  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "img/class-1-",
  fig.align = "center"


Your grade is based on a combination of:


There are two types of assignments in the course:

Assignments must be turned in via Github. They must render completely when the Knit button is clicked. This means you will need to load all libraries within the document.

This is a good way to start your Rmarkdown document:


You are welcome and encouraged to work in groups to complete the assignments, with one stipulation: if you work together, tell us who your collaborators were in the assignment.

Grading Rubric

Each assignment problem will be evaluated using the following rubric:

| Topic | Excellent (10) | Satisfactory (8) | Needs work (6) | | --------- | ------------- | ---------------- | -------------- | | Coding Style | ✔️ | | | | Coding strategy | ✔️ | | | | Presentation: graphs | ✔️ | | | | Presentation: tables | ✔️ | | | | Achievement, creativity | ✔️ | | | | Ease of access | ✔️ | | |

Grade: (60 points)

Before you submit, please ensure you also do the following:

# Question 1

Assess the relationship between hp and cyl in `mtcars`.

## Strategy

Plot hp vs cyl and examine.

## Interpretation

There is a linear relationship between hp and cyl.

IDPT7810/practical-data-analysis documentation built on July 8, 2022, 9:32 p.m.