
if(getRversion() >= "3.5")
#' @import rootSolve graphics stats svDialogs ggplot2 svglite
#' @importFrom grDevices
#' @importFrom grDevices png
# options(warn = 1)
# Merchuk's Equation to fit Binodal Experimental Data
#' @rdname AQSys
#' @name AQSys
#' @description .
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{AQSys.default}}
#' \item \code{\link{AQSys.plot}}
#' \item \code{\link{AQSys.tielines}}
#' \item \code{\link{AQSys.crpt}}
#' \item \code{\link{AQSysOthmer}}
#' \item \code{\link{AQSysBancroft}}
#' }
AQSys <- function(XYdt, ...)
#' @rdname AQSys
#' @title Merchuk's nonlinear Equation
#' @description Perform a nonlinear regression fit using several mathemmatical descriptors in order to determine the
#' equation's parameters.
#' @details The function returns functions parameters after fitting experimental data to the equations listed in AQSysList().
#' @param mathDesc - Character String specifying the nonlinear empirical equation to fit data.
#' The default method uses Merchuk's equation. Other mathematical descriptors can be listed using AQSysList().
#' @param XYdt - Binodal Experimental data that will be used in the nonlinear fit
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments. None are used at present.
#' @method AQSys default
#' @export
#' @return A list containing three data.frame variables with all data parsed from the worksheet and parameters calculated
#' through the available mathematical descriptions.
#' @examples
#' #Populating variable XYdt with binodal data
#' XYdt <- peg4kslt[,1:2]
#' #Fitting XYdt using Merchuk's function
#' AQSys(XYdt)
AQSys.default <- function(XYdt, mathDesc = "merchuk", ...) {
  # each switch option calls a correspondent equation to fit XYdt
  # equations are functions declared in AQSysFormulas.R
    merchuk = {
      ans <- mrchk(XYdt)
    murugesan = {
      ans <- mrgsn(XYdt)
    tello = {
      ans <- tello(XYdt)
    tang = {
      ans <- tang(XYdt)
  # return fitting parameters ans statistical data
#' @rdname AQSys.plot
#' @title Dataset and Fitted Function plot
#' @description The function returns a plot after fitting a dataset to a given equation.
#' @details This version uses the plot function and return a regular bidimensional plot.
#' @method AQSys plot
#' @export AQSys.plot
#' @export
#' @param mathDesc - Character String specifying the nonlinear empirical equation to fit data. The default method uses
#' Merchuk's equation. Other possibilities can be seen in AQSysList().
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments. None are used at present.
#' @param XYdt Binodal Experimental data that will be used in the nonlinear fit
#' @param xlbl Plot's Horizontal axis label.
#' @param ylbl Plot's Vertical axis label.
#' @param main Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param col Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param type Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param cex Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param cexlab Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param cexaxis Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param cexmain Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param cexsub Legacy from plot package. For more details, see \code{\link{plot.default}}
#' @param xmax Maximum value for the Horizontal axis' value
#' @param ymax Maximum value for the Vertical axis' value
#' @param filename A filename chosen by the user to save a given plot
#' @param wdir A directory in which the plot file will be saved
#' @param silent save the file without the user input
#' @param HR Adjust Plot's text to be compatible with High Resolution size [type:Boulean]
#' @param NP Number of points used to build the fitted curve. Default is 100. [type:Integer]
#' @param clwd Plot's axis line width
#' @param save Save the generated plot in the disk using path and filename provided by the user. [type:Boulean]
#' @return A plot containing the experimental data, the correspondent curve for the binodal in study and the curve's raw XY data.
