listVariables: List the variables that the system knows how to generate

Description Usage Details


Returns a character vector listing the variables that currently have recipes in the system. The variable names will be printed in canonical form, which means that all letters will be converted to lowercase, and all non-alphanumeric characters will be replaced with _s. Names of variables requested for output by users will similarly be converted to canonical form. Users can take advantage of this to make the variable lists in their input more readable. For example, the variable with canonical name gdp_mer_ can be represented as GDP(MER) in input files.




Processing the data for a variable is done in a function called module.varname, for example, the variable gdp_mer_ is processed in module.gdp_mer_. The documentation for these functions contains a list of the columns in the raw table produced by the function, prior to aggregation or filtering. This information is potentially useful for planning filtering or aggregation operations. The module documentation will also have any notes pertinent to the computation of the data.

JGCRI/gcamrpt documentation built on June 30, 2019, 8:41 a.m.