
Defines functions mask_msd

Documented in mask_msd

#' Mask MSD, aka Training Dataset
#' @param msd_filepath full file path to the MSD (PSNUxIM) (.rds)
#' @param psnuuids list of PSNU UIDs to select (n must equal 9) 
#' @param output_folderpath full folder folder path to where you want to save to (default = NULL, ie `msd_filepath` folder)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'   #filepath for MSD (.rds)
#'     msd_filepath <- "~/ICPI/Data/MER_Structured_Dataset_PSNU_IM_FY17-18_20181115_v1_2.rds"
#'   #supply list of PSNU uids to use (must be 9)
#'     psnuuid_list <- c("QlWUt1rBsEo", "GfzVv4oeclF", "PNgOI7VPe98", "TWpkDEvK6si", "aqktQTp0wHa", 
#'                       "XFdvhW8Ga1S", "sVwvt4bYesp", "EJDcY4F1rsj", "nXEQ97b2YHJ")
#'   #generate training dataset
#'     mask_msd(msd_filepath, psnuuid_list) 
#'   #save to a training dataset to a different folder than the MSD folder
#'     mask_msd(msd_filepath, psnuuid_list, "~/Output") 
#'   }

mask_msd <- function(msd_filepath, psnuuids, output_folderpath = NULL){

  #exit if 9 PSNU UIDS are not supplied
    if(length(psnuuids) == 0)   stop("No PSNU UID list supplied")
    if(length(psnuuids) != 9)  stop("Must supply 9 PSNU UIDs.")
  #set seed for sampling to ensure same order ever time
  #change geography data & bind LIST of real PSNUs onto new/masked geography DATA FRAME
    df_mapping <- dplyr::bind_cols(psnuuid = psnuuids, planets_geo)
  #import MSD
    df_mer <- readr::read_rds(msd_filepath)

  #store headers for applying ordering at end
    order <- names(df_mer)
  #keep data only from select PSNUs, bind the masked geography to the real
    df_mw <- dplyr::inner_join(df_mer, df_mapping, by = "psnuuid")
  #remove the mech identifiers
    df_mw <- dplyr::mutate_at(df_mw, dplyr::vars(pre_rgnlztn_hq_mech_code,
                                                 award_number),  ~ as.character(NA))
  #identify the number of mechanisms create masked ones and bind back on, replacing the originals
    mechs <- df_mw %>% 
      dplyr::distinct(mech_code) %>% 
    new_mechs <- seq(1200, 1800,1) %>% #mechanism id can fall between 1200 and 1800
      sample(nrow(mechs)) %>% #sample n number of mech ids based on n of mechanisms
      as.character(.) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(mechs, mech_code_mw = .) %>% #combine masked id with dedup
      dplyr::mutate(mech_code_mw = ifelse(mech_code %in% c("00000", "00001"), 
                                            stringr::str_replace(mech_code, "0000", "000"),
                    mech_code_mw = paste0("0", mech_code_mw)) 
  #add masked partner & mechanism names
    partners <- planets_primepartners %>% 
      dplyr::sample_n(nrow(mechs), replace = TRUE) %>% #sample primeparter and mech names from list
      dplyr::bind_cols(new_mechs, .) %>% #bind onto mechanism list
      dplyr::mutate(primepartner_mw = ifelse(mech_code %in% c("00000", "00001"), "Dedup", primepartner_mw),
                    mech_name_mw = ifelse(mech_code %in% c("00000", "00001"), "Dedup", mech_name_mw))

  #bind mechanism info onto dataset
    df_mw <- dplyr::left_join(df_mw, partners, by = "mech_code")
  #adjust site level if applicable
    df_mw <- mask_sites(df_mw)
  #remove the original hiearchy/partner data and rename the variables and reorder 
    lst_unmaskedvar <- df_mw %>% 
      dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_mw")) %>% 
      names() %>% 
    df_mw <- df_mw %>% 
      dplyr::select(-all_of(lst_unmaskedvar)) %>% 
      dplyr::rename_all(~ stringr::str_remove(., "_mw")) %>% 
  #adjust values, 60% of value & rounding to the nearest 10 and then remove zeros
    df_mw <- df_mw %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.double, ~ 10*ceiling((.*0.60)/10)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.double, ~ ifelse(. == 0, NA, .))

  #remove row with no data
    df_mw <- dplyr::filter_at(df_mw, dplyr::vars(cumulative, targets), dplyr::any_vars(!is.na(.)))
    output_filename <- msd_filepath %>% 
      basename() %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("MER_Structured_Dataset", "MER_Structured_TRAINING_Dataset") %>% 
      stringr::str_replace("rds", "txt")
    if(is.null(output_folderpath)) {
      output_folderpath <- file.path(dirname(msd_filepath), output_filename)
    } else {
      output_folderpath <- file.path(output_folderpath, output_filename)
    readr::write_tsv(df_mw, output_folderpath, na = "")
ICPI/TrainingDataset documentation built on March 21, 2020, 9:22 p.m.