#' @examples
#' #Populating variable XYdt with binodal data
#' XYdt <- peg4kslt[,1:2]
#' #Plot XYdt using Merchuk's function
#' #
#' AQSys.plot(XYdt)
#' #
AQSys.plot <-
  function  (XYdt,
             xlbl = "",
             ylbl = "",
             main = NULL,
             col = "blue",
             type = "p",
             cex = 1,
             cexlab = 1,
             cexaxis = 1,
             cexmain = 1,
             cexsub = 1,
             xmax = "",
             ymax = "",
             HR = FALSE,
             NP = 100,
             mathDesc = "merchuk",
             clwd = NULL,
             filename = NULL,
             wdir = NULL,
             save = FALSE,
             silent = FALSE,
    plot_image = NULL
    if (xlbl == "") {
      xlbl <- names(XYdt)[1]
    if (ylbl == "") {
      ylbl <- names(XYdt)[2]
    names(XYdt) <- c('x', 'y')
    if ((xmax == "") | (xmax > 1) | (xmax < round(max(XYdt[1]) / 0.92, 1))) {
      xmax <- ceiling(round(max(XYdt[1]) / 0.92, 1)/5)*5
    if ((ymax == "") | (ymax > 1) | (ymax < round(max(XYdt[2]) / 0.92, 1))) {
      ymax <- ceiling(round(max(XYdt[2]) / 0.92, 1)/5)*5
    wdir <- saveConfig(save, HR, filename, wdir, silent)
    # Select which model will be used to generate the plot
    models_npars <- AQSysList(TRUE)
    Fn <- ifelse(mathDesc %in% names(models_npars), AQSys.mathDesc(mathDesc), AQSys.err("0"))
    # Select which model will be used to generate the plot
      merchuk = {
        # fit data using chosen equation and get coefficients
        CoefSET <- summary(mrchk(XYdt))$coefficients[, 1]
        # set the equation that will be used to plot the phase diagram
        Fn <- AQSys.mathDesc("merchuk")
      murugesan = {
        # fit data using chosen equation and get coefficients
        CoefSET <- summary(mrgsn(XYdt))$coefficients[, 1]
        # set the equation that will be used to plot the phase diagram
        Fn <- AQSys.mathDesc("murugesan")
      tello = {
        # fit data using chosen equation and get coefficients
        CoefSET <- summary(tello(XYdt))$coefficients[, 1]
        # set the equation that will be used to plot the phase diagram
        Fn <- AQSys.mathDesc("tello")
      tang = {
        # fit data using chosen equation and get coefficients
        CoefSET <- summary(tang(XYdt))$coefficients[, 1]
        # set the equation that will be used to plot the phase diagram
        Fn <- AQSys.mathDesc("tang")
      # if user selects an option not available, it triggers an error (check AQSys.err.R for details)
    #plot phase diagram using experimental data and with previously calculated parameters
    plot_image <-
      ggplot(data = XYdt, aes(x, y)) + geom_point(shape = 8, size = 2) +
      theme_light() + xlab(paste(xlbl, "(%, m/m)")) + ylab(paste(ylbl, "(%, m/m)")) + theme(
        validate = FALSE,
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "cm"),
        text = element_text(size = 16),
        legend.position = "top",
        axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 5),
        axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -2),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(size = .70, colour = "black"),
        panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = .70),
        panel.border = element_rect(size = .5, colour = "white"),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
        axis.line = element_line(colour = 'black', size = 1.25),
        legend.title = element_text(
          colour = "black",
          size = 12,
          face = "bold",
          angle = 0
        legend.text = element_text(
          colour = "black",
          size = 12,
          face = "plain"
      ) +
        expand = c(0, 0),
        limits = c(0.001, ymax),
        breaks = seq(0, ymax, by = 5),
        labels = seq(0, ymax, by = 5)
      ) +
        expand = c(0, 0),
        limits = c(0, xmax),
        breaks = seq(0, ymax, by = xmax / 10),
        labels = seq(0, ymax, by = xmax / 10)
    # add curve generated using regression parameters
    rawdt <- data.frame(XYdt[1], Fn(CoefSET, XYdt[1]))
    names(rawdt) <- c("x", "y")
    plot_image <-
      plot_image + geom_line(
        data = rawdt,
        aes(x = x, y = y),
        color = "red",
        linetype = 2,
        size = 1.1
    if (save == TRUE) {
        filename = wdir,
        plot = plot_image,
        width = 21.14 / 2,
        height = 14.39 / 2
    # make available data from fitted curve to user. Function returns it silently
    # but user can get data using simple assign '<-'
    if (silent == FALSE) {
    } else {
Hutchr/LLSR documentation built on May 31, 2022, 11:56 p.m.