handwash.freq +
  bath <- as.logical(pdm$bath.mins+r$bath.p)
  pdmf <- cbind(pdm,r,bath,hand.washes)

#' eval.factors
#' Assigns distributions for each relevant exposure factor for each theoretical persons to be modeled in SHEDS.HT.
#' @param r Vector of row numbers, equivalent to the number of theoretical people in the model sample. This input is created
#' internally by the \code{\link{add.factors}} function.
#' @param q User-specified list of desired quantiles to be included in the output.
#' @param ef Distributional parameters for the exposure factors; an output of the \code{\link{exp.factors}} function and an
#' input argument to the \code{\link{add.factors}} function
#' @return z A data frame specifying the form of the distribution and relevant parameters for each combination of exposure
#' factor and individual person. The parameters include:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{form}}{The form of the distribution for each exposure factor (i.e., point, triangle).}
#' \item{\code{par1-par4}}{The parameters associated with the distributional form specified in form.}
#' \item{\code{lower.trun}}{the lower limit of values to be included in the distribution.}
#' \item{\code{upper.trun}}{The upper limit of values to be included in the distribution.}
#' \item{\code{resamp}}{Logical field where: yes=resample, no=stack at truncation bounds.}
#' \item{\code{q}}{The quantiles of the distribution corresponding to those specified by the user in the \code{q} input.}
#' \item{\code{p}}{The probabilities associated with the quantiles.}
#' \item{\code{v}}{The values associated with the quantiles.}
#' }
#' @author Krisin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{add.factors}}, \code{\link{exp.factors}}
#'@keyword SHEDS
#' @export

eval.factors = function(r, q, ef) {
  n    <- length(r)
  ur   <- unique(r)
  nr   <- length(ur)
  z    <- vector("numeric",n)
  if (nr>0) { for (i in 1:nr) {
    j <- ur[i]
    z[r==j] <- distrib(ef$form[j],ef$par1[j],ef$par2[j],ef$par3[j],
  } }

#' make.cbase
#' Extends the \code{base} data set, output from the \code{\link{generate.person.vars}} function, to include a set of
#' chemical-specific exposure variables. Currently, all new variables are initialized to zero.
#' @param base Data set of all chemical-independent information needed for the exposure assessment.  Each row corresponds to
#' a simulated person. The variables consist of age, gender, weight, diet and activity diaries, food consumption, minutes in
#' each micro, and the evaluation of the exposure factors for that person.
#' @param chem List of the chemical(s) of interest, determined via the \code{chemical} input in the \code{\link{Run}} file.
#' The exposure variables for the specified chemicals will be appended to the \code{base} data set.
#' @return The output is a data set cb consisting of the base data set, appended by the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{chemrep }{The unique ID corresponding to each chemical specified in the \code{chem} argument.}
#' \item{inhal.abs.f }{For each person, the fraction of absorption of a given chemical when inhaled.}
#' \item{urine.f }{For each person, the fraction of intake of a given chemical that is excreted through urine.}
#' \item{exp.inhal.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the direct inhalation scenario.}
#' \item{dose.inhal.tot }{For each person, the corresponding dose for total exposure of a given chemical via the direct
#' inhalation scenario.}
#' \item{exp.dermal.tot }{For each person, the  total exposure of a given chemical via the direct dermal application scenario.}
#' \item{exp.ingest.tot }{For each person, the  total exposure of a given chemical via the direct ingestion scenario.}
#' \item{exp.dietary.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the dietary scenario.}
#' \item{exp.migrat.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the migration scenario.}
#' \item{exp.nondiet.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the non-dietary food exposure scenario.}
#' \item{exp.ddd.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the down the drain scenario.}
#' \item{exp.window.tot }{For each person, the total exposure of a given chemical via the out the window scenario.}
#' }
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Run}}, \code{\link{run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

make.cbase = function(base,chem) {
  n              <- nrow(base)
  chemrep        <- rep(chem,n)
  inhal.abs.f    <- rep(0.75,n)
  urine.f        <- rep(1,n)
  exp.inhal.tot  <- rep(0,n)
  exp.inhal.indir  <- rep(0,n)
  dose.inhal.tot <- rep(0,n)
  conc.inhal.max.prod.aer<- rep(0,n)
  conc.inhal.max.prod.vap<- rep(0,n)
  exp.dermal.tot <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ingest.tot <- rep(0,n)
  exp.dietary.tot<- rep(0,n)
  exp.migrat.tot <- rep(0,n)
  exp.nondiet.tot<- rep(0,n)
  exp.ddd.tot    <- rep(0,n)
  exp.window.tot <- rep(0,n)

#' create.scen.factors
#' This function takes the information on distributions from the \code{all.scenarios} data set (which comes from
#' the \code{\link{source_variables_12112015}} input file) and converts it into the parameter set needed by SHEDS.HT.
#' @param f An internally generated data set from the \code{\link{Source_vars}} input file (as specified in the \code{\link{Run}}
#' file) containing data on the distribution of each source variable in SHEDS.HT.
#' @details The steps involved in this function are 1) converting \code{prevalence} from a percentage to a binomial form, 2)
#' converting \code{CV} to standard deviation for normals, and 3) converting \code{Mean} and \code{CV} to par1 and par2 for
#' lognormals.
#' Note that \code{prevalence} in SHEDS becomes a binomial distribution, which returns a value of either 0 or 1 when evaluated.
#' Each simulated person either "does" or "does not" partake in this scenario. Similar logic applies to the \code{frequency}
#' variable, except that the returned values may be larger than one (that is, 2 or more) for very frequent scenarios.  All the
#' exposure equations contain the \code{prevalence} variable. If \code{prevalence} is set to one for that person, the exposure
#' is as expected, but if \code{prevalence}=0 then no exposure occurs.
#' @return dt A data set with values and probabilities associated with each variable distribution presented in \code{f}.
#' All variables in \code{f} are also retained.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Source_vars}}, \code{\link{Run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

create.scen.factors = function(f) {
  mode(f$mean)    <- "numeric"
  mode(f$cv)      <- "numeric"
  mode(f$min.age) <- "numeric"
  mode(f$max.age) <- "numeric"
  pars <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(f),ncol=7))
  names(pars) <- c("par1","par2","par3","par4","lower.trun",
  pars$lower.trun <- 0
  pars$row        <- 1:nrow(pars)
  resamp          <- "yes"
  names(resamp)   <- "resamp"
  probs           <- ""
  names(probs)    <- "probs"
  if(!any(names(f)=="values")) f$values<-rep("",nrow(f))
  values          <- f$values
  names(values)   <- "values"
  for (i in 1:nrow(f)) {
    s <- strtrim(tolower(f$form[i]),4)
    if (tolower(f$varname[i])=="prevalence" &&
        tolower(f$form[i])=="point") {
      f$form[i]    <- "binomial"
      f$mean[i]    <- f$mean[i]/100
      pars$par1[i] <- f$mean[i]
    if (s=="poin") { pars$par1[i] <- f$mean[i] }
    if (s=="norm") {
      pars$par1[i] <- f$mean[i]
      pars$par2[i] <- f$cv[i]*f$mean[i]
    if (s=="logn") {
      cv <- as.numeric(f$cv[i])
      pars$par1[i] <- f$mean[i]/(1+cv^2)^0.5
      pars$par2[i] <- exp(log(1+cv^2)^0.5)
  vars <- c("varname","form","par1","par2","par3","par4",
  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(f,pars,resamp,values,probs))[vars]
  dt <- as.data.table(df)

#' scen.factor.indices
#' Constructs scenario-specific exposure factors for each relevant combination of age and  gender. The input is derived
#' internally from the \code{\link{Source_vars}} file specified on the \code{\link{Run}} file.
#' @param sdat The chemical-scenario data specific to a given combination of chemical and scenario.
#' @param expgen Non-media specific exposure factors as a data table. Output from \code{\link{gen.factor.tables}}
#' @details The constructed factors are not media-specific, although they are scenario-specific,  and most scenarios include
#' just one surface medium.
#' This function evaluats the scenario-specific exposure factors separately from the other factors because these
#' scenario-specific factors may change with every chemical and scenario, whereas the other factors remain the same across
#' chemicals and scenarios for each person.
#' @return Returns indices of scenario-specific exposure factors for each relevant age and gender combination. The output
#' is only generated internally.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

scen.factor.indices = function(sdat,expgen) {
  vars <- c("varname","min.age","max.age","gender")
  dt <- as.data.table(as.data.frame(sdat)[vars])
  rgen <- nrow(dt)
  dt$row <- 1:rgen
  expgen <- dt
  for (i in 1:nrow(dt)) {
    if (is.na(dt$gender[i])|dt$gender[i]=="") { g <- c("F","M")
    } else g <- as.character(dt$gender[i])
    for (ig in 1:length(g)) {
      rgen <- rgen+1
      expgen <- rbind(expgen,dt[i])
      expgen$gender[[rgen]] <- g[[ig]]

