module_gcamusa_L2247.elecS_tech_costs_USA: module_gcamusa_L2247.elecS_tech_costs_USA

View source: R/zchunk_L2247.elecS_tech_costs_USA.R

module_gcamusa_L2247.elecS_tech_costs_USAR Documentation



Generates add-ons to harmonize reference case generation technology costs for multiple load segments with AEO-2016.


module_gcamusa_L2247.elecS_tech_costs_USA(command, ...)



API command to execute


other optional parameters, depending on command


This chunk creates add-ons to harmonize reference case generation technology costs for multiple load segments with AEO-2016. These assumptions are also consistent with the Base case scenario. For technologies in GCAM that are not listed in the AEO, we simply use the cost assumptions from the global version of GCAM. This chunk also creates add-ons for Advanced Tech scenario for the multiple load segments consistent with the Advanced technology scenario. This chunk also creates add-ons for ITC and PTC policies for multiple load segments technologies.


Depends on command: either a vector of required inputs, a vector of output names, or (if command is "MAKE") all the generated outputs: L2247.GlobalTechCapitalOnly_elecS_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechCapitalOnly_elecS_USA, L2247.GlobalTechCapitalOnly_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechCapitalOnly_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalTechOMfixedOnly_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechOMfixedOnly_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalTechOMvar_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechOMvar_elecS_adv_USA, L2247.GlobalTechFCROnly_elecS_itc_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechFCROnly_elecS_itc_USA, L2247.GlobalTechCost_ptc_USA, L2247.GlobalIntTechCost_ptc_USA. The corresponding file in the original data system was L2247.elecS_tech_costs.R (gcam-usa level2).


RC Sep 2018

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.