dropScenarios: Remove a scenario from a project data set

View source: R/manageProjectData.R

dropScenariosR Documentation

Remove a scenario from a project data set


This function removes one or more scenarios from a project data set and returns the newly modified data. If this operation is performed on a file, the file is also modified. If it is performed on a data set that has already been loaded, then the change is passed onto the file only if writeback is set to TRUE.


dropScenarios(proj, scenarios, invert = FALSE, writeback = is.character(proj))



Project data or data file name.


Name(s) of the scenario(s) to drop


If TRUE then delete all scenarios except the ones given in scenarios.


If TRUE then write the change into the backing data file.


Technically is is possible to pass a filename for proj with writeback set to FALSE. This usage will cause the data set to be loaded and filtered without modifying the original, albeit in a somewhat nonintuitive way.

JGCRI/rgcam documentation built on June 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.