#' dir.dermal
#' Models the dermal exposure scenario for each theoretical person.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cd The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @details The dermal exposure scenario is relatively straightforward. The function produces a prevalence value, which reflects
#' the fraction of the population who use this scenario at all. It also produces a frequency value, which is the mean number of
#' times per year this scenario occurs among that fraction of the population specified by prevalence.
#' Since SHEDS operates on the basis of one random day, the frequency is  divided by 365 and then passed to the
#' \code{\link{p.round}} (probabilistic rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the nearest integer. Very common
#' events may happen more than once in a day.
#' The function also produces a mass variable, which refers to the  mass of the product in grams in a typical usage event.
#' The composition is the percentage of that mass that is the chemical in question.
#' The resid variable measures the fraction that is likely to remain on the skin when the usage event ends.
#' The final output is the total dermal exposure for each chemical-individual combination in micrograms, which is the product of
#' the above variables multiplied by a factor of 1E+06.
#' @return dir.derm  For each person, the calculated direct dermal exposure that occurs when a chemical-containing product
#' is used. This does not include later contact with treated objects, which is indirect exposure.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{p.round}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

dir.dermal = function(sd,cd) {
  n <- nrow(sd)
  exp.inhal.dirderm  <- rep(0,n)
  dose.inhal.dirderm <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ingest.dirderm <- rep(0,n)
  if (exists("f.contact",sd)==FALSE) sd$f.contact <- 1
  exp.dermal.dirderm <- sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *
    sd$mass * cd$chem.prev * cd$f.chemical *
    sd$f.residual * sd$f.contact * 1E6
  # mass in [g], use.freq/365 gives #/day, others are [-], 1E6 is [ug/g]
  dir.derm  <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.dirderm, exp.ingest.dirderm,
                                   exp.inhal.dirderm, dose.inhal.dirderm))

#' dir.ingested
#' Models the ingestion exposure scenario for each theoretical person.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cd The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @details This scenario is for accidental ingestion during product usage. Typical examples are toothpaste, mouthwash,
#' lipstick or chap stick, and similar products used on the face or mouth.
#' The function produces a \code{prevalence} value, which reflects the fraction of the population who use this scenario at all.
#' It also produces a \code{frequency} value, which is the mean number  of times per year this scenario occurs among that
#' fraction of the population specified by prevalence.
#' Since SHEDS operates on the basis of one random day, the frequency is  divided by 365 and then passed to the
#' \code{\link{p.round}} (probabilistic rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the nearest integer. Very common
#' events may happen more than once in a day.
#' The function also produces a \code{mass} variable, which refers to the  mass of the product in grams in a typical usage event.
#' The \code{composition} is the percentage of that mass that is the chemical in question.
#' The \code{ingested} variable represents the percentage of the mass applied that becomes ingested. Since these products are
#' not intended to be swallowed, this should typically be quite small (under 5\%).
#' The final output is the total incidental ingested exposure for each chemical-individual combination in micrograms, which
#' is the product of the above variables multiplied by a factor of 1E6.
#' @return dir.ingest For each person, the calculated quantity of a given chemical incidentally ingested during or
#' immediately after use of products such as toothpaste. Does not include exposure via food and drinking water.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

dir.ingested = function(sd,cd) {
  n <- nrow(sd)
  exp.inhal.diringest  <- rep(0,n)
  dose.inhal.diringest <- rep(0,n)
  exp.dermal.diringest <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ingest.diringest <- sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *
    sd$mass * cd$chem.prev * cd$f.chemical *
    sd$f.ingested * 1E6
  # mass in [g], chem.prev & f.chemical & f.ingested are [-], 1E6 gives [ug]
  dir.ingest  <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.diringest,
                                     exp.ingest.diringest,exp.inhal.diringest, dose.inhal.diringest))
  # cat("\n dir.ingest = ",dir.ingest$exp.ingest.diringest[1:n])

#' dir.inhal.aer
#' Models the inhalation exposure from the use of aerosol products for each theoretical person.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cd The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @param cb A copy of the \code{base} data set output from the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function, with columns added for
#' exposure variables.
#' @param io A binary variable indicating whether the volume of the aerosol is used to approximate the affected volume.
#' @details This scenario considers inhalation exposure from the use of aerosol products. Typical examples include hairspray
#' and spray-on mosquito repellent.
#' The function produces a \code{prevalence} value, which reflects the fraction of the population who use this scenario at all.
#' It also produces a \code{frequency} value, which is the mean number  of times per year this scenario occurs among that
#' fraction of the population specified by prevalence.
#' Since SHEDS operates on the basis of one random day, the \code{frequency} is  divided by 365 and then passed to
#' the \code{\link{p.round}} (probabilistic rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the nearest integer. Very
#' common events may happen more than once in a day.
#' The function also produces a \code{mass} variable, which refers to the  mass of the product in grams in a typical usage
#' event. The \code{composition} is the percentage of that mass that is the chemical in question.
#' \code{frac.aer} is the fraction of the product mass that becomes aerosolized, and the \code{volume} affected by the use is
#' approximated to allow the calculation of a concentration or density. Defaults are set in the code if these variables  are
#' missing from the input file.
#' Exposure for the inhalation pathway has units of micrograms per cubic meter, reflecting the average air concentration of
#' the chemical. An \code{airconc} variable is defined using \code{mass}, \code{composition}, \code{frac.aer}, and \code{volume}.
#' Since exposure depends on the time-averaged concentration, a duration is necessary. For example, if one spends five minutes
#' in an aerosol cloud and the rest of the day in clean air, the daily exposure is the cloud concentration multiplied by 5/1440
#' (where 1440 is the number of minutes in a day).
#' This function also calculates the inhaled dose, in units of micrograms per day. The dose equals the product of
#' \code{exposure} (g/m3), basal ventilation rate, \code{bvr} (m3/day), the METS factor of 1.75 (typically people inhale air
#' at an average of 1.75 times the basal rate to support common daily activities), and a  conversion factor of 1E+06 from grams
#' to micrograms.
#' @return dir.inh.aer The calculated quantity of chemical inhalation from aerosols, like hairspray and similar products,
#' that are directly injected into the air on or around each exposed person.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' keyword{ ~SHEDS }
#' @export

dir.inhal.aer = function(sd,cd,cb,io) {
  n <- nrow(sd)
  exp.dermal.dirinhaer <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ingest.dirinhaer <- rep(0,n)
  if (exists("f.aerosol",sd)==FALSE) sd$f.aerosol <- 0.5
  if (exists("volume"  ,sd)==FALSE && io==1)  sd$volume <- 24
  if (exists("volume"  ,sd)==FALSE && io==0)  sd$volume <- 480
  if (exists("duration",sd)==FALSE)  sd$duration  <- 1
  volume               <- sd$volume
  if (io==1) volume[volume<24]  <- 24
  if (io==0) volume[volume<480] <- 480
  airconc <- sd$mass * cd$chem.prev * cd$f.chemical * sd$f.aerosol / volume
  # the following limits chemical concentrations to 0.1% of air
  airconc[airconc>1.2] <- 1.2
  # mass in g, vol in [m3], others unitless, airconc in [g/m3]
  exp.inhal.dirinhaer  <- sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *
    airconc * sd$duration/1440 *1E6
  conc<-sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *airconc* 1E6
  # exp.inhal in [ug/m3], dose.inhal in [ug/day]
  #dose.inhal.dirinhaer <- exp.inhal.dirinhaer*cb$bva*1.75
  dose.inhal.dirinhaer <- exp.inhal.dirinhaer*cb$bva*cb$in.awk.pai
  # Typical breathing rates are about 1.75 * basal rate in [m3/day]
  # Changed by WGG on Apr 13, 2016 to PAI
  dir.inh.aer <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.dirinhaer,
                                     exp.ingest.dirinhaer, exp.inhal.dirinhaer, dose.inhal.dirinhaer,conc))
  if(min(exp.inhal.dirinhaer)<0) cat("\n Negative exposure dir.inhal.aer")

