#' Title
#' @param data The data.frame to calculate from.
#' @param station The name of the station column in \code{data}, if the data are for multiple station.
#' @param year The name of the year column in \code{data}.
#' @param month The name of the month column in \code{data}.
#' @param element The name of the column(s) in \code{data} to apply the condition to.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples # TODO
spei_input <- function(data, station, year, month, element) {
if (missing(station)) id_cols <- c(year, month) else id_cols <- c(station, year, month)
# SPEI package assumes data is ordered so must be sorted
data_sort <- data %>% dplyr::arrange(!!! rlang::syms(id_cols))
data <- data_sort
# There should be a better way to check this.
if (!all(data == data_sort, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("data must be sorted by (", paste(id_cols, collapse = ", "), ") for SPEI/SPI to be calculated correctly.")
# Monthly data i.e. one value per month (per station) is required
if (anyDuplicated(data %>% dplyr::select(!!! rlang::syms(id_cols)))) stop("Multiple values per month detected. SPEI/SPI requires monthly data.")
if (!missing(station)) {
for (s in unique(data[[station]])) {
df <- data %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[station]] == s)
dates_seq <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(paste(df[[year]][1], as.numeric(df[[month]][1]), 1), format = "%Y %m %d"),
to = as.Date(paste(utils::tail(df[[year]], 1), utils::tail(as.numeric(df[[month]]), 1), 1), format = "%Y %m %d"),
by = "1 month")
if (length(dates_seq) != nrow(df)) stop("Less rows than expected. data has gaps for missing months in '", s, "'. SPEI/SPI requires no date gaps.")
} else {
dates_seq <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(paste(data[[year]][1], as.numeric(data[[month]][1]), 1), format = "%Y %m %d"),
to = as.Date(paste(utils::tail(data[[year]], 1), utils::tail(as.numeric(data[[month]]), 1), 1), format = "%Y %m %d"),
by = "1 month")
if (length(dates_seq) != nrow(data)) stop("Less rows than expected. data has gaps for missing months. SPEI/SPI requires no date gaps.")
cols <- c(id_cols, element)
start <- c(data[[year]][1], data[[month]][1])
# If multiple stations, needs to be in "wide" format for SPEI
if (!missing(station)) {
ts_data <- tidyr::pivot_wider(data, id_cols = tidyselect::all_of(c(year, month)),
names_from = tidyselect::all_of(station), values_from = tidyselect::all_of(element),
values_fill = NA)
ts_data <- ts_data %>% dplyr::arrange(!!! rlang::syms(c(year, month)))
# Not sure how to do this using dplyr::select
ts_data[id_cols] <- NULL
ts_data <- stats::ts(as.matrix(ts_data), frequency = 12, start = start)
} else {
ts_data <- stats::ts(as.matrix(data[[element]]), frequency = 12, start = start)
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