#' Title
#' @param path TODO
#' @param vars TODO
#' @param keep_raw_time TODO
#' @param include_metadata TODO
#' @param boundary TODO
#' @param lon_points TODO
#' @param lat_points TODO
#' @param id_points TODO
#' @param show_requested_points TODO
#' @param great_circle_dist TODO
#' @param id TODO
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples # TODO
multiple_nc_as_data_frame <- function(path, vars, keep_raw_time = TRUE, include_metadata = TRUE, boundary = NULL, lon_points = NULL, lat_points = NULL, id_points = NULL, show_requested_points = TRUE, great_circle_dist = TRUE, id = "id") {
filepaths <- list.files(path = path, pattern="*\\.nc", full.names = TRUE)
filenames <- basename(filepaths)
nc_list <- list()
n_files <- length(filepaths)
pb <- utils::winProgressBar(title = "Reading files", min = 0, max = n_files)
for(i in seq_along(filepaths)) {
nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(filename = filepaths[i])
dat <- nc_as_data_frame(nc = nc, vars = vars, keep_raw_time = keep_raw_time, include_metadata = include_metadata, boundary = boundary, lon_points = lon_points, lat_points = lat_points, id_points = id_points, show_requested_points = show_requested_points, great_circle_dist = great_circle_dist)
nc_list[[length(nc_list) + 1]] <- dat
info <- paste0("Reading file ", i, " of ", n_files, " - ", round(100*i/n_files), "%")
utils::setWinProgressBar(pb, value = i, title = info, label = info)
names(nc_list) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(filenames)
merged_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(nc_list, .id = id)
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