#' dir.inhal.vap
#' Models the inhalation exposure from the vapors of volatile chemicals for each theoretical person.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cd The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @param cprops The chemical properties required for SHEDS-HT. The default file (the \code{\link{Chem_props file}} read in by
#' the \code{\link{read.chem.props}} function and modified before input into the current function) was prepared from publicly
#' available databases using a custom program (not part of SHEDS-HT).  The default file contains 7 numerical inputs per
#' chemical, and the required properties are molecular weight (\code{MW}), vapor pressure (\code{VP.Pa}), solubility
#' (\code{water.sol.mg.l}), octanol-water partition coefficient (\code{log.Kow}), air decay rate (\code{half.air.hr}),
#' decay rate on surfaces (\code{half.sediment.hr}), and permeability coefficient (\code{Kp}).
#' @param cb A copy of the \code{base} data set output from the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function, with columns added
#' for exposure variables.
#' @param io A binary variable indicating whether the volume of the aerosol is used to approximate the affected volume.
#' @details This scenario considers inhalation exposure from vapors (not aerosols). For example, painting will result in the
#' inhalation of vapor, but it does not involve aerosols (unless it is spray paint).
#' For this scenario, the vapor pressure and the molecular weight are relevant variables for determining exposure. These
#' variables are included in the input to the \code{cprops} argument, which is drawn internally from the
#' \code{\link{Chem_props}} file.
#' The function produces a \code{prevalence} value, which reflects the fraction of the population who use this scenario at
#' all. It also produces a \code{frequency} value, which is the mean number of times per year this scenario occurs among that
#' fraction of the population specified by \code{prevalence}.
#' Since SHEDS operates on the basis of one random day, the \code{frequency} is  divided by 365 and then passed to the
#' \code{\link{p.round}} (probabilistic rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the nearest integer. Very
#' common events may happen more than once in a day.
#' The function also produces a \code{mass} variable, which refers to the  mass of the product in grams in a typical usage
#' event. The \code{composition} is the percentage of that mass that is the chemical in question. The \code{evap} variable is
#' an effective evaporated mass, calculated using the \code{mass}, \code{composition} (converted from percent to a fraction),
#' the vapor pressure as a surrogate for partial pressure, and \code{duration} of product use.  The \code{duration} term is
#' made unitless by dividing by 5 (minutes), which is an assumed time constant.
#' The effective air concentation \code{airconc} is calculated as \code{evap}/\code{volume}. The value for \code{airconce}
#' is capped by \code{maxconc}, which represents the point at which evaporation ceases.  For chemicals used for a short
#' duration, or with low vapor presssure, \code{maxconc} might not be reached before usage stops.
#' Once \code{airconc} is established, the function also calculates the inhaled dose, in units of micrograms per day.
#' The dose equals the product of \code{exposure} (g/m3), basal ventilation rate, \code{bvr} (m3/day), the METS factor of 1.75
#' (typically people inhale air at an average of 1.75 times the basal rate to support common daily activities), and a
#' conversion factor of 1E6 from grams to micrograms.
#' @retrun dir.inh.vap The calculated quantity of chemical inhalation from exposure to vapors, such as those emitted by paint.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{p.round}}, \code{\link{read.chem.props}}, \code{\link{Chem_props}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

dir.inhal.vap = function(sd,cd,cprops,cb,io) {
  n <- nrow(sd)
  exp.dermal.dirinhvap <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ingest.dirinhvap <- rep(0,n)
  if (exists("volume"  ,sd)==FALSE && io==1)  sd$volume <- 24
  if (exists("volume"  ,sd)==FALSE && io==0)  sd$volume <- 480
  vapor                <- cprops$vapor/1E5
  # vapor is converted to partial pressure
  molwt                <- cprops$mw
  if (is.na(vapor))  vapor <- 1
  if (is.na(molwt))  molwt <- 100
  vapfrac              <- vapor
  # vapfrac is the mass fraction that can evaporate
  vapfrac[vapfrac>1]   <- 1
  evap                 <- sd$mass * cd$chem.prev * cd$f.chemical * vapfrac
  # mass in [g], evap in [g]
  volume               <- sd$volume
  if (io==1) volume[volume<24]  <- 24
  if (io==0) volume[volume<480] <- 480
  airconc              <- evap/volume
  # the following limits chemical concentrations to 0.1% of air
  airconc[airconc>1.2] <- 1.2
  exp.inhal.dirinhvap  <- sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *
    airconc * (sd$duration/1440) * 1E6
  conc<-sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *airconc* 1E6
  # exp.inhal in [ug/m3], dose.inhal in [ug/day]
  #dose.inhal.dirinhvap <- exp.inhal.dirinhvap*cb$bva*1.75
  dose.inhal.dirinhvap <- exp.inhal.dirinhvap*cb$bva*cb$in.awk.pai
  # bva in [m3/day], 1.75 is PAI [-], dose in [ug/day]
  # Changed by WGG on Apr 13, 2016 to PAI
  dir.inh.vap <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.dirinhvap,
                                     exp.ingest.dirinhvap,exp.inhal.dirinhvap, dose.inhal.dirinhvap,conc))
  if(min(exp.inhal.dirinhvap)<0) cat("\n Negative exposure Inhalvap")

#' down.the.drain.mass
#' Models the quantity of chemical entering the waste water system on a per person-day basis.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cd The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @details This function models the simplest of all the current scenarios. It evaluates the amount of chemical entering
#' the waste water system, on a per person-day basis.  The "exposure" is to a system, not a person, but this method uses
#' one person's actions to estimate their contribution to the total.
#' The function produces a \code{prevalence} value, which reflects the fraction of the population who use this scenario at
#' all. It also produces a \code{frequency} value, which is the mean number  of times per year this scenario occurs among
#' that fraction of the population specified by prevalence.
#' Since SHEDS operates on the basis of one random day, the \code{frequency} is  divided by 365 and then passed to the
#' \code{\link{p.round}} (probabilistic rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the nearest integer. Very
#' common events may happen more than once in a day.
#' The function also produces a \code{mass} variable, which refers to the  mass of the product in grams in a typical
#' usage event. The \code{composition} is the percentage of that mass that is the chemical in question.
#' The final output, \code{exp.ddd.mass}, is the product of the \code{prevalence}, \code{frequency}, \code{mass},
#' \code{composition}, and the fraction going down the drain (\code{f.drain}, a variable in the \code{sd} input).
#' The result is in grams per person-day.
#' @return exp.ddd.mass The calculated quantity of chemical going down the drain (i.e., from laundry detergent) and
#' entering the sewer system per person per day.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{p.round}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

down.the.drain.mass = function(sd,cd) {
  n <- nrow(sd)
  exp.ddd.mass <- rep(0,n)
  exp.ddd.mass <- sd$use.prev * sd$use.today *
    sd$mass * cd$chem.prev * cd$f.chemical * sd$f.drain
  # mass in g, others unitless, ddd.mass in [g/day]

#' food.residue
#' Models exposure to chemicals from consumption of food containing a known chemical residue for each theoretical person.
#' @param cdata The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @param cb Output of the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function.
#' @param ftype Food consumption database which stores data on consumption in grams per day of each food type for each
#' person being modeled. Generated internally from the  \code{\link{Diet_diaries}} data set.
#' @details In this function, the variable \code{foods} is defined as a list of the names of the food groups,
#' which are stored in both the \code{ftype} and \code{cb} arguments. The FOR loop picks the name of each food group as
#' a string, and converts it to a variable name. For example, the food group "FV" may have corresponding variables
#' \code{residue.FV}, \code{zeros.FV} (number of nondetects), and \code{nonzeros.FV} (number of detects) on the \code{cb}
#' data set. If these variables are not present, no  exposure results.  The variables may be present, but an individual
#' person may still receive zero exposure because  not all samples of that food are contaminated, as indicated by the
#' \code{zeros.FV} value.  The \code{nonzeros.FV} value is used to  determine the likelihood of contamination, with the
#' residue variable determining the amount found (when it is nonzero).
#' The dietary exposure is the product of the \code{consumption} as reported in the \code{ftypes} input (in grams) and
#' the \code{residue.FV} (in micrograms of chemical per gram of food), summed over all food groups. Three other vectors are
#' returned (corresponding to dermal exposure, inhalation exposure, and inhalation dose), but these are currently set to zero
#' for the dietary pathway. In principle, eating food could result in dermal exposure (for finger foods), or inhalation (as
#' foods may have noticeable odors), but such exposures are not large enough to be of concern at present.
#' @return dietary The calculated quantity of chemical exposure from food residue in grams per person per day.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Diet_diaries}}, \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{p.round}}, \code{\link{generate.person.vars}}, \code{\link{food.migration}}
#' @keyword SHEDS  kwd2
#' @export

food.residue = function(cdata,cb,ftype) {
  n <- nrow(cb)
  exp.inhal.dietary  <- rep(0,n)
  dose.inhal.dietary <- rep(0,n)
  exp.dermal.dietary <- rep(0,n)
  diet               <- rep(0,n)
  names(diet)        <- "exp.diet"
  if (exists("residue",cdata)==TRUE) {
    q    <- runif(n)
    cbf  <- eval(parse(text=paste0("cb$",tolower(ftype))))
    if (!is.null(cbf)) {
      frc  <- cdata$detects/(cdata$detects+cdata$nondetects)
      diet <- diet + ifelse(q<frc, cbf*cdata$residue, 0)
  # residue in [ug/g], food mass cbf in [g], result in [ug]
  exp.ingest.dietary <- diet
  if(min(exp.ingest.dietary)<0) cat("\n Negative exposure dir.dietary")
  dietary  <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.dietary, exp.ingest.dietary,
                                  exp.inhal.dietary, dose.inhal.dietary))

