
Defines functions S2_put_roi

Documented in S2_put_roi

#' Creates new or update existing regions of interest
#' Place/Update roi for processing Sentinel-2 data
#' @param geometry SpatialPoints, SpatialPolygons or path to a shapefile on disk
#' @param regionId character a new or existing region name
#' @param cloudCovMax integer cloud coverage treshold for a given region
#' @param dateMin character, date 'YYYY-MM-DD' beginning of the region's time span
#' @param dateMax character, date 'YYYY-MM-DD' end of the region's time span
#' @param indicators character vector of indicator names to be computed for a
#'   given region (e.g. \code{c("LAI", "FAPAR")})
#' @param srid integer geometry projection SRID (e.g. 4326 for WGS-84)
#' @return object describing the created ROI (as returned by the REST API)
#' @export
S2_put_roi = function(
  regionId    = NULL,
  cloudCovMax = 50,
  indicators  = NULL,
  dateMin     = NULL,
  dateMax     = NULL,
  srid        = 4326
) {
  if (is.null(dateMin) || is.null(dateMax)) {
    stop("Please supply 'dateMin' and 'dateMax' in format 'YYYY-MM-DD")

  if (check_date(dateMin) > check_date(dateMax)) {
    stop("'dateMin' (", dateMin, ") larger than 'dateMax' (", dateMax, ")")

  if (is.null(regionId)) {
      "'regionId' not specified!",
      "\n-> If you want to update an existing 'roi', please supply valid 'regionId'",
      "\n-> If you like to create a new 'regionId' enter desired name"

  geometry  = roi_to_jgeom(geometry)
  body_l    = list(
    cloudCovMax  = cloudCovMax,
    dateMin      = dateMin,
    dateMax      = dateMax,
    geometry     = geometry,
    indicators   = indicators,
    srid         = srid
  body_l   = body_l[!sapply(body_l , is.null)]

  credentials = get_credentials()
  url = httr::modify_url(
    path   = list("user", credentials['user'], "roi", regionId)
  rtrn = httr::PUT(
    url = url, body = body_l,
    encode = 'json',
    config = httr::authenticate(credentials['user'], credentials['password'])

  return(jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(rtrn, as = 'text')))
IVFL-BOKU/sentinel2 documentation built on May 13, 2022, 11:15 p.m.