module_emissions_L231.proc_sector: module_emissions_L231.proc_sector

View source: R/zchunk_L231.proc_sector.R

module_emissions_L231.proc_sectorR Documentation



Writes urban & industrial processing sector outputs.


module_emissions_L231.proc_sector(command, ...)



API command to execute


other optional parameters, depending on command


For urban processes and industrial processes, produces global technology coefficients, costs, efficiencies, and shareweights by interpolating assumption file data. For urb & ind. processing subsectors and supplysectors, produces logit, shareweights, and interpolation files by writing assumption file data to all regions. Writes out coefficients and prices for misc emissions sources from assumption file data. Outputs urban processing demand using constants. StubTech mapping file created from assumption mappings. Regional technology calibration values created with constant. Industry input-output coefficient file created.


Depends on command: either a vector of required inputs, a vector of output names, or (if command is "MAKE") all the generated outputs: L231.UnlimitRsrc, L231.UnlimitRsrcPrice, L231.FinalDemand_urb, L231.SectorLogitTables[[ curr_table ]]$data, L231.Supplysector_urb_ind, L231.SubsectorLogitTables[[ curr_table ]]$data, L231.SubsectorLogit_urb_ind, L231.SubsectorShrwt_urb_ind, L231.SubsectorShrwtFllt_urb_ind, L231.SubsectorInterp_urb_ind, L231.SubsectorInterpTo_urb_ind, L231.StubTech_urb_ind, L231.GlobalTechShrwt_urb_ind, L231.GlobalTechEff_urb_ind, L231.GlobalTechCoef_urb_ind, L231.GlobalTechCost_urb_ind, L231.RegionalTechCalValue_urb_ind, L231.IndCoef. The corresponding file in the original data system was L231.proc_sector.R (emissions level2).


RLH July 2017

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.