#' food.migration
#' Calculates chemical exposure from migration of chemicals from packaging or other contact materials into food (which is
#' then consumed). This is added to the \code{dietary} output calculated by the \code{\link{food.residue}} function to
#' establish a total exposure from the dietary pathway.
#' @param cdata The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @param sdata The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cb A copy of the \code{base} data set output from the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function, with columns added for
#' exposure variables.
#' @param ftype Food consumption database which stores data on consumption in grams per day of each food type for each person
#' being modeled. Generated internally from the  \code{\link{Diet_diaries}} data set.
#' @details If migration data is stored in the \code{cdata} argument, this is added to the total exposure calculated in the
#' \code{\link{food.residue}} function.
#' @return dietary The calculated quantity of chemical exposure from food residue and migration of chemicals into food from
#' packaging and other contact materials in grams per person per day.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Diet_diaries}}, \code{\link{run}}, \code{\link{p.round}}, \code{\link{make.cbase}}, \code{\link{food.residue}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

food.migration = function(cdata,sdata,cb,ftype) {
  n <- nrow(cb)
  exp.inhal.migrat  <- rep(0,n)
  dose.inhal.migrat <- rep(0,n)
  exp.dermal.migrat <- rep(0,n)
  migrat            <- rep(0,n)
  chem.prev         <- rep(1,n)
  contact           <- rep(1,n)
  # if chem.prev and contact not on input files, set to 1 by default
  if(exists("chem.prev",cdata)) chem.prev <- cdata$chem.prev
  if(exists("contact",sdata))   contact   <- sdata$contact
  if (exists("migration.conc",cdata)==TRUE) {
    q    <- runif(n)
    cbf  <- eval(parse(text=paste0("cb$",tolower(ftype))))
    if (!is.null(cbf)) {
      migrat <- migrat + cbf*cdata$migration.conc*p.round(chem.prev)*contact
  # migration [ug/g], food mass cbf [g], chem.prev [-], contact [-], result [ug]
  exp.ingest.migrat <- migrat
  if(min(exp.ingest.migrat)<0) cat("\n Negative exposure food.migration")
  dietary  <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.migrat, exp.ingest.migrat,
                                  exp.inhal.migrat, dose.inhal.migrat))

#' indir.exposure
#'Models the indirect exposure to chemicals in the home for each theoretical person.
#' @param sd The chemical-scenario data specific to relevant combinations of chemical and scenario. Generated internally.
#' @param cb A copy of the \code{base} data set output from the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function, with columns added for
#' exposure variables.
#' @param concs The concentration of the chemical (in air and/or on surfaces) being released into the environment. Outpu of
#' the \code{\link{get.fug.concs}} function.
#' @param chem.data The list of scenario-specific information for the chemicals being evaluated. Generated internally.
#' @details Indirect exposure happens after a product is no longer being used or applied, due to chemical lingering on various
#' surfaces or in the air. People who come along later may receive dermal or inhalation exposure from residual chemical in the
#' environment.
#' SHEDS.HT currently has two indirect exposure scenarios. One which applies to a one-time chemical treatment applied to a
#' house, and another which applies to continual releases from articles. Both scenarios consist of two parts: the first
#' determines the appropriate air and surface concentrations. That code is in the \code{\link{Fugacity}} module.  The second
#' part is the exposure calculation by the current function. Both types of indirect exposure scenarios call this function.
#' The surface and air concentrations from the \code{\link{Fugacity}} module are premised on the product use actually occurring.
#' Hence, \code{\link{indir.exposure}} starts by multiplying those concentrations by the \code{prevalence} (which is either 0
#' or 1, evaluated separately for each person).
#' For air, the exposure is the average daily concentration, which is the event concentration multiplied by the fraction of
#' the day spent in that event. The inhaled dose is the product of the exposure, the basal ventilation rate, and the PAI factor
#' (multiplier for the basal rate). A factor of 1E+06 converts the result from grams per day to micrograms per day.
#' Dermal exposure results from skin contact with surfaces. The surface concentration (ug/cm2) is multiplied by the
#' fraction available for transfer (\code{avail.f}, unitless), the transfer coefficient (\code{dermal.tc}, in cm2/hr), and the
#' contact \code{duration} (hr/day).  The result is the amount of chemical transferred onto the skin (ug/day).
#' @return indir Indirect exposure to chemicals in the home in ug per person per day.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso \code{\link{Fugacity}}, \code{\link{get.fug.concs}}, \code{\link{make.cbase}}, \code{\link{run}}
#' @keyword SHEDS
#' @export

indir.exposure = function(sd,cb,concs,chem.data) {
  if (exists("home.prev",sd)) home.prev<-sd$home.prev else home.prev <- sd$use.prev
  surface             <- home.prev * chem.data$chem.prev * concs$conc.sur    # surface [ug/m2]
  air                 <- home.prev * chem.data$chem.prev * concs$conc.air    # air [ug/m3]
  exp.inhal.indirect  <- air * (cb$dur.in.awk.air+cb$dur.in.slp.air)/1440    # exp.inhal,indirect [ug/m3]
  dose.inhal.indirect <- exp.inhal.indirect * cb$bva * 1.75                  # dose.inhal.indirect [ug/day]
  dosefactor          <- (cb$dur.in.awk.air*cb$in.awk.pai+cb$dur.in.slp.air*cb$in.slp.pai)/1440
  dose.inhal.indirect <- cb$bva * air * dosefactor                           # dose.inhal.indirect [ug/day]
  exp.dermal.indirect <- surface * cb$avail.f.in.awk.srf /10000 *
    cb$dermal.tc.in.awk.srf/60 * cb$dur.in.awk.srf      # exp.dermal.indirect [ug/day]
  # /60 converts tc [cm2/hr] to [cm2/min], /10000 converts [cm2] to [m2], dur in [min/day]
  exp.ingest.indirect <- exp.dermal.indirect * cb$om.ratio.in.awk.srf        # exp.ingest.indirect [ug/day]
  indir <- as.data.table(cbind(exp.dermal.indirect,exp.ingest.indirect,

#' post.exposure
#'Resolves the fate of chemical after initial exposure has occurred. This involves parsing out the amount of chemical
#'removed and amount ultimately contributing to the exposure dose for each person.
#' @param cb A copy of the \code{base} data set output from the \code{\link{make.cbase}} function, with columns added for
#' exposure variables.
#' @param cprops The chemical properties required for SHEDS-HT. The default file (the \code{\link{Chem_props file}} read in
#' by the \code{\link{read.chem.props}} function and modified before input into the current function) was prepared from
#' publicly available databases using a custom program (not part of SHEDS-HT).  The default file contains 7 numerical inputs
#' per chemical, and the required properties are molecular weight (\code{MW}), vapor pressure (\code{VP.Pa}), solubility
#' (\code{water.sol.mg.l}), octanol-water partition coefficient (\code{log.Kow}), air decay rate (\code{half.air.hr}), decay
#' rate on surfaces (\code{half.sediment.hr}), and permeability coefficient (\code{Kp}).
#' @details This function resolves the fate of chemical after initial exposure has occurred.  The same function applies to all
#' exposure scenarios.
#' The dermal exposure is the most complicated, as there are five removal methods. All five are randomly sampled. While the sum
#' of the five means is close to one, the sum of five random samples might not be, so these samples are treated as fractions of
#' their sum. The \code{rem.bath} variable is either 0 or 1, so the bath removal term is either zero or the sampled bath removal
#' efficiency. The \code{rem.brush} term is also simple. The handwashing (\code{rem.wash}) and hand-to-mouth
#' (\code{rem.hmouth}) transfer terms are non-linear, because higher frequencies have less chemical available for removal on
#' each repetition.  The algorithms in place were fitted to output from SHEDS-Multimedia, which were summed to daily totals.
#' The final removal term is dermal absorption (\code{rem.absorb}). The base value is multiplied by the \code{Kp} factor from
#' the \code{cprops} argument, and divided by the value for permethrin, as the values from SHEDS-Multimedia were based on a
#' permethrin run.
#' The five terms are evaluated separately for each person, as is their sum. Each is then converted to a fraction of the whole.
#' The fractions may be quite different from one person to another. For one, perhaps 80\% of the dermal loading is removed by
#' a bath/shower, while for another person it is 0\% because they did not take one.  For the latter person, other four removal
#' terms are (on average) five times larger than for the former person, because together they account for 100\% of the removal,
#' instead of just 20\%.
#' The rest of the \code{post.exposure} function is mostly a matter of bookkeeping. The hand-to-mouth dermal removal term
#' becomes an ingestion exposure term. Summing exposures across routes is dubious, in part because inhalation exposures use
#' different units from the others, and because much of the dermal exposure never enters the body. In addition, summing dermal
#' and ingestion exposures may double-count the hand-to-mouth term. However, intake dose may be summed. In SHEDS, "intake dose"
#' is the sum of the inhaled dose (which is the amount of chemical entering the lungs in ug/day), the ingestion exposure (which
#' is the amount entering the GI tract in ug/day), and the dermal absorption (the amount penetrating into or through the skin,
#' so it cannot otherwise be removed, in ug/day).
#' The "absorbed dose" is also calculated: for dermal it is the same as the intake dose, but for ingestion and
#' inhalation there is another absorption factor, which was set on the exposure factors input file. An estimate of the
#' chemical in urine (in ug/day) is made.  Both the intake dose and the absorbed dose are reported in both (ug/day) and in
#' (mg/kg/day). Note that the latter requires the body weights of each individual. These cannot be obtained from the former
#' just by knowing the average body weight in SHEDS.
#' The above variables for each simulated person are written to the \code{fexp} object (the name stands for "final exposure").
#' Each chemical writes over the previous \code{fexp}, so the data must first be summarized and written to an output file.
#' @return fexp Absorbed dose and intake dose of a given chemical for each theoretical person being modeled for all
#' exposure scenarios.
#' @author Kristin Isaacs, Graham Glen
#' @seealso  \code{\link{make.cbase}}, \code{\link{Chemprops_small}}
#' @keyword SHEDS kwd2
#' @export
post.exposure = function(cb,cprops) {
  remf.bath   <- cb$rem.bath.f * cb$bath
  remf.wash   <- cb$rem.handwash.f * (1-exp(-cb$hand.washes/1.6))
  remf.hmouth <- cb$rem.handwash.f * exp(-cb$hand.washes/11) *
    cb$handmouth.area.f * sqrt(cb$handmouth.freq)
  remf.brush  <- cb$rem.brushoff.f
  Kpfactor    <- cprops$kp/0.208
  if(is.na(Kpfactor)) Kpfactor <- 1
  # default Kp is value for Permethrin
  remf.absorb <- cb$rem.derm.abs.f * Kpfactor
  sum <- remf.bath + remf.wash + remf.hmouth + remf.brush + remf.absorb

