
Defines functions isError handleErrors WithCallingHandlers mcMap

Documented in mcMap WithCallingHandlers

#' mclapply with error and warning handlers
#' This is a wrapper around \code{parallel::mclapply}. It supports different
#' options for handling errors and warnings on nodes.
#' @param x (vector) a vector to iterate over
#' @param f (function)
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}
#' @param errors (character) one in \code{c("suppress", "log")}
#' @param warnings (character) one in \code{c("suppress", "log", "asError")}
#' @param warningsWhitelist (character) a vector of regular expressions for white-listing
#'   warnings.
#' @param finallyStop (logical) if we want to raise an error if any of the nodes
#'   produced one.
#' @details
#' This implementation has the same limitations as \code{mclapply}: GUIs (like
#'   RStudio) do not handle console output well. As the documentation of
#'   \code{mclapply} already states: this function is not designed for
#'   interactive sessions.
#' The arguments \code{errors} and \code{warnings} control how errors and
#'   warnings are dealt with. When \code{warnings = "asError"} is specified,
#'   warnings are escalated into errors unless they are on the whitelist, which,
#'   by default, is empty.
#' @return Unlike \code{mclapply} not an object of class 'try-error' is
#'   returned, but a \link{simpleError} in case of errors. This is also the case
#'   when warnings are errors.
#' @rdname mcMap
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mcMap(1:2, function(x) if (x == 2) stop("Don't like '2'!") else x)
mcMap <- function(x, f, ...,
                  errors = getErrorsOption(), warnings = getWarningsOption(),
                  warningsWhitelist = getWarningsWhitelist(),
                  finallyStop = FALSE) {
  param <- getOption("warn")
  on.exit(options(warn = param))
  options(warn = 0)
  res <- mclapply(
    x, WithCallingHandlers(f, errors, warnings, warningsWhitelist), ...)
  res <- handleErrors(res, finallyStop)

#' Error and warning handling
#' Compared to \link{withCallingHandlers} here we return a function which will
#' will execute the desired call with modified calling handlers. This exposes
#' the mechanism used in \link[mctools]{mcMap} to be re-used.
#' @inheritParams mcMap
#' @param fun (function) a function
#' @return the function \code{fun} wrapped in calling handlers.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' WithCallingHandlers(function(x) stop("Nooooooo"))()
WithCallingHandlers <- function(fun,
                                errors = getErrorsOption(),
                                warnings = getWarningsOption(),
                                warningsWhitelist = getWarningsWhitelist()) {
  warnHandler <- WarnHandler(warnings, warningsWhitelist)
  errorHandler <- ErrorHandler(errors)
  function(...) {
      error = errorHandler,
        warning = warnHandler,

handleErrors <- function(res, finallyStop) {
  if (finallyStop && any(isError(res))) stop(sprintf(
    "errors/overall: %s/%s", sum(isError(res)), length(res)))
  else res

isError <- function(x) {
  errorTypes <- c("try-error", "simpleError", "error")
  vapply(x, function(x) any(class(x) %in% errorTypes), logical(1))
INWT/mctools documentation built on Sept. 24, 2021, 9:19 p.m.