diffScenarios: Compute a difference between two scenarios

View source: R/wrangledata.R

diffScenariosR Documentation

Compute a difference between two scenarios


This function takes a single query for two scenarios and computes the difference between them for all years in the scenario. Entries that exist in one of the scenarios but not the other will be assigned a NA value in the output.


  scenarios = NULL,
  keycols = "region",
  data2 = NULL,
  aggfun = sum



The input query data. The expected format is described below.


The scenarios to difference from the input data. Order is significant; it determines which scenario will be subtracted, and which will be subtracted from.


Columns by which to aggregate the data. The default is to aggregate by region. If NULL, then don't do any aggregation.


If the two scenarios are in separate data frames, pass the scenario to be subtracted in this argument. In this case, the scenarios argument will be ignored.


Function to use in aggregation. The default is sum.


The input data should consist of a data frame with a scenario column, one or more id columns (region, sector, etc.), and a series of columns containing the data. We assume that any column with numeric data in it is a data column. Any columns other than the key columns and data columns will be dropped as part of the aggregation.

By default, both scenarios are expected to be contained in a single data frame, distinguished by the scenario column. There can be more than two scenarios in the data frame; the scenarios argument will determine which ones actually get used. The scenarios argument also determines the order of the differencing (i.e., scenario1 - scenario2 vs. scenario2 - scenario1.

By default the data is aggregated by region before differencing, but this behavior can be changed with the keycols argument. You can specify one or more key columns to change the aggregation variable, or you can set keycols=NULL to retain all of the input columns and not do any aggregation. Aggregation is by summing, by default, but an alternative aggregation function can be specified in the aggfun argument.

If you happen to have the data for the two scenarios in separate data frames, you can pass the second data frame in the data2 argument. In this case, the scenarios argument will be ignored, and the difference will be computed as data - data2.


Data frame with the difference between the two scenarios. The key columns and year columns will be retained; all other columns (including the scenario column will be dropped.

JGCRI/rgcam documentation built on June 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.