  rem.bath   <- cb$exp.dermal.tot * remf.bath/sum
  rem.wash   <- cb$exp.dermal.tot * remf.wash/sum
  rem.hmouth <- cb$exp.dermal.tot * remf.hmouth/sum
  rem.brush  <- cb$exp.dermal.tot * remf.brush/sum
  rem.absorb <- cb$exp.dermal.tot * remf.absorb/sum

  exp.hmouth.tot   <- rem.hmouth
  exp.ingest.tot   <- cb$exp.ingest.tot + exp.hmouth.tot
  dose.intake.ug   <- exp.ingest.tot + cb$dose.inhal.tot + rem.absorb
  dose.intake.mgkg <- dose.intake.ug/(1000*cb$weight)
  abs.dermal.ug    <- rem.absorb
  abs.ingest.ug    <- exp.ingest.tot * ingest.abs.f
  abs.hm.ug        <- exp.hmouth.tot * ingest.abs.f
  abs.inhal.ug     <- cb$dose.inhal.tot * cb$inhal.abs.f
  abs.tot.ug       <- abs.dermal.ug + abs.ingest.ug + abs.inhal.ug
  abs.tot.mgkg     <- abs.tot.ug/(1000*cb$weight)
  urine.tot.ug     <- abs.tot.ug * cb$urine.f

  fexp <- as.data.table(cbind(cb, rem.bath, rem.wash, rem.hmouth,
                              rem.brush, rem.absorb, exp.hmouth.tot, dose.intake.ug,
                              dose.intake.mgkg, abs.dermal.ug, abs.ingest.ug,
                              abs.inhal.ug, abs.tot.ug, abs.tot.mgkg, urine.tot.ug,abs.hm.ug))

