####################### Read in data
data <- "/home/pkharchenko/igor/NC/all_plates/SS2_16_396/counts.tab" # breast
cd <- read.csv(data, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(cd) <- make.unique(cd[,1])
cd <- cd[, 2:ncol(cd)]

####################### GTeX normal expression reference
annot <- read_excel("../data-raw/GTEx_Data_V6_Annotations_SampleAttributesDS.xlsx")
tissue <- annot$SMTSD
names(tissue) <- annot$SAMPID
breast_tissue <- names(tissue[grep('Breast', tissue)])
breast_tissue <- gsub('-', '.', breast_tissue)

gtex <- read.table(gzfile("../data-raw/GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_reads.gct.gz"), sep="\t", skip=2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
rownames(gtex) <- gtex[,1]

gtex_breast <- gtex[, intersect(breast_tissue, colnames(gtex))]

library(biomaRt) ## for gene coordinates
mart.obj <- useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl', host = "jul2015.archive.ensembl.org")
hsapiens.ENSEMBL2HUGO <- function(gene.list) {
    gos <- getBM(gene.list,attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol"),filters=c("ensembl_gene_id"),mart=mart.obj)
    gl <- gos[match(gene.list, gos[,1]), 2]
    ## if not found, then keep ENSEMBL name
    gl[is.na(gl)] <- gene.list[is.na(gl)]

rownames(gtex_breast) <- make.unique(hsapiens.ENSEMBL2HUGO(unlist(lapply(rownames(gtex_breast), function(x) strsplit(x, '[.]')[[1]][1]))))

####################### badger
#devtools::install_github('JEFworks/badger', build_vignettes = FALSE)

## expression-based karyotyping
mat <- log2(cd + 1)
mat.ref <- log2(gtex_breast + 1)
mats <- normalizedExpression(mat, mat.ref)
mat.tot <- cbind(mats[[1]], mats[[2]])
gos <- getBM(values=rownames(mat.tot),attributes=c("hgnc_symbol","chromosome_name","start_position","end_position"),filters=c("hgnc_symbol"), mart=mart.obj)
gos$pos <- (gos$start_position + gos$end_position)/2
tl <- plotExpHeatmap(mat.tot, gos, zlim=c(-0.5,0.5), window.size = 201)

gexp <- mats[[1]]
fits <- mvFit(gexp)
region <- data.frame('chr'=1, start=1e6+500000, end=1e7+500000)
results <- calcGexpCnvProb(region, gexp, fits, 0.15)
results1 <- results[[2]]

## SNP analysis
vcfFile <- "../data-raw/ExAC.r0.3.sites.vep.vcf.gz"

testRanges <- GRanges(1, IRanges(start = 1e6+500000, end=1e7+500000))
param <- ScanVcfParam(which=testRanges)
vcf <- readVcf(vcfFile, "hg19", param=param)

# common snps by MAF
info <- as.data.frame(info(vcf))
maf <- info[, 'AF'] # AF is Integer allele frequency for each Alt allele
print("number of snps with maf > 0.1:")
vi <- sapply(maf, function(x) any(x > 0.1))

# convert to alleleInfo
snpsDf <- as.data.frame(rowRanges(vcf)[vi,])
alleleInfo <- data.frame(
        'contig' = paste0('chr', as.character(snpsDf[,1])),
        'position' = as.numeric(snpsDf[,2]),
        'ref_allele' = as.character(snpsDf$REF),
        'alt_allele' = sapply(snpsDf$ALT, function(i) paste(as.character(i), collapse=',')),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
alleleInfo <- cbind(alleleInfo, 'AF'=maf[vi])

# get rid of non single nucleotide changes
vi <- sapply(alleleInfo$ref_allele, nchar) == 1
alleleInfo <- alleleInfo[vi,]
# also gets rid of sites with multiple alt alleles though...hard to know which is in our patient
vi <- sapply(alleleInfo$alt_allele, nchar) == 1
alleleInfo <- alleleInfo[vi,]

