API for IMBEIbioinformatics/BIUMmisc
A collection of functions and scripts commonly used by the BIUM-MZ Core Facility and the Bioinformatics group at the IMBEI

Global functions
BIUMmisc Man page
BIUMmisc-package Man page
BIUMmisc-pkg Man page
count_up_till_death Man page Source code
create_DEresults Man page Source code
create_folder_structure Man page Source code
dds_gencode_to_ensembl Man page Source code
deseq_normcounts_with_info Man page Source code
deseq_tpm_with_info Man page Source code
exportr Man page Source code
fortify_annotations Man page Source code
overview_detected_genes Source code
plot_totcounts Man page Source code
resuset_to_gtl Man page Source code
run_salmon Man page Source code
samplesheet_creator Man page Source code
sepguesser Man page Source code
sessioninfo_extra Man page Source code
IMBEIbioinformatics/BIUMmisc documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:52 p.m.