# Notes for SHEDS-HT main module
# Notes for run()
#   Arguments: run.file, wd
#              The user specifies the name of the run.file for this run.
#              Many different run.files may be set up for special purposes.
#              The one being invoked must be present in the /inputs folder.
#              No keyword is needed, but the file name must be quoted.  No
#              file extension is needed, and .CSV is assumed.
#              The wd value should be set once for each SHEDS-HT installation
#              by replacing the default value in the definition of run().
#  setup()  This function loads the required R packages and sources the
#           modules.  The user might need to download the packages if they
#           are not already present.
#  specs    read.run.file() reads the specified run.file, which must be a .CSV
#           file in the /inputs folder.  This file contains one header line,
#           followed by lines each containing one keyword and a value,
#           separated by an equal sign.  A default file called 'run.file.csv'
#           contains an example for each valid keyword.  The 'specs' object
#           is the only global variable in SHEDS-HT. It is not altered after
#           it is defined, and can be accessed by any function in SHEDS-HT.
# act.diaries There are two types of diaries in SHEDS-HT.  The first are the
#             activity diaries, which indicate the amount of time and level
#             of metabolic activity in various 'micros'.  Each line of data
#             represents one person-day (24 hours).
# chem.props  These are the chemical properties required for SHEDS-HT. The
#             default file was prepared from publically available databases
#             using a custom program (not part of SHEDS-HT).  The default file
#             contains about 17 numerical inputs per chemical, but most are
#             not used. The required propoerties are molecular weight (MW),
#             vapor pressure (vapor), solubility (solub), octanol-water
#             partition coefficient (KOW), air decay rate (decay.a), decay
#             rate on surfaces (decay.s), and permeability coefficient (Kp).
#             Additional variables may be present and are ignored.
# master.chem A condensed version of chem.props that contains only the
#             modified CAS numbers (with underscores) and a frequency count
#             for each.  All frequency counts will be one, unless the same
#             CAS number appears multiple times in the database (which could
#             signify a problem).  This list of CAS numbers is useful for
#             searching, when the entire chem.props object is cumbersome.
# diet.diaries  These are daily diaries of dietary consumption by food group.
#               Each line represents one person-day, with demographic
#               variables followed by amounts (in grams) for a list of food
#               types indicated by a short abbreviation on the header line.
#               The user may supply their own food consumption database with
#               a customized list of food types, however, the same food types
#               need to occur on the Scenarios file for any exposure to result.
#  foods  This is a list of the labels for the food categories on the
#         consumption database.  An exposure scenario can generate exposure
#         only if its food type is in this list.
# exp.factors   This data set contains the distributional parameters for
#               the exposure factors, which include the fraction of chemical
#               available for transfer during dermal contact (avail.f), the
#               probability of taking a bath or shower on a given day (bath.p),
#               the dermal transfer coefficient (dermal.tc), the fraction of
#               hand area (noth hands) typically mouthed (handmouth.area.f),
#               hound mouthing frequency per hour (handmouth.freq), hand
#               washing frequency per day (handwash.freq), the absorption
#               fraction for inhaled chemcial (inhal.abs.f), the exposure
#               ratio for object-to-mouth contact (om.ratio), the fraction
#               of dermal loading removed by a bath or shower (rem.bath.f),
#               the fraction of dermal loading removed by 'other' processes,
#               including brushing, rubbing, falling off, touching objects
#               and surfaces, and shedding of skin (rem.brushoff.f), the
#               fraction of dermal loading absorbed through the skin
#               (rem.dermal.abs.f), the fraction of dermal loading removed
#               by hand washing (rem.handwash.f), and the fraction of
#               absorbed dose excreted in urine (urine.f).
#               All of these variables may have age or gender-dependent
#               distributions, although in the absence of data, many are
#               assigned a single distribution from which all persons are
#               sampled.
# fug.vars  The fugacity input file contains distributions for 36 variables
#           needed to support the in-home fugacity modeling.  Two scenario
#           types need these variables: indir.ug models a single large
#           application of chemical, while indir.y0 models a continual
#           slow release from a chemical-containing object.
# media     This is a list of the potential contact media for the model.
#           Each is found in a specific microenvironment (micro). Contact.p
#           gives the probability of contact (that is, exposure) with the given
#           media type during the time spent in that micro.
# media.sur   A list of surface media
# media.air   A list of air media
# physio    The three physiological variables of interest are weight, height,
#           and body mass index.  The input file contains regression
#           parameters for each of them, for various age and gender groups.
# pop       The population file contains counts by gender and each year of
#           age from the 2000 U.S. census.  When a large age range is
#           modeled, this ensures that SHEDS chooses age and gender with the
#           correct overall probability.
# all.scenarios This is the master list of all chemicals, and all exposure
#               scenarios specific to each chemical, to be evaluated in the
#               current model run.  The user may create multiple scenarios
#               files for special purposes, for example, for selected chemical
#               classes, or selected exposure pathways. A model run consists
#               of two nested loops: the outer loop over chemicals and the
#               inner loop over the scenarios specific to that chemical.
# act.pools The activity diaries are assigned to "pools" which reflect the
#           age, gender, weekend, and season assignments on the diaries. The
#           last three variables must match the simulated day, and age must
#           agree within a percentage given by specs$age.match.pct.  For
#           example, a 35 year old person with age.match.pct=20 may be assigned
#           a diary with a nominal age between 28 and 42, inclusive. Act.pools
#           contains a list of suitable diaries for each year of age, for
#           each gender, weekend, and season combination.
# diet.pools  The dietary consumption diaires are pooled similarly to the
#             activity diaries, but there are fewer pools because only age
#             and gender are used (not weekends or seasons).
# gen.facs    These are the general exposure factors, meaning those that are
#             are not media-specific. However, these exposure factors are
#             potentially gender and/or season specific.  Each possibility is
#             assigned a row number pointing to the approproate distribution
#             on the exp.factors data set.  Gen.facs has 8 rows per variable
#             (2 genders x 4 seasons), regardless of the number of different
#             distributions used for that variable.
# med.facs    These are the media-specific exposure factors.  The present
#             version of the model has only 3, but the code will accept more.
#             The default media.csv file flags only 3 media as being potential
#             exposure locations, so each variable has 24 rows (2 genders,
#             4 seasons, 3 media) when all ages share the same distribution.
#             If a variable has N age categories (each with its own
#             distribution) then there are (24 N) rows for that variable.
# chem.scen   This data set has a list of chemicals, and the scenarios for
#             that chemical that have potential for exposure.  It is possible
#             for one chemical to have two or more "dermal" scenarios,
#             provived each is in a different "category".  Each combination
#             of chemical, category, and scenario must be unique. The last
#             cariable on chem.scen is "count", which is the number of rows
#             of data on all.scenarios devoted to this combination.
# nscen       Nscen lists the number of scenarios for each chemical. The
#             number of rows on nscen equals the number of chemicals.
# last.chem   The run stops when this chemical number has been finished.
#             It is the lesser of the number of rows on nscen and the
#             specs$maxChem setting.  Note that if specs$firstChem is not 1,
#             then the number of chemicals actually processed is less than
#             last.chem.
# base    The base data set contains all the chemical-independent information
#         needed for the exposure assessment.  There is one row for each
#         simulated person.  The variable include age, gender, weight, diet
#         and activity diaries, food consumption, minutes in each micro, and
#         the evaluation of the exposure factors for that person.  This
#         data remains constant across all chemicals and scenarios.  Once the
#         base data set is ready, a pair of nested loops over chemicals and
#         scenarios are entered.
# fexp    The first step inside the loop over chemicals is to remove the
#         fexp data set, if one exists.  Fexp stands for "final exposure"
#         and it contains all the information on exposure to one chemical.
#         When starting a new chemical, the old one is erased to ensure that
#         results from different chemicals cannot be accidentally combined.
# chem    This is the modified CAS number of the current chemical.  In SHEDS
#         the cas number contains underscores "_" rather than dashes "-".
# cdata   The list of scenario-specific information for the current chemical.
#         This is much more detailed than chem.scen or cs.
# cs      The scenarios specific to this chemical.
# ns      The number of scenarios on cs.
# crow    The row number on the chem.props and master.chem objects. If crow
#         is missing, then a message is printed and this chemical is not
#         considered further.
# cb      The cb object is a copy of "base" with columns added for exposure
#         variables.  These are initialized to zero, in case later operations
#         do not change them.  For summarization purposes, it is better to
#         have zeroes than to have undefined quantities.
# chemical  This is the name of the chemical (as opposed to CAS number).
# ns.good This is a running count of the number of valid scenarios for this
#         chemical.  The chemical will be summarized later if ns.good>0.
# scen    This is a codeword for the type of scenario. It appears on each
#         row of the scenarios input file. The acceptable scenario types are
#         seen in a series of IF statements following shortly in the code.
# categ   The catagory for this scenario. It has little function in SHEDS,
#         except to allow multiple scenarios of the same type for the same
#         chemical.  For example, direct dermal exposure "dirderm" is a
#         scenario type which might have multiple instances for the same
#         chemical, perhaps in pesticide use, paint, cleaners, and so on.
# bad     A flag indicating the status of the variables for this scenario.
#         If bad=0 then all required variables have been defined.  Otherwise,
#         the scenario is skipped and the value of bad may indicate what
#         was wrong.
# sdata   The chemical-scenario data specific to this combination of chemical
#         and scenario.  For the DIETARY scenario, a call to checkfoods is
#         made to ensure that the same food groups do not appear more than
#         once, which can sometimes happen and would cause code failure.
# factors These are the distributional parameters for the variables in sdata.
#         This is where the instructions from the scenarios input file are
#         parsed and interpreted.  For example, here the prevalence is
#         converted from a percentage to a fraction. Also, the parameters
#         for lognormal distributions are converted to SHEDS parameters.
#         These operations are performed once for each distribution, not
#         repeatedly for each person.
# indices A mapping showing the appropriate row of the "factors" object for
#         each combination of variable, gender, and age.
# sf      These are the person-specific values for the randomly sampled
#         variables from sdata. As with other randomly sampled variables
#         in SHEDS, all samples are independent.  Each row of sf contains
#         the values for one person.  Following the evaluation of sf, the
#         code contains a series of IF statements that process the various
#         exposure scenarios.  Each scenario will match one of these.
# dirderm   The dir.dermal function calculates direct dermal exposure that
#           occurs when a chemical-containing product is used.  This does
#           not include later contact with treated objects, which is
#           indirect exposure.
# diringest The dir.ingest function considers chemicals ingested during or
#           immeidately after use. For example, chemcials found in
#           toothpaste.  However, food and drinking water are not included.
# dirinhaer This covers inhalation from aerosols, like hairspray and similar
#           products that are directly injected into the air on or around
#           the exposed person.
# dirinhvap This covers inhalation of vapor from volatile chemicals.
# dietary   This covers chemicals found in food and drinking water.
# downthedrain  This scenario is different from the others because the
#               target of the exposure is not the simulated person, but
#               the sewer system. This type of scenario gained widespread
#               notice in the 1970s with the issue of phosphates in laundry
#               detergent.
# indir.ug   There are two indirect scenarios in SHEDS at present. This
#             one models the spread of chemical around a house after a
#             single application or treatment.  The time since the
#             treatment occurred is an important variable.
# indir.Y0    This is the second of the indirect scenarios in SHEDS. It
#             examines the effect of constant emission sources.  For
#             example, carpets and furniture may give off small amounts of
#             formaldyhe indefinitely.
