module_gcamusa_L254.transportation_USA: module_gcamusa_L254.transportation_USA

View source: R/zchunk_L254.transportation_USA.R

module_gcamusa_L254.transportation_USAR Documentation



Generates GCAM-USA model inputs for transportation sector by states.


module_gcamusa_L254.transportation_USA(command, ...)



API command to execute


other optional parameters, depending on command


This chunk generates input files for transportation sector with generic information for supplysector, subsector and technologies, as well as calibrated inputs and outputs by the US states.


Depends on command: either a vector of required inputs, a vector of output names, or (if command is "MAKE") all the generated outputs: L254.DeleteSupplysector_USAtrn, L254.DeleteFinalDemand_USAtrn, L254.Supplysector_trn_USA, L254.FinalEnergyKeyword_trn_USA, L254.tranSubsectorLogit_USA, L254.tranSubsectorShrwtFllt_USA, L254.tranSubsectorInterp_USA, L254.tranSubsectorSpeed_USA, L254.tranSubsectorSpeed_passthru_USA, L254.tranSubsectorSpeed_noVOTT_USA, L254.tranSubsectorSpeed_nonmotor_USA, L254.tranSubsectorVOTT_USA, L254.tranSubsectorFuelPref_USA, L254.StubTranTech_USA, L254.StubTranTech_passthru_USA, L254.StubTranTech_nonmotor_USA, L254.StubTranTechLoadFactor_USA, L254.StubTranTechCost_USA, L254.StubTranTechCoef_USA, L254.PerCapitaBased_trn_USA, L254.PriceElasticity_trn_USA, L254.IncomeElasticity_trn_USA, L254.StubTranTechCalInput_USA, L254.StubTranTechProd_nonmotor_USA, L254.StubTranTechCalInput_passthru_USA, L254.BaseService_trn_USA. The corresponding file in the original data system was L254.transportation_USA.R (gcam-usa level2).


The transportation structure is heavily nested. The GCAM structure of sector/subsector/technology only allows two levels of nesting within any sector, but a technology of one sector (e.g., trn_pass) can consume the output of another "sector" (e.g., trn_pass_road) that is really just used to represent lower nesting levels of that first, or parent, sector. In the transportation sector, each lower-level nesting "sector" is named by appending a string to the parent sector. So, trn_pass contains trn_pass_road which has trn_pass_road_LDV which has trn_pass_road_LDV_4W. Each of the links between any two of those sectors is done with a pass-through technology within the parent sector that consumes the output of the child sector. The technology is called a "pass-through" because it (generally) only consumes the output of the child "sector" without making any changes to it. There's an additional complication in the transportation sector, that the pass-through technologies are normal, standard GCAM technologies, not "tranTechnologies" which have different parameters read in, and perform a bunch of hard-wired unit conversions between inputs and outputs.


RC Oct 2017

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.