module_aglu_LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irr: module_aglu_LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irr

View source: R/zchunk_LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irr.R

module_aglu_LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irrR Documentation



Compute base year generic, rainfed, and irrigated bioenergy crop yields for each GCAM region and GLU.


module_aglu_LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irr(command, ...)



API command to execute


other optional parameters, depending on command


A global average yield is calculated for each GTAP crop. This is then used to calculate a yield Ratio for each iso-GLU-irrigation for each GTAP crop. This ratio and harvested area are then summed across all GTAP crops to the GCAM region-GLU-irrigation level and are used to calculate a YieldIndex for each region-GLU-irrigation. This YieldIndex is then multiplied by a base yield (calculated from USA yields) to get bioenergy yields for each region-GLU-irrigation.


Depends on command: either a vector of required inputs, a vector of output names, or (if command is "MAKE") all the generated outputs: L163.ag_irrBioYield_GJm2_R_GLU, L163.ag_rfdBioYield_GJm2_R_GLU. The corresponding file in the original data system was LB163.bio_Yield_R_GLU_irr.R (aglu level1).


ACS June 2017


Wullschleger, S.D., E.B. Davis, M.E. Borsuk, C.A. Gunderson, and L.R. Lynd. 2010. Biomass production in switchgrass across the United States: database description and determinants of yield. Agronomy Journal 102: 1158-1168. doi:10.2134/agronj2010.0087.

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.