# fexp      After the specfic exposure scenarios are evaluted, SHEDS calls
#           the post.exposure function.  The results are written to fexp.
#           The post.exposure function considers the fate of dermal loading,
#           by evaluating washing, bathing, hand-to-mouth transfer, dermal
#           absorption, and brush-off terms.  It also calculates absorption
#           for all pathways and the amount of chemical in the urine.
# summarize.chemical   If a chemical has scenarios that have been evaluated,
#                     the summarize.chemical function is called to write
#                     an output file specific to that chemical. This file
#                     is named "CAS_....", where the dots are the CAS number.
#                     The file is in the folder indicated by the runName.
# setup()   This function is called at the start of a run. It sources all
#           the SHEDS code and loads the required R packages.  It also
#           sets the working directory for input and output files.
# act.diary.pools() The act.diary.pools function assigns the activity diaries
#                 to pools. A given diary may belong to many pools, since
#                 every year of age has its own pool.  The output of this
#                 function is "pool", which is vector of lists.  The length
#                 of "pool" is the product of #genders, #seasons, and #ages.
#                 Each element is a list of acceptable diary numbers.
#                 For example, pool[100] may have the name M0P99, which
#                 indicates that it is for males, on weekdays, in spring,
#                 for age=99.  Large pools may contain a list of several
#                 hundred diary numbers.  The code contains four loops and
#                 on each step perform a subsetting of the list of diary
#                 numbers.
# diet.diary.pools()  This is like act.pools, but for dietary consumption.
#                   The pool types are referenced by gender and age only,
#                   so there are usually fewer than for act.pools.
# gen.factor.tables() This function constructs the tables of general exposure
#                   factors, meaning the ones that are not media-specific.
#                   The input comes from the exposure factors file. The
#                   code loops over the input rows, making multiple copies
#                   of each with the approprate age, gender and season. For
#                   simplicity these new rows are tacked on to a copy of
#                   the original data set. At the end, the original rows
#                   are deleted.
# med.factor.tables() This is similar to gen.factor.tables, except that it
#                   operates on the three media-specific variables in
#                   exp.factors, namely avail.f, dermal.tc, and om.ratio.
#                   This function contains an extra nested loop over media
#                   when compared to gen.factor.tables.
# chem.scenarios()   This function summarizes the all.scenarios dataset by
#                   condensing each chemical-scenario combination into one
#                   row. The number of rows of data for this combination on
#                   all.scenarios is recorded here.
# select.people()  This is the first real step in the modeling process. It
#                 first fills an array "q" with uniform random numbers,
#                 with ten columns because there are 10 random variables
#                 defined by this function. There are "n" rows, which is
#                 the number of persons, capped at specs$set.size (typically
#                 5000).  Gender is selected from a discrete (binomial)
#                 distribution where the counts of males and females in the
#                 study age range determines the gender probabilities. Age
#                 next, separately for each gender. The counts by year of
#                 age is chosen for the appropriate gender as used as
#                 selection weights. Season is assigned randomly (equal
#                 weights) using the ones on specs$seasons. "Weekend" is
#                 set to one or zero, with a chance of 2/7 for the former.
#                 All the above are vector operations, with an independent
#                 outcome based on "q" for each simulated person.
#                 The next block of code assigns physiological variables.
#                 "r" is a vector of offsets in various age-gender lists,
#                 with one value for each person.  Weight is lognormal in
#                 SHEDS, so a normal is sampled first and then exp() is
#                 applied.  This means that the weight parameters refer to
#                 the properties of log(weight), which were fit by linear
#                 regression. For reasons I do not recall, height is
#                 calculated in two ways, and the larger value is used.
#                 Bmr is basal metabolic rate, which uses a regression.
#                 A minimum bmr is set to prevent extreme cases from
#                 becoming zero or negative.  Bva is the alveolar breathing
#                 ventilation rate corresponding to bmr. The SHEDS logic
#                 sets activities in each micro to be a multiple of these
#                 rates, with outdoor rates higher than indoor ones, which
#                 are higher than sleep. This affects the inhaled dose.
#                 Surfarea is the skin surface area, which uses regrssions
#                 based on height and weight for 3 age ranges.  To avoid
#                 using IF statements or FOR loops over thousands of people,
#                 all 3 are calculated for everybody, and the appropriate
#                 one is chosen by subsetting.
#                 The next step is to assign diaries.  Here, a FOR loop over
#                 persons is used.  The values "atype" and "dtype" are the
#                 names of the diary pools appropriate for each person. The
#                 call to "Distrib" picks one from an empirical distribution
#                 consisting of the list of diary numbers for that pool. The
#                 "people" data set consists of all the assigned values. The
#                 final step is to retrieve the actual data from the chosen
#                 activity and diet diaries, and the result becomes "pd".
# add.media()  First, an array "q" of uniform random samples is generated
#             with rows=#people (in this set) and cols=#potential exposure
#             media. The array "mic" is the number of minutes on the activity
#             diary in the relevant micro, with a row for each person and a
#             column for each of the exposure media. The array "dur" is
#             similar except that each duration is multiplied by the
#             relevant "contact.p".
# add.factors()  This function adds the specific exposure factors to "pdm".
#               Here, "specific" means taking into account the age, gender,
#               season, and sometimes the exposure medium, for each person.
#               First, "w" is determined, which is the number of general
#               factors plus the product of the number of media-specific
#               factors and the number of surface media.  Air media do not
#               have media specific factors in this version of SHEDS. An
#               array "q" of uniform random samples is generated, one row
#               per person and "w" columns.  A zero matrix "r" is defined,
#               of the same size.
#               The media-specific factors are handled first. Two nested
#               loops over variable and surface type generate the values,
#               which are stored in "r".  Then another loop covers the
#               general factors. The "p" data set contains the age, gender,
#               and season for each person, and the "join by" operation
#               combines them. The actual evaluation is handled by
#               eval.factors(), discussed below.
#               One of the exposure factors is handwash.freq. This was also
#               part of SHEDS-Multimedia, where technically it represented
#               the mean number of hours in the day with hand washing events.
#               An important aspect of that model was that each person was
#               followed longitudinally, and the actual number of hand washes
#               on each day varied from one day to the next. Because of this,
#               the distribution for handwash.freq did not need to be
#               restricted to integer values, as (for example) a mean of 4.5
#               per day is acceptable and achievable, while choosing integer
#               numbets of hand washes each day.  One of the early goals
#               with SHEDS-HT was to attempt to reproduce selected results
#               from SHEDS-Multimedia. Therefore, similar logic was built
#               into the current model. The hand.washes variable is sampled
#               from a distribution centered on handwash.freq, and then
#               rounded to the nearest integer.
#               The "bath" variable is another difficult concept. In theory,
#               baths and showers are recorded on the activity diaries. In
#               practice, the CHAD activity database was constructed from
#               around 20 separate studies, and some of those did not contain
#               enough detail to identify separate bath or shower events. The
#               result is that about half of all diaries record such events,
#               but the true rate in the population is higher.  The bath.p
#               variable was created to address this. It represents the
#               proability that a non bath/shower activity diary should
#               actually have one. Therefore, if the diary has one, then
#               SHEDS automatically has one. Otherwise, a binomial sample
#               using bath.p as the probability is drawn. A bath/shower occurs
#               unless both of these are zero.
#               The effectiveness of hand washes or bath/shower at removing
#               chemical from the skin is determined in post.exposure().
# eval.factors() This function is rather abstract, so it may be hard to follow.
#               The three arguments to eval.factors() are the vector of row
#               numbers (one per person), the vector of random samples, and
#               the list of distributions for the exposure factors. A list
#               "ur" of the unique rows that are actually used is created, to
#               avoid evaluating unused distributions. The FOR loop covers
#               each of these distributions separately. The index "j" is the
#               actual row number on exp.factors (here called "ef"). For
#               example, suppose for a given variable all the values of p$row
#               (here called "r") were 4,5, or 6.  Then the FOR loop is run
#               through 3 times.  All the rows on exp.factors other than
#               4, 5, or 6 are skipped, usually because they apply to other
#               variables.  For j=4, the key line in the code populates all
#               rows of the output vector z for which r=4 with samples from
#               the "distrib" function called with the parameters from row
#               "j" of "ef".  The number of samples returned by distrib
#               is given by the length of the "q" arguments, which is the
#               list of desired quantiles.  Setting this to q[r==j] subsets
#               the vector of quantiles (originally one per person) to a
#               vector of just those for people assigned to row "j" for this
#               exposure factor.  In this case, "distrib" does not generate
#               any randomness, it just applies deterministic transforms to
#               the "q" values.  This is a slow step in SHEDS, and by doing
#               only the required persons and required rows of exp.factors,
#               the program runs faster. An explicit loop over persons and
#               variables would be clearer, but slower, because each call to
#               distrib would return just one value.  For a large run, the
#               current method may return thousands of values per call, which
#               is much more efficient.
# make.cbase    This function extends the "base" data set to include a set
#               of exposure variables specific to the current chemical. At
#               this point, all these new variables are initialized to zero.
# create.scen.factors() This function takes the information on distributions
#                     from the all.scenarios data set (which comes from the
#                     "scenarios" input file) and converts it into the
#                     parameter set needed by SHEDS. At present, these steps
#                     are 1) converting prevalence from a percentage to a
#                     binomial form, 2) converting CV to standard deviation
#                     for normals, and 3) for lognormals, converting mean and
#                     CV to par1 and par2.  Also, some variables are renamed.
#                     Note that "prevalence" in SHEDS becomes a binomial
#                     distribution, which returns a value of either 0 or 1
#                     when evaluated. Each simulated person either "does" or
#                     "does not" partake in this scenario. Similar logic
#                     applies to the "frequency" variable, except that the
#                     returned values may be larger than one (that is, 2 or
#                     more) for very frequent scenarios.  All the exposure
#                     equations contain the "prevalence" variable.  If is set
#                     to one for that person, the exposure is as expected,
#                     but if prevalence=0 then no exposure occurs.
# scen.factor.indices() This function resembles gen.factor.tables(), except that
#                     it applies to scenario-specific factors that come from
#                     the scenarios input file. The difference is that these
#                     factors do not allow seasonal variation, so one of the
#                     loops is missing. Also, these factors are not media-
#                     specific, altough they obviously are scenario-specific,
#                     and most scenarios include just one surface medium.
#                     This function, and eval.sscen.factors() below, are
#                     evaluated separately from the other factors because
#                     these may change with every chemical and scenario (so
#                     they are constantly being updated), whereas the other
#                     factors are evaluated once overall for each person.