## convert to hg38
ch <- import.chain("../data-raw/hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
ai <- alleleInfo
ai$start <- ai$end <- ai$pos
ai$seqnames <- ai$contig
tx_hg19 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ai) 
tx_hg38 <- liftOver(tx_hg19, ch)

tx_hg38_df <- as.data.frame(tx_hg38)

alleleInfo_hg38 <- cbind(data.frame(
        'contig' = tx_hg38_df$seqnames,
        'position' = tx_hg38_df$start
        alleleInfo[tx_hg38_df$group,c('ref_allele', 'alt_allele')]

## get coverage
path <- '/home/jfan/Projects/Renal/data-raw/SS2_16_396_bam/davidson/rickards/pipeline2016/rnaseq/hsa/SS2_16_396/star_hg38'
files <- list.dirs(path = path)
files <- files[-1]
#f <- files[1]
## cov <- do.call(cbind, lapply(files, function(f) {
##     name <- gsub(path, '', f)
##     print(name)
##     bamFile <- paste0(f, name, '_unique.bam')
##     indexFile <- paste0(f, name, '_unique.bam.bai')
##     if(!file.exists(indexFile)) {
##         command = paste0("samtools index ", bamFile)
##         system(command)
##     }
##     getCoverage(alleleInfo_hg38, bamFile, indexFile)
## }))
## colnames(cov) <- gsub(paste0(path, '/'), '', files)
## head(cov)

## ## any coverage?
## print("Snps with coverage:")
## print(table(rowSums(cov)>0))
## range(rowSums(cov>0))
## vi <- rowSums(cov)>0
## cov <- cov[vi,]

## alleleInfo <- alleleInfo[vi,]
## dim(alleleInfo)

print("Getting allele counts...")
alleleCounts <- lapply(files, function(f) {
    name <- gsub(path, '', f)
    bamFile <- paste0(f, name, '_unique.bam')
    indexFile <- paste0(f, name, '_unique.bam.bai')
    getAlleleCount(alleleInfo_hg38, bamFile, indexFile)
altCounts <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(alleleCounts), function(i) alleleCounts[[i]][[1]]))
refCounts <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(alleleCounts), function(i) alleleCounts[[i]][[2]]))
colnames(altCounts) <- colnames(refCounts) <- gsub(paste0(path, '/'), '', files)

## Now that we have these allele counts, we can plot
r <- altCounts
n.sc <- altCounts+refCounts
l <- rowSums(r>0)
n.bulk <- rowSums(n.sc>0)

## filter for actual evidence of hets
vi <- n.bulk>0
r <- r[vi,]
n.sc <- n.sc[vi,]
l <- l[vi]
n.bulk <- n.bulk[vi]

vi <- l/n.bulk < 0.9 & l/n.bulk > 0.1
r <- r[vi,]
n.sc <- n.sc[vi,]
l <- l[vi]
n.bulk <- n.bulk[vi]

## fix names
rownames(r) <- rownames(n.sc) <- names(l) <- names(n.bulk) <- gsub('chr', '', rownames(r))  

## visualize
clafProfile(r, n.sc, l, n.bulk)

gtfFile <- '~/Resources/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf'
gtf <- read.table(gtfFile, header=F, stringsAsFactors=F, sep='\t')
results2 <- calcAlleleCnvProb(r, n.sc, l, n.bulk, region, gtf)

## Combined method
results <- calcCombCnvProb(r, n.sc, l, n.bulk, region, gtf, gexp, fits, m=0.15)
dd <- results[[length(results)]]
S <- results[1:(length(results)-1)]
results3 <- S * (1 - dd) ## deletion prob
names(results3) <- colnames(r)

plot(results1, results3)
plot(results2, results3)
plot(results1, results2)

JEFworks/badger documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:40 a.m.