
#' @title Simple extrapolation of 1D-arrays in invalid/border locations. 
#' @description \code{mHM_extrapolMat} extrapolates matrix values in invalid and border locations, e.g. originating from 
#' meteorological input fields for mHM (netCDF format).
#' @details Runing mHM the first time for some netCDF products (e.g. Spain02, E-OBS) the warning
#' no meteorological input available for whole simulation domain will be printed. 
#' This function extrapolates grids in invalid locations within a radius given by the \code{ext} argument.
#' Extrapolation is performed by a mean value of the surrounding cells of the invalid location.
#' @param data matrix.
#' @param ext radius within grid cells are extended, starting from valid values.
#' @return matrix.
#' @examples
#' # read netcdf file minimum air temperature
#' pkg_path <- path.package("mHMr")
#' tmin_netcdf <- file.path(pkg_path, "data", "tmin.nc")
#' tmin_op <-  RNetCDF::open.nc(tmin_netcdf)
#' tmin <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(tmin_op,"tmin")
#' image(tmin[,,1], zlim = c(2.5,4.5))
#' tmin1 <- mHM_extrapolMat(tmin[,,1], ext=1)
#' image(tmin1, zlim = c(2.5,4.5))
#' tmin2 <- mHM_extrapolMat(tmin[,,1], ext=2)
#' image(tmin2, zlim = c(2.5,4.5))
#' @author Johannes Brenner \email{johannes.brenner@ufz.de}
#' @references
#' @seealso \code{\link[mHMr]{mHM_extrapolNetCDF}}
#' @keywords
#' @export mHM_extrapolMat

mHM_extrapolMat <- function(data, ext)
  for (i in 1:ext)
    # get invalid locations in array
    arrTind <- which(is.na(data), arr.ind = T)
    # if no NA in matrix
    if (length(arrTind) == 0) {
      #print("only valid values in matrix, nothing to do")
    } else { # apply function over these locations by row
      corr <- apply(X = arrTind, MARGIN = 1, function(x, data) {
        # define rows and colums to use for aggregation
        rowsl <- x[1]-1; rowsu <- x[1]+1
        if (rowsl < 1) rowsl <- 1
        if (rowsu > dim(data)[1]) rowsu <- dim(data)[1]
        rows <- (rowsl):(rowsu)
        colsl <- x[2]-1; colsu <- x[2]+1
        if (colsl < 1) colsl <- 1
        if (colsu > dim(data)[2]) colsu <- dim(data)[2]
        cols <- (colsl):(colsu)
        # if there are only NAs within choosen values set new value to NA
        # otherwise take mean value
        if (any(!is.na(data[rows,cols]))) {
          y <- mean(data[rows,cols], na.rm=T)
        } else {
          y <- NA
      }, data=data)
      # update values in data matrix
      for (i in 1:dim(arrTind)[1]) data[arrTind[i,1],arrTind[i,2]] <- corr[i]
  # give back matrix
JBrenn/mHMr documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:39 a.m.