# dir.dietary()   This is the first of the specific exposure scenarios, for
#                 the "dietary" pathway, which means chemicals found in foods
#                 (including water and drinks). The data exist in two parts:
#                 one is the food consumption database which has intake in
#                 grams per day, and the other is the scenarios file which
#                 lists the chemical content in certain food groups. It is
#                 critical that the food groups on these two files are
#                 consistent. They do not have to have full overlap because
#                 any food group not mentioned on the scenarios file is
#                 assumed to be free of the chemical in question. Also, if
#                 the chemical is present in an unconsumed food group, no
#                 exposure results.  However, all food groups in common to
#                 both files should be defined similarly.
#                 In this function, "foods" is a list of the names of the
#                 food groups, often two letters in length, but may be up to
#                 seven letters. The FOR loop picks the name of each food
#                 group as a string, and converts it to a variable name. For
#                 example, the food group "FV" may have corresponding
#                 variables residue.FV, zeros.FV, and nonzeros.FV on the
#                 cbase data set. If these variables are not present, no
#                 exposure results.  The variables may be present, but an
#                 individual person may still receive zero exposure because
#                 not all samples of that food are contaminated, as indicated
#                 by the "zeros" value.  THe "nonzeros" value is used to
#                 determine the likelihood of contamination, with the residue
#                 variable determining the amound found (when it is nonzero).
#                 The dietary exposure is the product of the consumption
#                 (in grams) and the residue (in micrograms of chemical per
#                 gram of food), summed over all food groups.  Three other
#                 vectors are returned (dermal exposure, inhalation exposure,
#                 and inhalation dose), but these are currently set to zero
#                 for the dietary pathway. In principle, eating food could
#                 result in dermal exposure (for finger foods), or inhalation
#                 (as foods may have noticeable odors), but these are not
#                 large enough to be of concern at present.
# dir.dermal()     The dermal exposure scenario is relatively straightforward.
#                 The prevalence reflects the fraction of the population who
#                 use this scenario at all. The frequency is the mean number
#                 of times per year this occurs among the "doers".  Since
#                 SHEDS is considering one random day, the frequency is
#                 divided by 365 and then passed to the p.round (probabilistic
#                 rounding) function, which rounds either up or down to the
#                 nearest integer. Very common events may happen more than
#                 once in a day. The "mass" variable refers to the  mass of
#                 the product in grams in a typical usage event. The
#                 composition is the percentage of that mass that is the
#                 chemical in question.  The final variable is "resid", which
#                 measures the fraction that is likely to remain on the skin
#                 when the usage event ends.  The dermal exposure is the
#                 product of the above variables, with units converted to
#                 micrograms by the final factor of 1E6.
# dir.ingested()   This scenario is for accidental ingestion during product
#                 usage. Typical examples are toothpaste, mouthwash, lipstick
#                 or chap stick, and similar products used on the face or
#                 mouth. The variables are generally similar to the dermal
#                 scenario, including prevalence, frequency, mass, and
#                 composition. The distinct variable is "ingested", which is
#                 the precentage of the mass applied that becomes ingested.
#                 Since these products are not intended to be swallowed, this
#                 should typically be quite small (under 5%). The final factor
#                 in the exposure equation is a units conversion from grams
#                 to micrograms.
# dir.inh.aer()     This scenario considers inhalation exposure from the use of
#                 aerosol products. Typicaly examples include hairspray and
#                 spray-on mosquito repellent. The prevalence, frequency,
#                 mass, and composition variables have the same meaning as
#                 for the dir.dermal and dir.ingested scenarios.  Unlike those
#                 scenarios, "exposure" for the inhalation pathway has units
#                 of micrograms per cubic meter, reflecting the average air
#                 concentration of the chemical. An "airconc" variable is
#                 defined using mass, composition, frac.aer, and volume.
#                 Frac.aer is the fraction of the product mass that becomes
#                 aerosolized, and the volume affected by the use is
#                 approximated to allow the calculation of a concentration
#                 or density. Defaults are set in the code if these variables
#                 are missing from the input file. Since "exposure" depends
#                 on the time-averaged concentration, a duration is necessary.
#                 For example, if one spends five minutes in an aerosol cloud
#                 and the rest of the day in clean air, the daily exposure is
#                 the cloud concentration multiplied by 5/1440 (where 1440 is
#                 the number of minutes in a day).
#                 dirinhAer() also calculates the inhaled dose, in units of
#                 micrograms per day. The dose equals the product of exposure
#                 (g/m3), basal ventilation rate (m3/day), the METS factor
#                 (typically people inhale air at an average of 1.75 times
#                 the basal rate to support common daily activities), and a
#                 conversion factor of 1E6 from grams to micrograms.
# dir.inh.vap()     This is another inhalation scenario, but this one is for
#                 vapor. For example, painting will result in the inhalation
#                 of vapor, but it does not involve aerosols (unless it is
#                 spray paint).  For this scenario, the vapor pressure and
#                 the molecular weight are relevant variables for determining
#                 exposure.  These do not have to be entered on the scenarios
#                 file, they are looked up from the chem.props file. That file
#                 reports vapor pressure in Pascals; SHEDS converts it to
#                 atmospheres by dividing by 1E5, and then caps it at one. As
#                 a practical matter, the vapor pressure in an open area will
#                 not exceed one atmosphere.
#                 As indicated in the function itself, "evap" is effectively
#                 an evaporated mass, calculated using the product mass,
#                 composition (converted from percent to a fraction), the
#                 vapor pressure as a surrogate for partial pressure, and
#                 duration of product use.  The duration term is made unitless
#                 by dividing by 5 (minutes), which is an assumed time
#                 constant. The logic is ???
#                 The maximum allowed air concentration is "maxconc", which
#                 is the point at which evaporation ceases (or technically,
#                 is balanced by condensation).  For chemicals used for a
#                 short duration, or with low vapor presssure, this point
#                 might never be reached before usage stops.
#                 Once the effective air concentration is established, the
#                 rest of theis function handles exposure just like the
#                 dir.inh.aer() function.
# down.the.drain.mass()  This may be the simplest of all the current scenarios.
#                     It evaluates the amount of chemical entering the waste
#                     water system, on a per person-day basis.  The "exposure"
#                     is to a system, not a person, but this method uses one
#                     person's actions to estimate their contribution to the
#                     total. The amount is the product of the prevalence, the
#                     frequency (converted to an integer count using the
#                     p.round function), the product mass, the composition
#                     (converted from a percentage to a fraction), and the
#                     fraction going down the drain (also converted from a
#                     percentage).  The result is in grams per person-day.
# indir.exposure()   Indirect exposure happens after a product is no longer
#                   being used or applied, due to chemical lingering on
#                   various surfaces or in the air. People who come along
#                   later may get dermal or inhalation exposure from residual
#                   chemical in the environment.
#                   SHEDS-HT currently has two indirect exposure scenarios.
#                   "INDIR.FUG" applies to a one-time chemical bolus applied
#                   to a house, whereas "INDIR.Y0" applies to continual
#                   releases. Both scenarios consist of two parts: the first
#                   determines the appropriate air and surface concentrations,
#                   That code is in the Fugacity module.  The second part is
#                   the exposure calculation by indor.exposure(). Both types
#                   of indirect exposure scenarios call this function.
#                   The surface and air concentrations from the fugacity code
#                   are premised on the product use actually occurring. Hence,
#                   indir.exposure() starts by multiplying those concentrations
#                   by the prevalence (which is either 0 or 1, evaluated
#                   separately for each person).  The affected media are
#                   assumed to be "inawkair" and "inawksur", so the contact
#                   durations for these media are used in the calculations.
#                   For air, the exposure is the average daily concentration,
#                   which is the event concentration multiplied by the fraction
#                   of the day spent in that event. The inhaled dose is the
#                   product of the exposure, the basal ventilation rate, and
#                   the PAI factor (multiplier for the basal rate). A factor
#                   of 1E6 converts the result from grams per day to micrograms
#                   per day.
#                   Dermal exposure results from skin contact with surfaces.
#                   The surface concentration (ug/cm2) is multiplied by the
#                   fraction available for transfer (avail.f, unitless), the
#                   transfer coefficient (dermal.tc, in cm2/hr), and the
#                   contact duration (hr/day).  The result is the amount of
#                   chemical transferred onto the skin (ug/day).
# post.exposure()  This function resolves the fate of chemical after initial
#                 exposure has occurred.  The same function applies to all
#                 exposure scenarios. The dermal exposure is the most
#                 complicated, as there are five removal methods. All five
#                 are randomly sampled.  While the sum of the five means is
#                 close to one, the sum of five random samples might not be,
#                 so these samples are treated as fractions of their sum.
#                 The cb$bath variable is either 0 or 1, so the bath removal
#                 term is either zero or the sampled bath removal efficiency.
#                 The brushoff term is also simple. The handwashing and hand-
#                 to-mouth transfer terms are non-linear, because higher
#                 frequencies have less chemical available for removal on
#                 each repetition.  The functions in place were fitted to
#                 output from SHEDS-Multimedia, which were summed to daily
#                 totals.
#                 The final removal term is dermal absorption. The base value
#                 is multiplied by the Kp factor from the chemical properties
#                 database, and divided by the value for permethrin, as the
#                 values from SHEDS-Multimedia to scale the other removal
#                 terms were based on a permetrin run.
#                 The five terms are evaluated separately for each person, as
#                 is their sum. Each is then converted to a fraction of the
#                 whole. The fractions may be quite different from one person
#                 to another.  FOr one, perhaps 80% of the dermal loading is
#                 removed by a bath/shower, while for another person it is
#                 0% because they did not take one.  For the latter person,
#                 other four removal terms are (on average) five times larger
#                 than for the former person, because together they account
#                 for 100% of the removal, instead of just 20%.
#                 The rest of the post.exposure function is mostly a matter of
#                 bookkeeping. The hand-to-mouth dermal removal term becomes
#                 an ingestion exposure term. Summing exposures across routes
#                 is dubious, in part because inhalation exposures use
#                 different units from the others, and because much of the
#                 dermal exposure never enters the body, and finally because
#                 summing dermal and ingestion exposures may double-count
#                 the hand-to-mouth term. However, intake dose may be summed.
#                 In SHEDS, "intake dose" is the sum of the inhaled dose
#                 (which is the amount of chemical entering the lungs in
#                 ug/day), the ingestion exposure (which is the amount
#                 entering the GI tract in ug/day), and the dermal absorption
#                 (the amount penetrating into or through the skin, so it
#                 cannot otherwise be removed, in ug/day). The "absorbed dose"
#                 is also calculated: for dermal it is the same as the intake
#                 dose, but for ingestion and inhalation there is another
#                 absorption factor, which was set on the exposure factors
#                 input file. An estimate of the chemical in urine (in ug/day)
#                 is made.  Both the intake dose and the absorbed dose are
#                 reported in both (ug/day) and in (mg/kg/day). Note that the
#                 latter requires the body weights of each individual. These
#                 cannot be obtained from the former just by knowing the
#                 average body weight in SHEDS.
#                 The above variables for each simulated person are written
#                 to the "fexp" object (the name stands for "final exposure").
#                 Each chemical writes over the previous fexp, so the data
#                 must first be summarized and written to an output file.
HumanExposure/SHEDSDevel documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 6:49 p.m.